Have Your Say - Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang)

Council is exhibiting the Review of Planning Options for Taylors Lane, Cambewarra (Badagarang), until Friday, 4 November 2022.
The review considers options for the future of Taylors Lane as part of the realisation of the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (URA) within which it is located, specifically:
- how the existing trees that are considered a feature of the current local landscape can feasibly be retained and successfully integrated into future urban development the existing zones allow
- how the required upgrade of Taylors Lane can still be delivered
- potential changes to planning controls on the adjoining land that may support the long-term retention of the trees.
The review also considers the ongoing appropriateness and potential changes to the existing urban zones at the eastern end of Taylors Lane.
Council initiated the review in June 2020 (MIN20.419) when it resolved to ‘defer’ a decision on the upgrade of the eastern section of Taylors Lane as part of the Far North Collector Road project. Earlier in 2020 Council had exhibited several options for the road upgrade, all of which would impact on the existing trees to varying extents and received objections from the community.
Key documents in the review that has now been undertaken include the initial Options Report (Studio GL) that was considered by Council in September 2021, and a Strategic Options Assessment Report (Stantec) that provides a fuller assessment of the indicative costs, technical feasibility and environment/cultural heritage impacts of the options.
Council is now seeking community feedback on the options before deciding the next steps/actions in this regard.
Interested persons are encouraged to view the review documents and have their say on the potential options. For more information about the exhibition, and how to make a submission, visit Council's Documents on Exhibition web page.