Feedback Invited on Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy

31 July 2019
Shoalhaven City Council has developed a Draft Shoalhaven Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Prevention Policy which aims to reduce and prevent the incidence of continued vandalism to trees and vegetation throughout the Shoalhaven.
The draft Policy has been developed in light of persistent tree and vegetation vandalism on Council owned or managed public reserves throughout the Local Government Area.
Council invites members of the community to view the draft Policy online and provide feedback by 28 August 2019. Alternatively, copies of the draft Policy are available for viewing at Council’s Nowra or Ulladulla Administration Buildings.
Submissions can be made by:
- Completing the online feedback form
- Email to quoting reference number 61751E
- Mail to PO Box 42 NOWRA NSW 2541 quoting reference number 61751E
All submissions must be received by 5.00pm Wednesday 28 August 2019.
Find out more and provide feedback at