St Vincent St Ulladulla Pedestrian Safety Improvements

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Consultation has concluded

Transport for New South Wales and Shoalhaven City Council have been working on pedestrian safety improvements along St Vincent Street and at the intersection of South Street Ulladulla following the tragic accident which took place in June 2020.

In consultation with Ulladulla High School, Kellam Bus Lines and Ulladulla Bus Lines, Council and TfNSW have developed a three-phase strategy to improve pedestrian and vehicle movements at the site.

To make sure that we create a better outcome for students and motorists and that we don’t inadvertently create unacceptable outcomes at the site or elsewhere, Council and TfNSW will liaise regularly

Transport for New South Wales and Shoalhaven City Council have been working on pedestrian safety improvements along St Vincent Street and at the intersection of South Street Ulladulla following the tragic accident which took place in June 2020.

In consultation with Ulladulla High School, Kellam Bus Lines and Ulladulla Bus Lines, Council and TfNSW have developed a three-phase strategy to improve pedestrian and vehicle movements at the site.

To make sure that we create a better outcome for students and motorists and that we don’t inadvertently create unacceptable outcomes at the site or elsewhere, Council and TfNSW will liaise regularly with Ulladulla High School, the Bus Companies and the Parents and Citizens Association on the effectiveness of the measures, the details of any investigations and strategies to engage with the wider community.

Phase 1 – Commencing at the start of Term 3 - Completed 

  • Water filled barriers and appropriate signage
  • The drop off site along St Vincent Street moved a few metres to the northern side of the mid-block crossing.
  • Traffic marshals on site for two weeks during school zone times to monitor movements and make any adjustments to barriers and signage.

Phase 2 – Commencing during Term 3 - Completed

  • Line marking improvements will be installed.
  • Purpose built pedestrian fencing will be installed to replace temporary water filled barriers.
  • Buses will leave school pick up areas in a manner to ease congestion onsite. Left turn buses will leave before right turn buses.

Phase 3 – To be completed by the end of Term 4 - Completed

  • Investigation of possible intersection upgrades which may include roundabouts, traffic signals and/or further improvement to crossing facilities.
  • Investigation of ongoing CCTV and monitoring or manning options.
  • Investigation of possible adjustments to the bus pick up area and the way buses line up.

A review of the works undertaken are currently underway.

If you would like to register your interest in this project, so we can keep you informed and ask for your feedback, please subscribe via the 'Stay Informed' function on this web page.

Consultation has concluded
  • Safety Improvements Update

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    The detailed design for the upgrade of the St Vincent Street and South Street intersection to traffic signals has been approved by Transport for NSW (TfNSW). Construction works are expected to commence in the coming months. For updates on the construction phase please visit the following relevant Road Works Page for each project:

  • Safety Improvements Update

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    Construction of the new raised pedestrian crossing at 94-96 St Vincent Street was completed in July 2021 and is now operational.

    Council has been successful in receiving funding under the Federal and State Government’s Road Safety Program, School Zone Infrastructure Sub program towards further Ulladulla High School Safety Improvements. The secured funding aims to implement a suite of pedestrian safety measures around Ulladulla High School.

    This includes:

    • An upgrade of the South Street & St Vincent Street intersection to traffic signals.
    • Construction of a raised pedestrian crossing on Camden Street with shared user path link along South Street.

    St Vincent Street and South Street Intersection Upgrade – Traffic Signals

    The preliminary traffic signal design has been received from Transport for NSW and is being incorporated into a full drawing set by Council’s Design Services. Underground electrical services have been identified to be adjusted, design and approvals are currently being undertaken. The construction contract will be tendered in the coming months with the aim of completing the works in the new year.

    Refer to the Layout Plans in the 'Document Library' on this web page for further information.

    Camden Street Raised Pedestrian (Wombat) Crossing & South Street Shared User Path (SUP) Link

    As per the Consultation Plan, in the additional documents, this project involves:

    • Construction of a new Wombat crossing on Camden Street just north of South Street.
    • Shared use footpath, and associated kerb and gutter, on the northern side of South Street between Camden Street and Vigilant Street.

    Council has undertaken consultation with affected residents and the results of this consultation are being considered for the final design. Council is expecting design completion in October 2022. The construction contract will be tendered in the coming months with works expected to be undertaken in early 2023.

  • Safety Improvements Update

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    Council submitted a justification report to TfNSW in January 2021 which considered three options for safety improvements with Councils preferred option of traffic signals at the intersection and a new mid-block raised pedestrian crossing north of the existing refuge, adjacent to the public carpark.

    TfNSW have advised they consider Councils preferred option 3 as the most appropriate in the justification report. Council is currently working toward finalising ‘in-principal’ support from TfNSW for the concept signals design at the intersection. Once Council has in principle acceptance from TfNSW a public consultation process will be undertaken before a decision is made on the preferred intersection treatment and the design of that treatment is finalised. Council expects to obtain ‘in principle support before Aug 2021 in order to nominate this project for construction funding through TfNSW’s 2022/23 Safer Roads/Australian Black Spot Program.

    However, Council has received funding to construct the raised pedestrian crossing and will proceed with the mid-block location. Construction of the raised pedestrian crossing is expected to commence in the June 2021 school holidays.

    Funding allocated from TfNSW includes $161k for the design and construction of the raised pedestrian crossing and $60k for design and development for the intersection improvements.

  • Update

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    Shoalhaven City Council has continued to collaborate with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW), Ulladulla High School, Kellam Bus Lines and Ulladulla Bus Lines to improve safety at the intersection of South Street and St Vincent Street at Ulladulla. The investigations are also considering broader safety benefits around the perimeter of Ulladulla High School.

    The following measures have been successfully implemented:

    • Purpose-built pedestrian fencing and additional signage with changed parking and drop off arrangements.
    • The concrete path adjacent to the purpose-built fencing has been widened.
    • Line marking improvements along St Vincent Street starting from Deering Street to the existing pedestrian refuge crossing to the north of South Street.
    • Buses were coordinating to ensure that they leave school pick-up areas in a manner to ease congestion on-site. Left turn buses leaving before right turn buses, and this is proposed to continue in Term 1
    • A justification report assessing various intersection upgrades (recommending signals at the South/St Vincent Street intersection) is complete and has been submitted to TfNSW for their review.

    Concept designs have also been prepared and submitted to TfNSW for improved pedestrian crossing facilities on St Vincent Street and including a proposed traffic signals layout at the South/St Vincent Street intersection.

    To date, there has been strong community support for the traffic signals at the intersection of St Vincent Street and South Street, identified in Council’s Development Control Plan for the Ulladulla Town Centre when warranted traffic and pedestrian volumes were met.

    TfNSW has provided project development funding to Council for the work undertaken to date, and Council is also seeking available funding to enable the delivery of further safety improvements including the proposed safety improvements on St Vincent Street as well as additional improvements on South Street and Camden Street that are also being investigated, pending available funding.

    The outstanding tasks now are summarised below.

    1. TfNSW are now considering the justification report submitted by Council.
    2. Once Council has in principle acceptance from TfNSW a public consultation process will be undertaken before a decision is made on the preferred treatment and the design of that treatment is finalised. The date for commencing this consultation process is yet to be determined.
    3. Commencement of physical works will occur once funding is secured.

    Should anyone have any concerns with any of the measures installed on-site now, please contact the Ulladulla Office directly on (02) 4429 8902.

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    The following measures have been successfully implemented:

    • Purpose built pedestrian fencing and additional signage with changed parking and drop off arrangements.
    • The concrete path currently adjacent to the purpose-built fencing has been widened.
    • Line marking improvements along St Vincent Street starting from Deering Street to the existing pedestrian refuge crossing to the north of South Street.
    • Buses have been coordinating to ensure that they leave school pick up areas in a manner to ease congestion onsite. Left turn buses leaving before right turn buses.
    • Designs are progressing for improved pedestrian crossing facilities on St Vincent Street, with the treatment and locations to be confirmed after completion of the intersection investigations.

    With the initial measures in place and safety improved, Council’s focus remains on the intersection options and broader safety improvements.

    To date there has been strong community support for traffic signals at the intersection of St Vincent Street and South Street, identified in Council’s Development Control Plan for the Ulladulla Town Centre when warranted traffic and pedestrian volumes were met.

    Council believes that traffic signals are an appropriate measure now and has been working closely with TfNSW to progress the development of the project, including all potential designs to provide a safe intersection for road users. TfNSW has provided project development funding to Council for this work to continue.

    The outstanding tasks are summarised below.

    1. The intersection improvement design work and supporting analyses is expected to be submitted to the TfNSW review by the end of November 2020.
    2. Council will continue to inform the High School, Bus Companies and the Ulladulla Community of its progress.
    3. The final draft of the design and an analysis of options will be discussed publicly before a decision is made by Council on the preferred treatment and the design of that treatment is finalised. The date for commencing this consultation process is yet to be determined.

    The date for commencing works will depend on the design consultation phase, approval by TfNSW and the availability of funding.

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    Pedestrian fencing, concrete path widening, and path realignment works are complete.

    Also progressing in the background is the pedestrian crossing upgrade design, in conjunction with traffic data that has been collected for the continuing investigation and development of intersection improvements at South Street and St Vincent Street.

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    Procurement of pedestrian fencing has commenced. Concrete works for widening and realigning the existing path are expected to commence in two weeks. Installation of the pedestrian fencing should take place one week after the school holidays, subject to confirmation from the fencing contractor.

    Also progressing in the background is the pedestrian crossing upgrade design, in conjunction with traffic data that has been collected for the continuing investigation and development of intersection improvements at South Street and St Vincent Street.

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    Since the start of Term 3, the following measures have been successfully implemented:

    • Water filled barriers and additional signage with changed parking and drop off arrangements

    • Line marking improvements along St Vincent Street starting from Deering Street to the existing pedestrian refuge crossing to the north of South Street.

    • Traffic marshals were on site for the first three weeks during school zone times to monitor movements and make any adjustments to barriers and signage.

    • Buses have been coordinating to ensure they leave school pick up areas in a manner to ease congestion onsite. Left turn buses leaving before right turn buses.

    With these measures in place and safety improved, the focus has now shifted to the permanent traffic improvement solution.

    To date there has been strong community support for traffic signals at the intersection of St Vincent Street and South Street. Council’s Development Control Plan for the Ulladulla Town Centre has identified traffic signals for installation when warranted traffic and pedestrian volumes were met.

    Having reviewed the design parameters for Traffic Signals, growth in traffic, pedestrian volumes and school enrolments, Council believes that traffic signals are an appropriate measure now. Council will be working closely with Transport to progress the development of this project, including all potential designs to provide a safe intersection for road users. Transport has provided project development funding to Council for this work to commence.

    The proposed way forward is:

    1. The water filled barriers will be replaced with purpose-built fencing (to be completed in Term 4).

    2. The concrete path currently adjacent to the water filled barriers will be widened, to accommodate the purpose-built fencing (to be completed in Term 4).

    3. A new raised pedestrian crossing will be built further north (mid-block) in the vicinity of the last school gate and the Council car park opposite.

    4. Design work and analyses will be prepared for the St Vincent St and South Street intersection and is expected to be completed by November 2020. As this work progresses Council will keep in close contact with the High School, Bus Companies and the Ulladulla CCB.

    5. The final draft of the design and an analysis of options will be discussed publicly before a decision is made by Council on the preferred treatment and the design of that treatment is finalised. The date for commencing this consultation process is yet to be determined.

    6. The preferred treatment at the intersection will be installed. The date for commencing this will largely depend on the design consultation phase and the availability of funding.

    Should anyone have any concerns with any of the measures installed on site now, please contact the Ulladulla Office directly on (02) 4429 8902.

  • Community Response Following Phase One Implementation

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    Week 1, Term 3 - Community response following phase one implementation

    The barriers and line marking have been well received by the community. Traffic Marshals will be onsite for approximately 2 weeks. The permanent fencing dates are to be confirmed and the investigation for longer term measures is underway and will consider various options.