Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management

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The dune vegetation at Collingwood Beach, Vincentia, has been the subject of contrasting public opinions for many years. While there is a clear appreciation of the value of natural areas and native vegetation in the broader community, there has been extensive unauthorised vegetation removal, poisoning and vandalism of foreshore vegetation.

As a result, Council has adopted a collaborative approach to manage the vegetation vandalism issue by receiving advice from the Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Heritage, NGH Environmental Consultancy and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory.

In view of this advice and the objectives of the Coastal Management

The dune vegetation at Collingwood Beach, Vincentia, has been the subject of contrasting public opinions for many years. While there is a clear appreciation of the value of natural areas and native vegetation in the broader community, there has been extensive unauthorised vegetation removal, poisoning and vandalism of foreshore vegetation.

As a result, Council has adopted a collaborative approach to manage the vegetation vandalism issue by receiving advice from the Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Heritage, NGH Environmental Consultancy and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory.

In view of this advice and the objectives of the Coastal Management Act 2016, Council established a Reference Group to develop a Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan steered by a Council resolution. To view the Council resolution, see page 5 of the Minutes of the Strategy and Assets Committee Meeting, 21 November 2017.

Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan

The Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan was developed by the Collingwood Beach Dune Reference Group and provides a framework for the restoration and future management of the Collingwood Beach dune vegetation system using two trial study sites. The aim is to achieve a positive outcome in terms of both protecting the health and resilience of the dune system and also meeting the desires and expectations of the community and other key stakeholders.

The purpose of the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan is to:

  • Assess foreshore management outcomes through the implementation of two trial sites; one rehabilitation site and one filtered views site to be monitored over a two-year period. The trial aims to develop recommendations leading to a long-term sustainable management plan for dune vegetation for Collingwood Beach to deter vegetation vandalism.
  • Recognise the recommendations and proposed management and communication methods compiled by the former Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Reference Group (Chaired by Allan Baptist in the former Council – Referred to as the “Baptist Plan” in this document). A full copy of the recommendations of the reference group chaired by Allan Baptist is contained within Appendix 1. Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Reference Group Draft Recommendations - Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management 2015-2020.
  • Install a viewing platform in accordance with Manly Hydraulic Laboratory (MHL) report.
  • Signage Installed

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    September 2018

    Explanatory signs have been installed at the two trial sites in order to encourage the local community to take ownership of the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan and to inform the public of the purpose of the sites.

  • Trimming of Trial Site 2

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    September 2018

    As part of the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan, Banksia species were initially trimmed in September 2018 to provide filtered views of the Bay in an attempt to deter vandalism.

    View images of before and after the pruning...

  • Dune Planting Event

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    15 August 2018

    You are invited to come and help plant natives at the dunes of Collingwood Beach, Vincentia and meet Wombat former contestant at The Block during the planting event.

    WHEN: Saturday, 25 August 2018 from 9am – 12 noon.

    WHERE: Beach end of Berry St off Elizabeth Drive, Vincentia

    WHAT TO BRING/WEAR: Sturdy shoes, hat and sunscreen, long pants and sleeves, drinking water and gardening gloves if you have them.

    Council will provide selected native plants which will be planted along 100m of the dune as part of a trial program being undertaken. The trial is to determine the best approach to managing the vegetation system along the sand dunes.

    Council, in conjunction with the reference group, has developed an Action Plan that is based on a two-year trial program in response to continued vandalism of the vegetation along the dunes. The trial establishes a rehabilitation site and a pruning site.

    If you wish to learn more about the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan, you can find information on Council’s website.

  • Photos from the Dune Planting Event

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    August 2018

    Thank you to all the community members who turned out to help replant Collingwood Beach at the Dune Planting Event on Saturday, 25 August 2018.

    Special guest "Wombat", from the hit TV show The Block, also joined the planting, with many participants thrilled to get to meet the colourful local personality in the flesh.

    Click here to view an album of photos from the day. Feel free to download any photos you wish to keep.

  • More Trees Vandalised - Collingwood Beach

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    26 September 2018

    Shoalhaven City Council is appealing to the public for information surrounding another tree vandalism incident at Collingwood Beach Vincentia.

    If you have any information regarding this destructive act, please contact Council Rangers on 4429 34 33 or 4421 31 00 after hours.

    The vandalism, which took place recently, saw four mature Banksias trees have holes drilled into them and subsequently filled with chemical weed killer. Environmental Health Officers estimate the trees were multigenerational trees of more than 80 years old.

    Councillor Findley said that the most recent incident was only a month ago, and expressed her disappointment with yet another incident at the site.

    “This willful and senseless act of vandalism resulted in more damage to such a valuable dune vegetation site to stabilise the foreshore areas and help stop erosion,” Clr Findley said.

    “Council is currently trying to restore and protect the site for the community and for future generations. If anyone has any information, please contact Council directly.

    “If the perpetrator is identified, they could be fined up to $3000 for each tree that has been damaged or Council may also consider taking the matter to Court. The Court can impose significant monetary penalties for such offences and criminal penalties."

    If you see trees being removed and you suspect the work is illegal you can contact Council’s Rangers Section (02) 4429 3433 for investigation.

    Council in conjunction with the reference group has developed an Action Plan that is based on a two-year trial program in response to continued vandalism of the vegetation along the dunes. The trial establishes a rehabilitation site and a pruning site.

  • Collingwood Beach Dunes Vandalised

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    22 August 2018

    Shoalhaven City Council is disappointed that someone has once again vandalised the dunes at Collingwood Beach.

    Council adopted the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan at the Development Meeting in August which includes a vegetation restoration site.

    Council officers found approximately 30 mature banksia trees and saplings inside the restoration site were cut down, lopped or topped.

    Council is seeking any witnesses who may have seen or heard anyone using a saw or power tool on Saturday evening, adjacent to properties 102 and 104 Elizabeth Drive, Collingwood Beach.

    Despite a tree vandalism sign immediately in front of the site, people are still damaging public property when Council is trying to restore and protect the site for the community and for future generations.

    See what Mayor Amanda Findley and Councillor Patricia White had to say when they visited the site, via Council's Facebook video.

    Council is currently investigating this vandalism and would welcome any advice from the public. If the perpetrator is identified, they could be fined up to $3000 for each tree that has been damaged or Council may also consider taking the matter to Court. The Court can impose significant monetary penalties for such offences.

    If you have any information regarding this destructive act, please contact Council Rangers on 4429 34 33 or 4421 31 00 after hours.

    Council will be holding a tree planting day on Saturday, 25 August from 9 am to noon to plant selected native plant species on the site. Volunteers are welcome to join the planting. Visit the Council website for more details.

  • Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan

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    Council considered a Notice of Motion regarding the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Plan at the Strategy and Assets Committee Meeting on 21 November 2017.

    After a number of years of engaging with the community and working with numerous experts on the plan, Council has recommended that the Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Reference Group recommendations be adopted as a broad framework and reference document.

    Mayor Findley said that “this approach seeks to find some sort of middle ground in this very complex and divided issue.”

    "Recent meetings have occurred with both sides of the debate and the work that has been done to seek some sort of compromise that can be implemented within the legislative requirements was discussed.”

    “Council has also accepted the advice that has been supplied by the Office of the Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government and Minister for Heritage, and agreed that the advice that has been received from Council's experts has been consistent and is recognised.”

    “Council will be conducting two trial sections at Collingwood beachfront, each of approximately 50 metres in length to be monitored over a two-year period. This will include one area which has been damaged and denuded and a current vegetated area at Susan Street. It needs to also be made clear that the proposed site does not extend to the beach but only immediately adjacent to the path.”

    "The trial and current approach does not extend to any other dune in the Shoalhaven."

    “The aim of the trial is to show good foreshore management. Prior to any works occurring a management plan will be created and will need to be agreed."

    “A strong engagement and communication strategy will also be established with identified stakeholders including a program of public consultation and education through the trial period and ongoing.”

    “This will take time and it is essential that the community understand what is occurring, why and time frames that can be expected.”

    “I would like to make it very clear, the dunes are owned by the public and the crown. They are not owned by those who live in front of the dunes and cannot be destroyed to maintain a view. The dunes are there for everyone to enjoy as they visit the beach, walk along the pathway and enjoy the environment.”

    “Tree vandalism is not acceptable and is a crime in any public area of the Shoalhaven."

    "Shoalhaven City Council will be developing a robust tree vandalism policy which will be rolled out across the City. Council will also immediately adopt an anti vandalism strategy to mitigate against continued vandalism.”

Page last updated: 08 Jul 2024, 01:42 PM