
Since the start of Term 3, the following measures have been successfully implemented:

• Water filled barriers and additional signage with changed parking and drop off arrangements

• Line marking improvements along St Vincent Street starting from Deering Street to the existing pedestrian refuge crossing to the north of South Street.

• Traffic marshals were on site for the first three weeks during school zone times to monitor movements and make any adjustments to barriers and signage.

• Buses have been coordinating to ensure they leave school pick up areas in a manner to ease congestion onsite. Left turn buses leaving before right turn buses.

With these measures in place and safety improved, the focus has now shifted to the permanent traffic improvement solution.

To date there has been strong community support for traffic signals at the intersection of St Vincent Street and South Street. Council’s Development Control Plan for the Ulladulla Town Centre has identified traffic signals for installation when warranted traffic and pedestrian volumes were met.

Having reviewed the design parameters for Traffic Signals, growth in traffic, pedestrian volumes and school enrolments, Council believes that traffic signals are an appropriate measure now. Council will be working closely with Transport to progress the development of this project, including all potential designs to provide a safe intersection for road users. Transport has provided project development funding to Council for this work to commence.

The proposed way forward is:

1. The water filled barriers will be replaced with purpose-built fencing (to be completed in Term 4).

2. The concrete path currently adjacent to the water filled barriers will be widened, to accommodate the purpose-built fencing (to be completed in Term 4).

3. A new raised pedestrian crossing will be built further north (mid-block) in the vicinity of the last school gate and the Council car park opposite.

4. Design work and analyses will be prepared for the St Vincent St and South Street intersection and is expected to be completed by November 2020. As this work progresses Council will keep in close contact with the High School, Bus Companies and the Ulladulla CCB.

5. The final draft of the design and an analysis of options will be discussed publicly before a decision is made by Council on the preferred treatment and the design of that treatment is finalised. The date for commencing this consultation process is yet to be determined.

6. The preferred treatment at the intersection will be installed. The date for commencing this will largely depend on the design consultation phase and the availability of funding.

Should anyone have any concerns with any of the measures installed on site now, please contact the Ulladulla Office directly on (02) 4429 8902.

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