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Following extensive community consultation, the new suburb name and boundary of Badagarang will be formally gazetted on Friday 24 February 2023.
Badagarang is an Aboriginal word in the local Dharawal language group, meaning Eastern Grey Kangaroo (a Dharawal totem). Listen to the pronunciation of Badagarang here.
Badargarang runs along both sides of Moss Vale Road between Bomaderry and Cambewarra Village. The area, outlined below, is located across the two existing rural localities of Cambewarra and Meroo Meadow.

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The Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, the Hon. Victor Michael Dominello, has approved the NSW Geographical Names Board’s recommendation to establish the new suburb of Badagarang.
Work is now underway to prepare for the anticipated gazettal or notice of the approval in February 2023. The Geographic Names Board is working with Australia Post, the emergency services, and other government organisations, to make the changes. Council staff is preparing advice for property owners to confirm when the change will take place and what they need to do to update their addresses with non-government organisations, like banks, insurance companies, and utility companies.
Further updates will be published.
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The NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB) considered community feedback on the proposed suburb arrangements (name and boundary) at its September 2022 Board Meeting. At this meeting, the Board resolved to endorse the name of Badagarang for approval.
The GNB have now made a formal recommendation to the NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government for approval of the new suburb arrangements. A further update will be provided once the decision of the Minister is known.
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The NSW Geographical Names Board closed its public consultation on proposed suburb arrangements (name and boundary) on 1 July 2022. The Board is now considering the submissions received and plans to determine the matter at its meeting in September 2022.
An update on the proposed suburb arrangements will be provided to Council at its 22 August 2022 Ordinary Meeting. A copy of the report to Council is available on Council’s website. The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Building. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Members of the public can also watch these meetings live stream through Council's website.
Should you wish to make a deputation, please submit an application via the online deputation form on Council’s website or contact Council’s Governance Team on 1300 293 111.
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The Geographical Names Board (GNB) considered Council’s nomination of “Badagarang” as the suburb name for the Moss Vale Release Areas at its 10 May 2022 meeting. This nomination outlined both the proposed name and indicative suburb boundary, as supported by Council.
At this meeting, the GNB resolved to approve “Badagarang” to proceed to public exhibition; a process it will administer independently from Council.
The GNB is seeking comment on this proposal from Wednesday 1 June 2022 until Friday 1 July 2022 through its online portal at:
Through GNB’s online portal, you will be able to:
- View details of the proposal
- View a map of the proposal
- Provide feedback by lodging your submission.
Please note: All submissions must be made to the GNB through the Online Portal and not through Council. All submissions will be considered by the GNB prior to the proposal being officially assigned.
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Council considered a report on the outcomes of public exhibition for the Moss Vale Road Suburb Naming on Monday, 14 March 2022.
At this meeting, Council resolved to endorse “Badagarang” as the preferred name for the new release areas, and to support the indicative suburb boundary shown in the map below.

A copy of the Council Report and Minutes can be found on Council’s website.
The proposed name and map will now be submitted to the NSW Geographical Names Board for consideration at their upcoming Board Meeting in May 2022.
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The consultation period has now closed. Council thanks the community for participating in the naming process and taking the time to contribute their thoughts.
The project team are considering the feedback and will report back once the next step has been determined.
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Council is seeking community feedback on thefor the future Urban Release Areas located on both sides of Moss Vale Road between Bomaderry and Cambewarra (currently known as the "Moss Vale Road North" and "Moss Vale Road South").
Consultation has been undertaken to arrive at two potential naming options.
Tell us your preferred name by completing the Online Survey by Sunday 28 November 2021.
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A map showing the indicative new suburb boundary is provided below. Shown outlined in red, the proposed boundary:
Captures the extent of the new urban area within the URA.
Extends further south to meet North Nowra, following the geographical boundary of Bomaderry Creek.
The final boundaries of the new suburb will be determined by the GNB. There may be some adjustments to the proposed boundary to account for:
Hard boundaries, such as existing and future roads.
Geographical boundaries, such as creek lines, ridgelines, and the like.
Existing property boundaries.
Legal and practical access to properties.
Logical connections to existing suburb boundaries.
As such, there may be a need to refine the precise suburb boundary prior to the gazettal of the new name to reflect the matters noted above, for example, the possibility of extending the boundary to the west to meet Good Dog Creek. It should be noted that any modification or extension of the suburb boundary will not be reflected as an extension of the future urban boundary.
Following Council’s submission of the nominated name to the GNB for consideration, the GNB will run a separate, independently administered exhibition of the selected name. This process will also consider any further community feedback on both the nominated name and final boundary arrangements.

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The NSW Geographic Names Board (GNB) set the process for the naming of new places and suburbs in their Place Naming Policy. They apply a set of universal naming principles to ensure that places are assigned names that are unique to the local area, culturally appropriate, and easy to communicate.
A brief summary of the GNB’s key criteria for new place names are as follows:
The use of traditional Aboriginal names is encouraged.
The use of local plant and animal species, and landscape and cultural features, is preferred.
Family names are generally not favoured.
Duplication of existing locality names is not permitted.
- The addition of prefixes or suffixes to existing locality names is also not permitted (for example, the addition or “Heights” of “Downs”).
View the GNB Place Naming Policy in the 'Document Library on this web page.