Planning for Growth in Nowra-Bomaderry
The Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan (NBSP) 2006 identified several new living areas to be released in the Nowra-Bomaderry area over a 25 year period.
These later became Urban Release Areas (URAs) with the commencement of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014.
The Nowra-Bomaderry URAs are recognised in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan as being regionally significant release areas.
Development Phasing Plan
Phase 1 – Mundamia and Worrigee
- Planning phase complete.
- Mundamia DCP adopted by Council on 14 October 2014 and commenced 22 October 2014. Approx. 480 dwellings (NBSP).
- Worrigee DCP was adopted by Council on 1 March 2016 and commenced 5Continue reading
The Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan (NBSP) 2006 identified several new living areas to be released in the Nowra-Bomaderry area over a 25 year period.
These later became Urban Release Areas (URAs) with the commencement of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014.
The Nowra-Bomaderry URAs are recognised in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan as being regionally significant release areas.
Development Phasing Plan
Phase 1 – Mundamia and Worrigee
- Planning phase complete.
- Mundamia DCP adopted by Council on 14 October 2014 and commenced 22 October 2014. Approx. 480 dwellings (NBSP).
- Worrigee DCP was adopted by Council on 1 March 2016 and commenced 5 August 2016 respectively. Approx. 144 dwellings.
Phase 2 – Moss Vale Road South and Moss Vale Road North
- Moss Vale Road South planning complete. The DCP was adopted by Council on 28 August 2018 and commenced on 26 September 2018. Approx. 950 dwellings (Illawarra Shoalhaven Urban Development Update 2016).
- Moss Vale Road North planning is currently underway (expected to be completed in the next 12-18 months). Expected 2,500 - 3,000 dwellings.
Phase 3 – Cabbage Tree Lane
- Land is zoned but no timeframe for planning phase to commence.
- The timing for Phase 3 depends on a number of factors including land availability, provision of infrastructure and demand for land. It will then need to be included in Council’s Strategic Planning Works Program, adopted at the start of each new financial year.
- Approx. 2,180 dwellings (NBSP).
Phase 4 – Crams Road
- Land is zoned but no timeframe for planning phase to commence.
- The timing for Phase 4 depends on a number of factors including land availability, provision of infrastructure and demand for land. It will then need to be included in Council’s Strategic Planning Works Program, adopted at the start of each new financial year.
- Final lot yield to be determined following Warrah Road Planning Proposal.
Current Planning Phase – Moss Vale Road North URA
Before land can be released for development, Council must first prepare and finalise a site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and Contributions Plan (CP) and ensure satisfactory arrangements have been made for State and Public Utility Infrastructure. This is a requirement under Part 6 of Shoalhaven LEP 2014.
Planning for growth in these areas is important because of the increasing demand in the housing market, changing household trends and an ageing population. As a result, there is a strong desire and need to provide greater housing supply and choice in the market.
Through the detailed planning for Moss Vale Road North URA, Council will encourage a range of lot sizes, housing types and densities to ensure that this new living area meets the changing housing needs of the community.
The draft DCP will set out the desired future character for the new living area, taking advantage of its unique landscapes and views and provide access to open space, tree-lined boulevards and enhanced transport networks, including active transport.
The detailed planning for Moss Vale Road North is expected to be completed within the next 12-18 months.
The Moss Vale Road North URA is currently at Stage 7 of below process:
Outcome of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014
Share Outcome of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Facebook Share Outcome of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Twitter Share Outcome of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Linkedin Email Outcome of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 linkOn Tuesday 1 December 2020 Council’s Development and Environment Committee considered a report on a Planning Proposal (PP) to amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014. It was resolved (MIN20.886) that Council:
- Adopt and finalise Planning Proposal (PP055) as exhibited.
- Forward PP055 to the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office to draft the amendment to Shoalhaven LEP 2014.
- Make the resulting amendment to Shoalhaven LEP 2014 using Council’s delegation.
- Adopt and finalise the amendment to Shoalhaven DCP 2014 Chapter NB3: Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area as exhibited and give the required public notice advising of its commencement date.
- Advise all affected and adjoining landowners, the Cambewarra Residents and Ratepayers Association and development industry representatives of this decision, and when the LEP and DCP amendments will be made effective.
The full report, considered by the Committee, it is available on Council’s Agenda and Minutes web page.
Advice of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014
Share Advice of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Facebook Share Advice of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Twitter Share Advice of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Linkedin Email Advice of Council Meeting – Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 linkThe exhibition outcomes report for the Planning Proposal (PP) to amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 is anticipated to be considered at Council’s Development and Environment Committee on Tuesday 1 December 2020. A copy of the PP and supporting documentation is available on the Documents on Exhibition web page.
A copy of the report will be available on Council's Agendas and Minutes web page.
The meeting will be live-streamed online, commencing at 5pm. Information about accessing the live stream can be found on the Stream a Council Meeting web page.
Information about making a deputation can be found on the Deputations web page or directed to the Governance Team on (02) 4429 3316.
Outcome of October 2020 Council Meeting
Share Outcome of October 2020 Council Meeting on Facebook Share Outcome of October 2020 Council Meeting on Twitter Share Outcome of October 2020 Council Meeting on Linkedin Email Outcome of October 2020 Council Meeting linkOn Tuesday 6 October 2020 Council’s Development & Environment Committee considered a report on the progress of planning for the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area where it was resolved (MIN20.712) that Council:
1. Endorse the preparation of a Planning Proposal to amend the provisions and mapping in Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 relating to the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area as outlined in Table 2 of this report.
2. That the Planning Proposal initially identify both options (Council one and relevant landowner one) for the proposed ‘local centre’ and associated zones/provisions, noting that Council will engage an independent report post Gateway from an agreed consultancy to assess both options to identify the optimal location for the commercial/retail centre that will be included in the Planning Proposal before exhibition.
3. Submit the Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for a Gateway determination.
4. Adopt the proposed Indicative Layout Plan provided as Figure 1 as the basis for developing detailed Development Control Plan Chapter and a development contributions framework for the release area.
5. Not proceed with an application for strategic Biodiversity Certification of the release area and continue to consider opportunities for managed biodiversity outcomes.
6. Receive a further report on the outcomes of the Gateway determination, draft Development Control Plan Chapters, development contribution framework, and various other planning matters relating to the delivery of the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area.
Should you wish to review the full report considered by the Committee, it is available on Council’s website at
Notification of Council Meeting – Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area – Progressing Planning for Release
Share Notification of Council Meeting – Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area – Progressing Planning for Release on Facebook Share Notification of Council Meeting – Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area – Progressing Planning for Release on Twitter Share Notification of Council Meeting – Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area – Progressing Planning for Release on Linkedin Email Notification of Council Meeting – Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area – Progressing Planning for Release linkA report on the progress of planning for the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area is anticipated to be considered at Council’s Development and Environment Committee on Tuesday 6 October 2020.
A copy of the report will be available on Council’s website.
The meeting will be live streamed online, commencing at 5pm. Information about accessing the live stream can be found on the Stream a Council Meeting web page.
Information about making a deputation can be found on the Deputations web page or directed to the Governance Team on (02) 4429 3316.
Outcome of Council Meeting – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan
Share Outcome of Council Meeting – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan on Facebook Share Outcome of Council Meeting – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan on Twitter Share Outcome of Council Meeting – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan on Linkedin Email Outcome of Council Meeting – Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan linkOn Monday 20 July 2020 Council’s Development and Environment Committee considered a report regarding a proposed Planning Proposal to amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 where it was resolved (MIN20.473):
That Council:
1. Endorse the preparation of a draft Planning Proposal to amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven LEP 2014 as detailed in this report.
2. Forward the Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for an initial Gateway determination.
3. Subject to a favourable Gateway determination, proceed to publicly exhibit the Planning Proposal for community comment in accordance with the determination.
4. Receive a subsequent report on the outcome of the public exhibition and to enable the Planning Proposal to be finalised.
5. Prepare a draft amendment to Shoalhaven DCP 2014 Chapter NB3: Moss Vale Road South URA to update the relevant sections in accordance with the amended Clause 4.1H provisions and exhibit the draft amendment with the Planning Proposal.
6. Advise all affected and adjoining landowners, the Cambewarra Residents and Ratepayers Association and development industry representatives of this resolution.
A copy of the Council report and minutes from the meeting are available on the Shoalhaven City Council website.
Advice of Council Meeting – Proposed Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014
Share Advice of Council Meeting – Proposed Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Facebook Share Advice of Council Meeting – Proposed Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Twitter Share Advice of Council Meeting – Proposed Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 on Linkedin Email Advice of Council Meeting – Proposed Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 linkA report regarding a proposed Planning Proposal (PP) to amend Clause 4.1H of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 will be considered at Council’s Development and Environment Committee Meeting on Monday, 20 July 2020.
Clause 4.1H currently enables small lots (being lots from 300sqm to 500sqm in size) to be considered in certain high amenity locations in the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (URA). Council’s consideration of recent development applications for subdivision in the URA has identified that the clause requires adjustment to enable it to operate as intended/expected. It is also proposed to make Clause 4.1H generic so that it can be applied to other URAs as desired and where appropriate, once those URAs are ‘released’ for development.
A copy of the report will be available for viewing on Council’s website before the meeting on Council's Agendas and Minutes web page. (External link): ).
The meeting will be live streamed online, commencing at 5pm. Information about accessing the live stream can be found on the Council Meetings web page.
Any enquiries on making representations to the Meeting should be:
- submitted online
- directed to Council’s Executive Support Manager on (02) 4429 3264.
If you need further information about this matter, please contact Ryan Jameson, Coordinator – Local Planning Team at Shoalhaven City Council on 0407 856 422.
Outcome of Development and Environment Committee Meeting - Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra
Share Outcome of Development and Environment Committee Meeting - Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra on Facebook Share Outcome of Development and Environment Committee Meeting - Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra on Twitter Share Outcome of Development and Environment Committee Meeting - Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra on Linkedin Email Outcome of Development and Environment Committee Meeting - Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra linkA riparian lands study and revised rezoning proposal for Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane Cambewarra, were considered at Council’s Development and Environment Committee Meeting on Tuesday 2 June 2020.
At the meeting it was resolved that Council (MIN20.387):
1. Prepare a Planning Proposal for part of Lot 1 DP 949932, Taylors Lane, Cambewarra, to:
a. Rezone part of an existing riparian area from E2 Environmental Conservation to R1 General Residential (based on the Proponent’s revised rezoning proposal at Figure 4)
b. Amend the classification and extent of the watercourse on the Riparian Lands and Watercourses Map
c. Apply a 500m2 minimum lot size and the provisions of Clause 4.1H to the rezoned land
d. Extend the Moss Vale Road South URA boundary to include the rezoned land.
2. Forward the Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for a Gateway determination.
3. Proceed to place the Planning Proposal on public exhibition and invite community feedback in accordance with the Gateway Determination.
4. Receive a subsequent report on the outcome of the public exhibition period and to enable the Planning Proposal to be finalised.
5. Prepare a draft amendment to Shoalhaven Development Control Plan 2014 Chapter NB3 - Moss Vale Road South URA and the MVRS Integrated Water Cycle Assessment to include the land in the indicative layout plan and other relevant sections and exhibit the draft amendments with the Planning Proposal.
6. Prepare a draft amendment to Shoalhaven Contributions Plan 2019 to include the land in the catchment areas for the following infrastructure projects and exhibit the draft amendment with the Planning Proposal:
a. 01DRAI0006 Moss Vale Road South URA Drainage
b. 01OREC0015 Moss Vale Road South URA Passive Recreation
c. 01ROAD0154 Moss Vale Road South URA Roads
7. Advise the Proponent, affected and adjoining landowners, the Cambewarra Residents and Ratepayers Association and those who previously made a submission, of this resolution.
A copy of the report and minutes from the meeting are available on the Council Agendas and Minutes web page.
The adopted Planning Proposal will now be forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment with a request for a Gateway determination to allow the Planning Proposal to advance to the next stage.
If you need further information about this matter, please contact Ryan Jameson, Coordinator – Local Planning Team at Shoalhaven City Council on 0407 856 422. Please quote Council’s reference 60737E.
Advice of Council Resolution – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area
Share Advice of Council Resolution – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area on Facebook Share Advice of Council Resolution – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area on Twitter Share Advice of Council Resolution – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area on Linkedin Email Advice of Council Resolution – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area linkOn Tuesday 26 May Council considered a report regarding the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area where it was resolved (MIN20.376):
That Council receive this update on the preparation of planning documents to guide the future delivery of the Moss Vale Road North Release Area.
A copy of the Council report and minutes from the meeting are available at on the Shoalhaven City Council website.
Advice of Council Meeting – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area
Share Advice of Council Meeting – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area on Facebook Share Advice of Council Meeting – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area on Twitter Share Advice of Council Meeting – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area on Linkedin Email Advice of Council Meeting – Update on Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area linkA report regarding the Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area is scheduled to be considered at Council’s Ordinary Meeting of Tuesday, 26 May 2020.
The purpose of the report is to provide an update on the preparation of the detailed planning documents that are required to ‘release’ and guide the future development of land in the new Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area. The report also summarises current activity to deliver road, water and wastewater infrastructure to support the delivery of both the Moss Vale Road South and North Urban Rural Areas.
A copy of the report available on Council’s website.
The meeting will be live streamed online, commencing at 5pm. Information about accessing the live stream can be found on the Council Meetings webpage.
Any enquiries on making representations to the Meeting should be:
- submitted online
- directed to Council’s Executive Support Manager on (02) 4429 3264.
Update – Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra
Share Update – Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra on Facebook Share Update – Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra on Twitter Share Update – Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra on Linkedin Email Update – Proponent Initiated Planning Proposal – Lot 1 DP 949932 Taylors Lane, Cambewarra linkFollowing Council’s consideration of this Planning Proposal (PP) request at the Development and Environment Committee Meeting on Tuesday 2 September 2019, Council commissioned consultants Niche Environment and Heritage to undertake an independent study of the riparian land subject to the PP request.
The Riparian Lands Study has been finalised and can be viewed online. The proponent for the PP request has submitted a revised rezoning proposal in response to the riparian lands study. The riparian lands study and revised rezoning proposal is expected to be reported to Council’s 2 June 2020 Development and Environment Committee Meeting for consideration.
Further details about the meeting, and how to view the report, will be issued in due course.
If you need further information about this matter, please contact Ryan Jameson, Coordinator – Local Planning Team at Shoalhaven City Council on 0407 856 422. Please quote Council’s reference 60737E.
Follow Project
Document Library
Options Report (Studio GL)
Strategic Options Assessments Report (Stantec)
Review of Planning Controls and Options for Taylors Lane
Moss Vale Road North Landowners Presentation - 9 July 2021
Nowra-Bomaderry Structure Plan
Urban Release Area Map - Moss Vale Road
Land Zoning Map - Moss Vale Road
Presentation Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (1.9 MB) (pdf)
Indicative Layout Plan - Moss Vale Road South Urban Area Release (3.77 MB) (JPG)
Draft DCP Chapter - Attachment 1 Chapter NB4 MVRN URA
Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area - Attachment 2 Proposed Local Infrastructure Contributions Framework - 29 July 24
Integrated Water Cycle Assessment for Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (March 2022)
Abernethys Creek Flood Impact Assessment supporting Moss Vale Road North Urban Release Area (April 2024)
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