Planning for Growth in Nowra-Bomaderry
The Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan (NBSP) 2006 identified several new living areas to be released in the Nowra-Bomaderry area over a 25 year period.
These later became Urban Release Areas (URAs) with the commencement of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014.
The Nowra-Bomaderry URAs are recognised in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan as being regionally significant release areas.
Development Phasing Plan
Phase 1 – Mundamia and Worrigee
- Planning phase complete.
- Mundamia DCP adopted by Council on 14 October 2014 and commenced 22 October 2014. Approx. 480 dwellings (NBSP).
- Worrigee DCP was adopted by Council on 1 March 2016 and commenced 5Continue reading
The Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan (NBSP) 2006 identified several new living areas to be released in the Nowra-Bomaderry area over a 25 year period.
These later became Urban Release Areas (URAs) with the commencement of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014.
The Nowra-Bomaderry URAs are recognised in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan as being regionally significant release areas.
Development Phasing Plan
Phase 1 – Mundamia and Worrigee
- Planning phase complete.
- Mundamia DCP adopted by Council on 14 October 2014 and commenced 22 October 2014. Approx. 480 dwellings (NBSP).
- Worrigee DCP was adopted by Council on 1 March 2016 and commenced 5 August 2016 respectively. Approx. 144 dwellings.
Phase 2 – Moss Vale Road South and Moss Vale Road North
- Moss Vale Road South planning complete. The DCP was adopted by Council on 28 August 2018 and commenced on 26 September 2018. Approx. 950 dwellings (Illawarra Shoalhaven Urban Development Update 2016).
- Moss Vale Road North planning is currently underway (expected to be completed in the next 12-18 months). Expected 2,500 - 3,000 dwellings.
Phase 3 – Cabbage Tree Lane
- Land is zoned but no timeframe for planning phase to commence.
- The timing for Phase 3 depends on a number of factors including land availability, provision of infrastructure and demand for land. It will then need to be included in Council’s Strategic Planning Works Program, adopted at the start of each new financial year.
- Approx. 2,180 dwellings (NBSP).
Phase 4 – Crams Road
- Land is zoned but no timeframe for planning phase to commence.
- The timing for Phase 4 depends on a number of factors including land availability, provision of infrastructure and demand for land. It will then need to be included in Council’s Strategic Planning Works Program, adopted at the start of each new financial year.
- Final lot yield to be determined following Warrah Road Planning Proposal.
Current Planning Phase – Moss Vale Road North URA
Before land can be released for development, Council must first prepare and finalise a site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and Contributions Plan (CP) and ensure satisfactory arrangements have been made for State and Public Utility Infrastructure. This is a requirement under Part 6 of Shoalhaven LEP 2014.
Planning for growth in these areas is important because of the increasing demand in the housing market, changing household trends and an ageing population. As a result, there is a strong desire and need to provide greater housing supply and choice in the market.
Through the detailed planning for Moss Vale Road North URA, Council will encourage a range of lot sizes, housing types and densities to ensure that this new living area meets the changing housing needs of the community.
The draft DCP will set out the desired future character for the new living area, taking advantage of its unique landscapes and views and provide access to open space, tree-lined boulevards and enhanced transport networks, including active transport.
The detailed planning for Moss Vale Road North is expected to be completed within the next 12-18 months.
The Moss Vale Road North URA is currently at Stage 7 of below process:
Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (URA) - Update
Share Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (URA) - Update on Facebook Share Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (URA) - Update on Twitter Share Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (URA) - Update on Linkedin Email Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (URA) - Update linkShoalhaven Council is seeking feedback on two draft planning documents proposed to guide the development and delivery of a future new residential area.
The 266-hectare site is located in the new suburb of Badagarang, north of Nowra, and is known as the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area.
It will provide land for between 2,000 and 2,500 new homes, as well as a local shopping centre, parks and supporting road infrastructure, over the next decade.
The draft Development Controls and proposed Local Infrastructure Contributions Framework have now been prepared to complete the initial planning work necessary to guide and enable the development of the new urban release area.
- The draft Development Controls will guide design of subdivisions and dwellings, the street network, protection of the environment as well as management of flooding and bushfire.
- The Local Infrastructure Contribution Framework identifies essential infrastructure and potential ways to fund and deliver it.
Both documents can be found on the right-hand panel under Document Library.
Have Your Say:
The two draft documents are on exhibition from Monday 26 August until Monday 23 September 2024.
To make a submission visit Council's Documents on Exhibition web page.
Far North Collector Road Update
Share Far North Collector Road Update on Facebook Share Far North Collector Road Update on Twitter Share Far North Collector Road Update on Linkedin Email Far North Collector Road Update linkWork on the $32.8M Far North Collector Road network project has progressed well, with the main alignment largely completed and asphalt laid.
Work on the Moss Vale Road Roundabout has been slowed by poor ground conditions requiring extensive foundation improvement. This has pushed the road completion toward the end of 2023.
New Suburb of Badagarang Gazettal
Share New Suburb of Badagarang Gazettal on Facebook Share New Suburb of Badagarang Gazettal on Twitter Share New Suburb of Badagarang Gazettal on Linkedin Email New Suburb of Badagarang Gazettal linkFollowing extensive community consultation, the new suburb name and boundary of Badagarang will be formally gazetted on Friday 24 February 2023.
Badagarang is an Aboriginal word in the local Dharawal language group, meaning Eastern Grey Kangaroo (a Dharawal totem). Listen to the pronunciation of Badagarang here.
Badagarang runs along both sides of Moss Vale Road between Bomaderry and Cambewarra Village. The area, outlined below, is located across the two existing rural localities of Cambewarra and Meroo Meadow.
Council Meeting Outcome - Review of Planning Options - Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang)
Share Council Meeting Outcome - Review of Planning Options - Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) on Facebook Share Council Meeting Outcome - Review of Planning Options - Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) on Twitter Share Council Meeting Outcome - Review of Planning Options - Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) on Linkedin Email Council Meeting Outcome - Review of Planning Options - Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) linkCouncil considered the outcomes of the recent public exhibition of the Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (soon to be renamed Badagarang), at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 5 December 2022.
Council resolved (MIN22.933) to defer the matter and receive a briefing from staff to consider options suggested in a public deputation.
The report considered by Council and its resolution is available for viewing on Council’s Agendas and Minutes web page.
Council will provide further updates as the matter progresses.
NSW Geographical Names Board Outcome
Share NSW Geographical Names Board Outcome on Facebook Share NSW Geographical Names Board Outcome on Twitter Share NSW Geographical Names Board Outcome on Linkedin Email NSW Geographical Names Board Outcome linkThe NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB) considered community feedback on the proposed suburb arrangements (name and boundary) at its September 2022 Board Meeting. At this meeting, the Board resolved to endorse the name of Badagarang for approval.
The GNB have now made a formal recommendation to the NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government for approval of the new suburb arrangements. A further update will be provided once the decision of the Minister is known.
Have Your Say - Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang)
Share Have Your Say - Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) on Facebook Share Have Your Say - Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) on Twitter Share Have Your Say - Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) on Linkedin Email Have Your Say - Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang) linkCouncil is exhibiting the Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang), until Friday, 4 November 2022.
The review considers options for the future of Taylors Lane as part of the realisation of the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (URA) within which it is located, specifically:
- how the existing trees that are considered a feature of the current local landscape can feasibly be retained and successfully integrated into future urban development the existing zones allow
- how the required upgrade of Taylors Lane can still be delivered
- potential changes to planning controls on the adjoining land that may support the long-term retention of the trees.
The review also considers the ongoing appropriateness and potential changes to the existing urban zones at the eastern end of Taylors Lane.
Council initiated the review in June 2020 (MIN20.419) when it resolved to ‘defer’ a decision on the upgrade of the eastern section of Taylors Lane as part of the Far North Collector Road project. Earlier in 2020 Council had exhibited several options for the road upgrade, all of which would impact on the existing trees to varying extents and received objections from the community.
Key documents in the review that has now been undertaken include the initial Options Report (Studio GL) that was considered by Council in September 2021, and a Strategic Options Assessment Report (Stantec) that provides a fuller assessment of the indicative costs, technical feasibility and environment/cultural heritage impacts of the options.
Council is now seeking community feedback on the options before deciding the next steps/actions in this regard.
Interested persons are encouraged to view the review documents and have their say on the potential options. For more information about the exhibition, and how to make a submission, visit Council's Documents on Exhibition web page.
Moss Vale Road Waste Water Infrastructure Update
Share Moss Vale Road Waste Water Infrastructure Update on Facebook Share Moss Vale Road Waste Water Infrastructure Update on Twitter Share Moss Vale Road Waste Water Infrastructure Update on Linkedin Email Moss Vale Road Waste Water Infrastructure Update linkAugust - September 2022 Update
Package 1: Moss Vale Road Southern (MVRS) Urban Release Area URA Wastewater (WW) Infrastructure
- MVRS rising main installed
- MVR Southern URA gravity trunk main installed
- MVRS sewer pump station (SPS) construction and installation commenced
Package 2: Moss Vale Road (MVR) – Sewer Pumping Stations (SPS)
- MVRN SPS access road continued
- MVRN SPS property settlement completed
Package 3: Moss Vale Road (MVR) Urban Release Area (URA) – Pipelines
- MVRS gravity trunk main installation continued
- MVRS rising main installed
- SPS23 rising main diversion continued
- MVRN rising main installation continued
- MVRN rising main highway under bore works commenced.
Images: Waste Water Pipeline and Shorage box
Package 1: Moss Vale Road Southern (MVRS) Urban Release Area URA Wastewater (WW) Infrastructure
Moss Vale Road Water Infrastructure - Update
Share Moss Vale Road Water Infrastructure - Update on Facebook Share Moss Vale Road Water Infrastructure - Update on Twitter Share Moss Vale Road Water Infrastructure - Update on Linkedin Email Moss Vale Road Water Infrastructure - Update linkAugust - September 2022 Update
Package 1: Stage 1 Water Main Lead-in Work (Completed 2021)
- Package 1 works completed 2021.
Package 2: Illaroo Road Water Pumping Station Upgrade
- Detailed design completed June 2022, with procurement activities to follow 2022/2023.
- Pre-work vegetation removal undertaken
- Power supply works undertaken.
Package 3: Stage 2 Water Mains (new and upgrades)
- Detailed design completed April 2022, with procurement activities to follow 2022/2023.
Package 4: New Water Reservoir Cambewarra
- Detailed design completed March 2022, with procurement activities currently in progress.
Image: Water Pipeline
Package 1: Stage 1 Water Main Lead-in Work (Completed 2021)
Update on Proposed Suburb Arrangements for Moss Vale Release Areas
Share Update on Proposed Suburb Arrangements for Moss Vale Release Areas on Facebook Share Update on Proposed Suburb Arrangements for Moss Vale Release Areas on Twitter Share Update on Proposed Suburb Arrangements for Moss Vale Release Areas on Linkedin Email Update on Proposed Suburb Arrangements for Moss Vale Release Areas linkThe NSW Geographical Names Board closed its public consultation on proposed suburb arrangements (name and boundary) on 1 July 2022. The Board is now considering the submissions received and plans to determine the matter at its meeting in September 2022.
An update on the proposed suburb arrangements will be provided to Council at its 22 August 2022 Ordinary Meeting. A copy of the report to Council is available on Council’s website. The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Building. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Members of the public can also watch these meetings live stream through Council's website.
Should you wish to make a deputation, please submit an application via the online deputation form on Council’s website or contact Council’s Governance Team on 1300 293 111.
Moss Vale North Urban Release Area Planning Documents on Public Exhibition
Share Moss Vale North Urban Release Area Planning Documents on Public Exhibition on Facebook Share Moss Vale North Urban Release Area Planning Documents on Public Exhibition on Twitter Share Moss Vale North Urban Release Area Planning Documents on Public Exhibition on Linkedin Email Moss Vale North Urban Release Area Planning Documents on Public Exhibition linkPlanning is underway to deliver a future residential area in the Nowra-Bomaderry area; known as the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area. This area was identified for urban development in 2008 and will provide land for between 2000 to 2500 new homes, a local shopping centre, and open space. The future community will be supported with a range of infrastructure including parks and roads.
The planning documents, guiding the future development of the release area, have been prepared and are now being exhibited for the community’s information and feedback.
These include:
- A Planning Proposal recommending changes to existing land use zones and planning controls, such as minimum lot sizes, building heights, and the location of smaller lots.
- Draft Development Controls for the design of the future subdivision and dwellings, the layout of the local centre, the street network, and the management of environmental areas. These are proposed to be added as a new chapter in Council’s City-wide Development Control Plan.
The planning documents, and a range of background and supporting information, are on exhibition until Friday, 1 July 2022. For more information about the exhibition, and how to make a submission, visit Council's Documents on Exhibition web page.
Follow Project
Document Library
Options Report (Studio GL)
Strategic Options Assessments Report (Stantec)
Review of Planning Controls and Options for Taylors Lane
Moss Vale Road North Landowners Presentation - 9 July 2021
Nowra-Bomaderry Structure Plan
Urban Release Area Map - Moss Vale Road
Land Zoning Map - Moss Vale Road
Presentation Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (1.9 MB) (pdf)
Indicative Layout Plan - Moss Vale Road South Urban Area Release (3.77 MB) (JPG)
Draft DCP Chapter - Attachment 1 Chapter NB4 MVRN URA
Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area - Attachment 2 Proposed Local Infrastructure Contributions Framework - 29 July 24
Integrated Water Cycle Assessment for Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (March 2022)
Abernethys Creek Flood Impact Assessment supporting Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (April 2024)
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