Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management

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The dune vegetation at Collingwood Beach, Vincentia, has been the subject of contrasting public opinions for many years. While there is a clear appreciation of the value of natural areas and native vegetation in the broader community, there has been extensive unauthorised vegetation removal, poisoning and vandalism of foreshore vegetation.

As a result, Council has adopted a collaborative approach to manage the vegetation vandalism issue by receiving advice from the Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Heritage, NGH Environmental Consultancy and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory.

In view of this advice and the objectives of the Coastal Management

The dune vegetation at Collingwood Beach, Vincentia, has been the subject of contrasting public opinions for many years. While there is a clear appreciation of the value of natural areas and native vegetation in the broader community, there has been extensive unauthorised vegetation removal, poisoning and vandalism of foreshore vegetation.

As a result, Council has adopted a collaborative approach to manage the vegetation vandalism issue by receiving advice from the Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Heritage, NGH Environmental Consultancy and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory.

In view of this advice and the objectives of the Coastal Management Act 2016, Council established a Reference Group to develop a Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan steered by a Council resolution. To view the Council resolution, see page 5 of the Minutes of the Strategy and Assets Committee Meeting, 21 November 2017.

Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan

The Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan was developed by the Collingwood Beach Dune Reference Group and provides a framework for the restoration and future management of the Collingwood Beach dune vegetation system using two trial study sites. The aim is to achieve a positive outcome in terms of both protecting the health and resilience of the dune system and also meeting the desires and expectations of the community and other key stakeholders.

The purpose of the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan is to:

  • Assess foreshore management outcomes through the implementation of two trial sites; one rehabilitation site and one filtered views site to be monitored over a two-year period. The trial aims to develop recommendations leading to a long-term sustainable management plan for dune vegetation for Collingwood Beach to deter vegetation vandalism.
  • Recognise the recommendations and proposed management and communication methods compiled by the former Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Reference Group (Chaired by Allan Baptist in the former Council – Referred to as the “Baptist Plan” in this document). A full copy of the recommendations of the reference group chaired by Allan Baptist is contained within Appendix 1. Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Reference Group Draft Recommendations - Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management 2015-2020.
  • Install a viewing platform in accordance with Manly Hydraulic Laboratory (MHL) report.
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Report Vegetation Vandalism at Collingwood Beach

over 5 years

This mapping tool can be used to report vegetation vandalism at Collingwood Beach to Council. 

Page last updated: 08 Jul 2024, 01:42 PM