Planning for Growth in Nowra-Bomaderry

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The Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan (NBSP) 2006 identified several new living areas to be released in the Nowra-Bomaderry area over a 25 year period.

These later became Urban Release Areas (URAs) with the commencement of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014.

The Nowra-Bomaderry URAs are recognised in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan as being regionally significant release areas.

Development Phasing Plan

Phase 1 – Mundamia and Worrigee

  • Planning phase complete.
  • Mundamia DCP adopted by Council on 14 October 2014 and commenced 22 October 2014. Approx. 480 dwellings (NBSP).
  • Worrigee DCP was adopted by Council on 1 March 2016 and commenced 5

The Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan (NBSP) 2006 identified several new living areas to be released in the Nowra-Bomaderry area over a 25 year period.

These later became Urban Release Areas (URAs) with the commencement of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014.

The Nowra-Bomaderry URAs are recognised in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Regional Plan as being regionally significant release areas.

Development Phasing Plan

Phase 1 – Mundamia and Worrigee

  • Planning phase complete.
  • Mundamia DCP adopted by Council on 14 October 2014 and commenced 22 October 2014. Approx. 480 dwellings (NBSP).
  • Worrigee DCP was adopted by Council on 1 March 2016 and commenced 5 August 2016 respectively. Approx. 144 dwellings.

Phase 2 – Moss Vale Road South and Moss Vale Road North

  • Moss Vale Road South planning complete. The DCP was adopted by Council on 28 August 2018 and commenced on 26 September 2018. Approx. 950 dwellings (Illawarra Shoalhaven Urban Development Update 2016).
  • Moss Vale Road North planning is currently underway (expected to be completed in the next 12-18 months). Expected 2,500 - 3,000 dwellings.

Phase 3 – Cabbage Tree Lane

  • Land is zoned but no timeframe for planning phase to commence.
  • The timing for Phase 3 depends on a number of factors including land availability, provision of infrastructure and demand for land. It will then need to be included in Council’s Strategic Planning Works Program, adopted at the start of each new financial year.
  • Approx. 2,180 dwellings (NBSP).

Phase 4 – Crams Road

  • Land is zoned but no timeframe for planning phase to commence.
  • The timing for Phase 4 depends on a number of factors including land availability, provision of infrastructure and demand for land. It will then need to be included in Council’s Strategic Planning Works Program, adopted at the start of each new financial year.
  • Final lot yield to be determined following Warrah Road Planning Proposal.

Current Planning Phase – Moss Vale Road North URA

Before land can be released for development, Council must first prepare and finalise a site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and Contributions Plan (CP) and ensure satisfactory arrangements have been made for State and Public Utility Infrastructure. This is a requirement under Part 6 of Shoalhaven LEP 2014.

Planning for growth in these areas is important because of the increasing demand in the housing market, changing household trends and an ageing population. As a result, there is a strong desire and need to provide greater housing supply and choice in the market.

Through the detailed planning for Moss Vale Road North URA, Council will encourage a range of lot sizes, housing types and densities to ensure that this new living area meets the changing housing needs of the community.

The draft DCP will set out the desired future character for the new living area, taking advantage of its unique landscapes and views and provide access to open space, tree-lined boulevards and enhanced transport networks, including active transport.

The detailed planning for Moss Vale Road North is expected to be completed within the next 12-18 months.

The Moss Vale Road North URA is currently at Stage 7 of below process:

  • Project Update

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    11 December 2018

    Amendment No. 20 to Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 was notified on the NSW Legislation website on Friday 30 November 2018.

    The LEP amendment introduces an exception to the minimum lot size of 500m2 that will allow for lots as small as 300m2 in certain high amenity locations in the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (URA). The provisions in the LEP include a new Clause 4.1H and a Development Area (DEA) Map that identifies the public open space areas and tree-lined boulevards within the clause area. The LEP amendment is consistent with the Indicative Layout Plan and controls in Chapter NB3: Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area Shoalhaven DCP 2014.

    This amendment completes Council’s planning for the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (URA) and the focus is now on delivering critical infrastructure in the URA to support future residential development.

    Low Cost Loan Initiative

    In other news, Council along with Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast and Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP announced in mid-November funding for the Moss Vale Road URA to kick-start essential infrastructure.

    Council has committed to funding the upfront costs for the acquisition of land for the purpose of Public Open Space in the URA by using loan funds of $6.37 million with a 50% discounted interest rate through the Low Cost Loan Initiative (LCLI). Read more...

  • Low Cost Loan Initiative to provide boost for Council and Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area

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    13 November 2018


    Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley and Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast and Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP today announced funding for the Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area to kick-start essential infrastructure for one of the Shoalhaven’s newest communities.

    Shoalhaven City Council has committed to funding the upfront costs for the acquisition of land for the purpose of Public Open Space in the URA by using loan funds of $6.37 million with a 50% discounted interest rate through the Low Cost Loan Initiative (LCLI).

    Mayor Amanda Findley said the NSW Government funding would be used to provide vital infrastructure for a great new community that would boost housing affordability in the Shoalhaven.

    “The Moss Vale Road URAs are vital for planning for the growth of our region and play an important role in easing the increasing demand in the housing marketing, changing household trends and a growing ageing population,” Clr Findley said.

    “This area was recognised in Council’s Nowra-Bomaderry Structure Plan 2006 which identified 9 new living areas, that will be released in six stages over a 25-year period.

    “With NSW Funding like this Council can provide 9.4 hectares of open space allowing the community to have parklands and green spaces established at the same time or before development starts. The Indicative Layout Plan includes tree-lined boulevards and active transport to encourage healthy living.”

    “The early delivery of infrastructure has the potential to accelerate the release of land by reducing costs to developers and potentially future buyers and allows the establishment of quality open space areas in conjunction with the release of land, not after release, which is generally the case. This allows Council to set the outcome for development early.”

    “I commend Gareth Ward, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, NSW Treasury Corporate and the Office of Local Government for initiatives like the Low-Cost Loans Initiative,” the Mayor concluded.

    Parliamentary Secretary for the South Coast and Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP said: “I am very pleased to have secured this result for the Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area under the NSW Government’s Low Cost Loan Initiative – this $576,659 funding will provide a real boost for this vital planning for future growth,” he said.

    “I would like to thank Mayor Amanda Findley for working with me to secure this positive outcome for our community.

    “I have previously made direct representations to Shoalhaven City Council requesting early acquisition of land on the basis that the private land is substantially affected by future acquisition for open space,” Mr Ward said.

    Key Facts about Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area:

    Estimated up to 840 lots of various sizes.

    • Early delivery of infrastructure has the potential to accelerate the release of land by reducing costs to developers and potentially future buyers and allows the establishment of quality open space areas in conjunction with the release of land, not after which is generally often the case. Allows Council to set the outcome for development early.
    • The area is identified in Council’s Development Control Plan (DCP) and Contributions Plan (CP) for the URA. The cost of the infrastructure will be recouped through development contributions levied on development in the URA.
    • Council listened to concerns raised by the community and received from the Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward requesting early acquisition of land on the basis that the private land is substantially affected by future acquisition for open space.
  • Commencement of Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area Development Control Plan and Contributions Plan

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    The Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area Development Control Plan (DCP) and Contributions Plan (CP) commenced on Wednesday 26 September 2018.

    The new DCP Chapter is available on Council’s DCP website at

    The CP amendment is available at

  • Adoption of Moss Vale Road South Planning Package

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    On Tuesday 28 August 2018, Council adopted the final Planning Package for Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area. The adopted Planning Package includes:
    • Amendment No. 19 to Shoalhaven Development Control Plan (DCP) 2014 – Chapter NB3: Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area
    • Amendment No. 9 to Shoalhaven Contributions Plan 2010
    • Planning Proposal (PP024) – exception to the minimum lot size within the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area

    A copy of the Council resolution is available via Council's website.

    A copy of the report considered by the Committee is also available on Council's website.

    The adopted Planning Proposal will now be forwarded to NSW Parliamentary Counsel to request that a draft Amendment to Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (SLEP) 2014 be prepared.

    Amendment No. 19 to Shoalhaven DCP 2014 – Chapter NB3: Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area and Amendment No. 9 to Shoalhaven Contributions Plan 2010 will be notified for commencement in late September/early October 2018.

    A further update will be provided once the plans are notified for commencement and when they are available online.

  • Moss Vale Road South on Track for the Next Phase

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    Shoalhaven City Council adopted detailed planning controls for Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area at the last Ordinary Meeting on 28 August 2018.

    This is a significant milestone for the next growth phase in Nowra-Bomaderry’s development as a key regional centre on the South Coast.

    The Urban Release Area is one of six new living areas originally identified in the Nowra-Bomaderry Structure Plan and was zoned for new residential development when the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 commenced. The Local Environmental Plan requires that more detailed planning controls and infrastructure requirements are put in place prior to the land being released for actual development.

    Planning for growth in new areas such as Moss Vale Road South is important due to the increasing demand in the housing market, changing household trends and an ageing population. This new area will provide greater housing supply and choice in the market.

    Through the detailed planning of each growth area, Council will encourage a range of lot sizes, housing types and densities to ensure that these new living developments meet the changing housing needs of the community.

    The new planning controls will commence shortly and enable the land to be released and subdivided, for up to an estimated 840 lots of various sizes in this area. The land will be released in six stages.

    The planning controls set out information on the desired future character for the new living area, taking advantage of their unique landscapes and views as well as providing access to 9.8 hectares of open space, tree-lined boulevards and enhanced transport networks, including active transport.

  • Public exhibition for Moss Vale Road South URA closes Friday!

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    The public exhibition period for the draft planning package for Moss Vale Road South URA closes at 5pm on Friday 2 March 2018.

    All submissions must be received in writing and should be addressed to the General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541 or emailed to

    To view the package of draft plans, visit Council’s City Administration Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra or

  • Moss Vale Road South Draft Plans – Final 2 Weeks of Public Exhibition

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    Time is running out to have your say on the draft plans for Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area.

    The closing date for submissions is 5pm Friday 2 March 2018.

    All submissions must be received in writing and should be addressed to the General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541 or emailed to

    For more information and to view the package of draft plans, visit Council’s City Administration Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra or

  • Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 6.5 - Development Committee Resolution

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    On Monday 22 January, Council's Development Committee considered a report on a proposed Planning Proposal (PP) to amend Clause 6.5 of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014.

    The minutes are available at with the resolution provided below:

    1. Support the preparation and submission of a Planning Proposal for Gateway determination to amend Clause 6.5 of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 to include reference to land associated with Urban Release Areas to rectify the identified anomaly.

    2. If Gateway determination is received, proceed to public exhibition to at least the requirement specified in the Gateway determination.

    This means that Council will now make an application to the NSW Department of Planning & Environment (DPE) to amend Clause 6.5 to address the anomaly identified.

    Amending the Clause will effect land within mapped Urban Release Areas that have split zones (i.e. part residential and part rural/environmental). The Clause intends to allow subdivision to create a "residual" lot made up of the non-urban zone, and the potential to obtain development approval to erect a dwelling on the residual lot.

    The clause, at this time, only relates to land that is mapped "Urban Release Area". In the case of the Nowra-Bomaderry Urban Release Areas, the non-urban zones are not mapped, which means the clause cannot apply.

    The purpose of this PP is to rectify this anomaly so that the clause operates as it was intended.

  • Proposed Planning Proposal to Amend Clause 6.5 of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014

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    Council's Development Committee will be considering a report on Monday 22 January 2018 to prepare a Planning Proposal (PP) to amend Clause 6.5 of Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014.

    Clause 6.5 deals with the erection of a dwelling on residue lots associated with identified Urban Release Areas. The proposed PP seeks to amend the clause to rectify an anomaly that has been identified. The amendment to the clause will enable it to be used as originally intended.

    The Development Committee Meeting will commence at 5pm in the Council Chambers at the Nowra Administration Building. A copy of the report will be available on Council’s website on Friday 19th January 2018 at:

    Enquiries on making representations to the Committee can be:

    - Submitted online at ; or

    - Directed to Council's Governance Section on (02) 4429 3361.

  • Moss Vale Road South Update - Public Exhibition of Draft Plans

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    The package of draft plans for Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (URA) will be on public exhibition from Wednesday 20 December 2017 until Friday 2 March 2018 (inclusive).

    The package of draft plans includes:

    • A Planning Proposal which seeks to amend the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 to introduce a provision (exception to the minimum lot size) to enable lots as small as 300m2 in certain areas/circumstances.
    • Draft Development Control Plan (DCP) Amendment No. 19 which introduces a proposed new Chapter into Shoalhaven DCP 2014 - NB3 Moss Vale Road South URA. The Draft DCP Chapter applies specifically to the URA and contains development controls relating to subdivision design, street network and hierarchy, staging, protection of the environment, residential development and more.
    • Draft Amendment No. 9 to the Shoalhaven Contributions Plan 2010 which introduces three new road, open space and drainage projects specifically for Moss Vale Road South URA.
    • Supporting documents will also include the Integrated Water Cycle Assessment and Moss Vale Road South Tree Species List.

    The package is available at Council’s City Administration Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra and online at

    Invitation for Submissions:

    Written submissions quoting Council’s reference 55637E are invited and should be addressed to the General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541 or emailed to

    All submissions must be received in writing by 5pm Friday 2 March 2018.

    Submissions may become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. All persons who lodge a submission are required to declare any relevant political donations and/or gifts in accordance with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025, 09:14 AM