Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management
The dune vegetation at Collingwood Beach, Vincentia, has been the subject of contrasting public opinions for many years. While there is a clear appreciation of the value of natural areas and native vegetation in the broader community, there has been extensive unauthorised vegetation removal, poisoning and vandalism of foreshore vegetation.
As a result, Council has adopted a collaborative approach to manage the vegetation vandalism issue by receiving advice from the Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Heritage, NGH Environmental Consultancy and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory.
In view of this advice and the objectives of the Coastal ManagementContinue reading
The dune vegetation at Collingwood Beach, Vincentia, has been the subject of contrasting public opinions for many years. While there is a clear appreciation of the value of natural areas and native vegetation in the broader community, there has been extensive unauthorised vegetation removal, poisoning and vandalism of foreshore vegetation.
As a result, Council has adopted a collaborative approach to manage the vegetation vandalism issue by receiving advice from the Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Heritage, NGH Environmental Consultancy and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory.
In view of this advice and the objectives of the Coastal Management Act 2016, Council established a Reference Group to develop a Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan steered by a Council resolution. To view the Council resolution, see page 5 of the Minutes of the Strategy and Assets Committee Meeting, 21 November 2017.
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan
The Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan was developed by the Collingwood Beach Dune Reference Group and provides a framework for the restoration and future management of the Collingwood Beach dune vegetation system using two trial study sites. The aim is to achieve a positive outcome in terms of both protecting the health and resilience of the dune system and also meeting the desires and expectations of the community and other key stakeholders.
The purpose of the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan is to:
- Assess foreshore management outcomes through the implementation of two trial sites; one rehabilitation site and one filtered views site to be monitored over a two-year period. The trial aims to develop recommendations leading to a long-term sustainable management plan for dune vegetation for Collingwood Beach to deter vegetation vandalism.
- Recognise the recommendations and proposed management and communication methods compiled by the former Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Reference Group (Chaired by Allan Baptist in the former Council – Referred to as the “Baptist Plan” in this document). A full copy of the recommendations of the reference group chaired by Allan Baptist is contained within Appendix 1. Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Reference Group Draft Recommendations - Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management 2015-2020.
- Install a viewing platform in accordance with Manly Hydraulic Laboratory (MHL) report.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkIn June 2024 Council formally finalised the grant project with NSW Department of Climate Change Energy the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) that enabled staged dune regeneration and beach access management works to be delivered since mid-2022.
The works completed under this project achieved significant positive outcomes for natural area preservation, protection and enhancement, through managed investment in the environmental protection and resilience of Collingwood Beach dune area.
Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update
Share Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update on Facebook Share Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update on Twitter Share Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update on Linkedin Email Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update linkCollingwood Beach Revegetation Project - Stage 2
Council has completed Stage 1 of the Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project. Stage 2 of the project has now commenced which includes continuing beach access fencing and further revegetation works.
This stage of works will aim to further:
- Reduce impacts on biodiversity from land misuse and feral plant and animal species.
- Improve protection of natural areas through reducing informal access to limit disturbance on vegetation.
- Improve public amenity and public safety through greater beach access delineation.
This ongoing management of the natural dune area at Collingwood Beach will continue to increase the resilience of the beach to coastal erosion, provide enhancement to local biodiversity and improve public amenity.
Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update
Share Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update on Facebook Share Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update on Twitter Share Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update on Linkedin Email Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project Update linkShoalhaven City Council has received a Coastal and Estuary Grant to undertake dune restoration works at Collingwood Beach. Collingwood Beach is identified as one of 10 beaches at greatest risk of coastal erosion. The revegetation project aims to increase dune resilience by enhancing vegetation diversity.
This project follows on from a two-year trial at Collingwood Beach that confirmed the importance of vegetation species diversity to maintain dune resilience.
View the PowerPoint Presentation to find out more.
Native Trees Deliberately Destroyed Along Collingwood Beach
Share Native Trees Deliberately Destroyed Along Collingwood Beach on Facebook Share Native Trees Deliberately Destroyed Along Collingwood Beach on Twitter Share Native Trees Deliberately Destroyed Along Collingwood Beach on Linkedin Email Native Trees Deliberately Destroyed Along Collingwood Beach linkShoalhaven City Council has become aware of ongoing tree and vegetation vandalism at Collingwood Beach. Council treats tree and vegetation vandalism seriously and is currently investigating this issue. Any assistance from members of the public would be greatly appreciated and rewards are on offer where the information provided may lead to identification of the individuals responsible.
Vegetation growing on dune systems protects nearby infrastructure from erosion and provides crucial habitat for many endemic animal species. Coastal dunes provide very important protection against coastal hazards such as wind erosion, excessive wave action and tidal overruns during storm events.
Council hopes that residents will take an active approach in understanding the need for coastal areas to remain in a natural vegetated condition and assist Council to protect not only the natural environment, but in the longer-term, people’s homes and properties.
The community are reminded to report tree and vegetation vandalism to Council in accordance with the Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy.
Reports of vandalism can be made online, by phone or in person.
Open article in full to see all images.
Selective Pruning and Seedling/Sucker Removal
Share Selective Pruning and Seedling/Sucker Removal on Facebook Share Selective Pruning and Seedling/Sucker Removal on Twitter Share Selective Pruning and Seedling/Sucker Removal on Linkedin Email Selective Pruning and Seedling/Sucker Removal linkOn 18 August 2020 Shoalhaven City Council completed additional pruning at Trial Site 2 to further increase the size of selected view windows. Selective pruning was undertaken and included height reduction and side pruning from 35 percent to a maximum of 50 percent of any single shrub. Additional works included the removal of all Banksia seedlings/suckers from Trial site 2 and 60 percent removal from Trial Site 1. These works were carried out in accordance with Council’s Second Addendum Review of Environmental Factors. An independent Arborist supervised the works and submitted an Arboricultural Report which is included in the Document Library on this page.
Council Meeting - September 2020
Share Council Meeting - September 2020 on Facebook Share Council Meeting - September 2020 on Twitter Share Council Meeting - September 2020 on Linkedin Email Council Meeting - September 2020 linkAt Shoalhaven City Council's 8 September Strategy & Assets Committee meeting, it was agreed to allocate funds to complete the remaining actions in the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Action Plan. The two-year trial period is due to be completed in December 2020.
Removal of Root Suckers and Seedlings
Share Removal of Root Suckers and Seedlings on Facebook Share Removal of Root Suckers and Seedlings on Twitter Share Removal of Root Suckers and Seedlings on Linkedin Email Removal of Root Suckers and Seedlings linkAs part of the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan, Banksia species were initially trimmed in September 2018 to provide filtered views of the Bay in an attempt to deter vandalism.
Additional Trimming occurred on 12 December 2019 which consisted of selective height reduction and pruning of sides that impede the view windows. Pruning of shrubs did not exceed 25 per cent of the crown mass. To view all of the pruning images visit the Before and After Pruning Photos Library on this web page.
Pruning also occurred on 18 August 2020. Photos will be published soon.
Feedback Invited on Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy
Share Feedback Invited on Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy on Facebook Share Feedback Invited on Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy on Twitter Share Feedback Invited on Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy on Linkedin Email Feedback Invited on Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy link31 July 2019
Shoalhaven City Council has developed a Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy which aims to reduce and prevent the incidence of continued vandalism to trees and vegetation throughout the Shoalhaven.
The draft Policy has been developed in light of persistent tree and vegetation vandalism on Council owned or managed public reserves throughout the Local Government Area.
Council invites members of the community to view the draft Policy online and provide feedback by 28 August 2019. Alternatively, copies of the draft Policy are available for viewing at Council’s Nowra or Ulladulla Administration Buildings.
Submissions can be made by:
- Completing the online feedback form
- Email to quoting reference number 61751E
- Mail to PO Box 42 NOWRA NSW 2541 quoting reference number 61751E
All submissions must be received by 5.00pm Wednesday 28 August 2019.
Find out more and provide feedback at
Viewing Platform Installed at Berry Street Beach Access
Share Viewing Platform Installed at Berry Street Beach Access on Facebook Share Viewing Platform Installed at Berry Street Beach Access on Twitter Share Viewing Platform Installed at Berry Street Beach Access on Linkedin Email Viewing Platform Installed at Berry Street Beach Access linkMarch 2019
A viewing platform was installed at the Berry Street beach access in accordance with the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan.
View images of the platform...
Bench Seat Installed at Susan Street Beach Access Point
Share Bench Seat Installed at Susan Street Beach Access Point on Facebook Share Bench Seat Installed at Susan Street Beach Access Point on Twitter Share Bench Seat Installed at Susan Street Beach Access Point on Linkedin Email Bench Seat Installed at Susan Street Beach Access Point linkJanuary 2019
A bench seat has been installed at the western end of Susan Street beach access, adjacent to the pathway with the end splayed - as per the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan.
Click through to see the new bench...
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Life Cycle
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management has finished this stageSeptember 2018 to September 2020
Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy Reported to Council
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management has finished this stage5 March 2019
Implementation of Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management has finished this stage5 November 2019 - Policy adopted by Council
Funding Received for Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management has finished this stageAugust 2021
Stage 1 Planning and Revegetation
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management is currently at this stageShared user path fencing and initial restoration planting.
Stage 2 Revegetation
this is an upcoming stage for Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation ManagementBeach access way fencing and biodiversity enhancement planting.
Examples of Vegetation Vandalism
Pruning Before and After Photos
Historic Photos of Collingwood Beach
Document Library
Community Overview - Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project
Final Report - Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial
Collingwood Beach Two Year Trial Snapshot
MLH Report - Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management Plan Review
Arborist Report; Shoalhaven Council, Collingwood Beach, 9.20.pdf (1.96 MB) (pdf)
Vegetation Vandalism Information Flyer
Recommended Revegetation Plant Species List (11.5 MB) (pdf)
Objectives - Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management 2015-2020
Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan
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