
Shoalhaven City Council has continued to collaborate with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW), Ulladulla High School, Kellam Bus Lines and Ulladulla Bus Lines to improve safety at the intersection of South Street and St Vincent Street at Ulladulla. The investigations are also considering broader safety benefits around the perimeter of Ulladulla High School.

The following measures have been successfully implemented:

  • Purpose-built pedestrian fencing and additional signage with changed parking and drop off arrangements.
  • The concrete path adjacent to the purpose-built fencing has been widened.
  • Line marking improvements along St Vincent Street starting from Deering Street to the existing pedestrian refuge crossing to the north of South Street.
  • Buses were coordinating to ensure that they leave school pick-up areas in a manner to ease congestion on-site. Left turn buses leaving before right turn buses, and this is proposed to continue in Term 1
  • A justification report assessing various intersection upgrades (recommending signals at the South/St Vincent Street intersection) is complete and has been submitted to TfNSW for their review.

Concept designs have also been prepared and submitted to TfNSW for improved pedestrian crossing facilities on St Vincent Street and including a proposed traffic signals layout at the South/St Vincent Street intersection.

To date, there has been strong community support for the traffic signals at the intersection of St Vincent Street and South Street, identified in Council’s Development Control Plan for the Ulladulla Town Centre when warranted traffic and pedestrian volumes were met.

TfNSW has provided project development funding to Council for the work undertaken to date, and Council is also seeking available funding to enable the delivery of further safety improvements including the proposed safety improvements on St Vincent Street as well as additional improvements on South Street and Camden Street that are also being investigated, pending available funding.

The outstanding tasks now are summarised below.

  1. TfNSW are now considering the justification report submitted by Council.
  2. Once Council has in principle acceptance from TfNSW a public consultation process will be undertaken before a decision is made on the preferred treatment and the design of that treatment is finalised. The date for commencing this consultation process is yet to be determined.
  3. Commencement of physical works will occur once funding is secured.

Should anyone have any concerns with any of the measures installed on-site now, please contact the Ulladulla Office directly on (02) 4429 8902.

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