Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP
This page provides information for the St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMPs). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program Get Involved page for information regarding Council’s broader CMP program.
With 165kms of breathtaking coastline in the Shoalhaven LGA, Council understands the immense environmental, social, cultural, and economic value that this coastline provides for our community.
Shoalhaven City Council is currently developing Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) across the Shoalhaven to plan for the future of our coastline and estuaries, in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016). It considers historic events, currentContinue reading
This page provides information for the St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMPs). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program Get Involved page for information regarding Council’s broader CMP program.
With 165kms of breathtaking coastline in the Shoalhaven LGA, Council understands the immense environmental, social, cultural, and economic value that this coastline provides for our community.
Shoalhaven City Council is currently developing Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) across the Shoalhaven to plan for the future of our coastline and estuaries, in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016). It considers historic events, current conditions, and future trends including population growth, environmental conditions, and climate change. CMP’s identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address these issues in a strategic and integrated way. It will also detail how and when those actions are to be implemented, their costs, and funding mechanisms.
There are five stages to developing a CMP, which are outlined in the Coastal Management Manual.
Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Berrara and Swan Lake Background
Council’s adopted Citywide CMP Scoping Study (August 2020) (Stage 1) recommended that St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek required CMPs. Council has applied for and successfully received a grant from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW, formerly DPE) to develop these CMPs.
Council has progressed through Stage 2 of the CMP process, where St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek underwent detailed assessment studies to identify, analyse, and evaluate the risks for the estuaries.
Council is currently in Stage 3 of the CMP process. Stage 3 involves the confirmation of strategic direction, identification and evaluation of potential management actions. Stage 3 involves the confirmation of strategic direction, identification, and evaluation of potential management actions, community and stakeholder engagement and the development of a draft business plan.
Community Engagement
Council will be working closely with Coastal Management Advisory Committees, State Agency representatives, local Aboriginal Communities and Custodians, youth, and the St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek communities as the project progresses.
Community members will have several opportunities to provide input into the development of the CMP and to provide feedback on the draft document.
Stay Informed
To receive updates and follow the progress of this project, we encourage you to subscribe via the 'Stay Informed' function on this page.
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Have Your Say - Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 4
Share Have Your Say - Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 4 on Facebook Share Have Your Say - Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 4 on Twitter Share Have Your Say - Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 4 on Linkedin Email Have Your Say - Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 4 linkHave Your Say - Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 4
The Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program (CMP) is now on public exhibition for community consultation until 17 March 2025.
The CMP covers a study area that includes the coastal zone within the Sussex Inlet and St Georges Basin estuary, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek. The draft document encompasses a detailed program that lists the management actions for implementation over the next 10 years, including a schedule of when actions will be planned for implementation, their associated costs, how they will be funded, and who will be responsible for their implementation.
The CMP is now within Stage 4 of the 5-stage process which has been prepared in accordance with the NSW Coastal Management Act 2016. Stage 4 involves public exhibition of the draft CMP document, incorporating details from the technical studies and stakeholder feedback received from previous consultations completed throughout Stages 1 to 3 of the CMP process. The Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 4 can be found here.
The Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP brochure can be found here.
The draft CMP document and brochure can also be accessed through the document library on the right-hand side of this Get Involved webpage.
Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey on this page by 11:59 pm, 17 March 2025.
Alternatively, should you have any questions on the draft CMP, or would like to provide feedback via email, please contact the Coastal Management Unit - or call Council on 1300 293 111.
Did you provide feedback during Stages 1-3 of the CMP? See how feedback has been considered by the project team through the development of the draft CMP in the Consultation Summary Document.
Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program Stage 3 Report Now Available
Share Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program Stage 3 Report Now Available on Facebook Share Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program Stage 3 Report Now Available on Twitter Share Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program Stage 3 Report Now Available on Linkedin Email Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program Stage 3 Report Now Available linkCouncil is pleased to share the Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program (CMP) Stage 3 – Identify and Evaluate Options Report.
The purpose of Stage 3 of the CMP development process was to identify and evaluate potential management actions to respond to the risks, vulnerabilities and opportunities determined through Stage 2 of the CMP. As part of Stage 3, a long list of potential management actions were developed and then assessed, ranked, and prioritised by the Project Team using a robust, decision-making framework in line with the NSW Coastal Management Framework. Stage 3 concluded with the identification of a short list of management actions to proceed to Stage 4. The Stage 3 Summary Report also outlines the community and stakeholder engagement completed as part of Stage 3.
The Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP Stage 3 – Identify and Evaluate Options Stage 3 CMP Report is published in the 'Document Library' on this web page.
Did you provide feedback during Stage 3 of the CMP? See how your comments have been considered by the project team on the Stage 3 - Closing the Loop Report published in the 'Document Library' on this web page.
If you have questions about the Stage 3 Report, or the CMP development process, please contact the Coastal Management Unit at or call Council on 1300 293 111.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkCouncil would like to thank the CMP subscribers and the community for providing input and contributing to the preparation of the Sussex Inlet, St George Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP throughout 2023 and 2024.
Since the consultation held in mid-2023, the Project Team has been busy reviewing and evaluating the management actions proposed for Stage 3 using a robust, decision-making framework in line with the NSW Coastal Management Framework. Council has been discussing the proposed options with State Government Agencies and internal stakeholders to determine the feasibility and viability of the relevant actions for inclusion in the CMP, with consideration given to the amazing community ideas received throughout the CMP process. This process is nearing completion and Council is looking forward to sharing how the feedback received during the Stage 3 consultation has been considered in this process, as well as the Stage 3 Report for the CMP.
Following Stage 3, the project will move to Stage 4 which involves public exhibition of the draft CMP document. Council anticipates the public exhibition to occur in the second half of 2024.
If you have questions about the CMP development process, please contact the Coastal Management Unit at or by calling Council on 1300 293 111.
Stage 2 Reports Now Available
Share Stage 2 Reports Now Available on Facebook Share Stage 2 Reports Now Available on Twitter Share Stage 2 Reports Now Available on Linkedin Email Stage 2 Reports Now Available linkCouncil is pleased to share the final Stage 2 Reports for the Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMPs).
The purpose of Stage 2 of the CMP development process is to determine risks, vulnerabilities and opportunities for the CMP study area. Stage 2 is a technical stage that requires gathering the background information, developing a conceptual model, defining the coastal hazards within the area, and modelling and mapping the region to create a risk assessment based on the hazard mapping models. Stage 2 requires the studies identified in the Shoalhaven CMP Scoping Study to be undertaken.
The following Stage 2 reports are published in the 'Document Library' on this web page:
- Stage 2 Synthesis Report
- Tidal and Coastal Inundation Study Report (main document) and Appendices
- Foreshore Erosion Assessment
- Water Quality and Estuary Health Study:
- Stage 2 Detailed Risk Assessment
- Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Entrance Management Review
If you have questions about these reports or the CMP development process, you can contact Council via e-mail to the Coastal Management Unit – or by calling Council on 1300 293 111.
Have Your Say on Stage 3 - Community Consultation Period Extended
Share Have Your Say on Stage 3 - Community Consultation Period Extended on Facebook Share Have Your Say on Stage 3 - Community Consultation Period Extended on Twitter Share Have Your Say on Stage 3 - Community Consultation Period Extended on Linkedin Email Have Your Say on Stage 3 - Community Consultation Period Extended linkCommunity consultation has been extended to 31 July 2023.
The Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMP) are now progressing through to Stage 3. In this stage, a list of Potential Management Actions has been developed for consideration. We are asking the community to provide feedback and suggestions on the proposed management actions. These potential management actions have been developed following consultation with both community and government stakeholders and based on technical studies undertaken during Stage 2 of the CMP process.
If you provided feedback during Stage 2, you can see how your comments were considered in developing the management actions in Stage 2 - Closing the Loop, also in the 'Document Library' on this web page.
Feedback from the community will be used to inform the management actions adopted. The Draft CMP (Stage 4) will be publicly exhibited for further community input before it is finalised in early 2024.
Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey, reviewing and providing input on the Potential Management Actions developed for all estuaries, as well as the potential management actions for specific locations using the Online Map.
Having trouble using the online map?
You can also provide your feedback via email to the Coastal Management Team – or by calling Council on 1300 293 111.
Take a look at the proposed management actions based on the following themes:
- Cultural and social management actions
- Foreshore erosion
- Ecological environment
- Inundation and sea-level rise
- Boating and navigation
- Water quality
Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey by 5pm, Monday 31 July 2023.
Stage 3 Survey Out Now - We Need Your Input
Share Stage 3 Survey Out Now - We Need Your Input on Facebook Share Stage 3 Survey Out Now - We Need Your Input on Twitter Share Stage 3 Survey Out Now - We Need Your Input on Linkedin Email Stage 3 Survey Out Now - We Need Your Input linkThe Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMP) are now progressing through to Stage 3. In this stage, a list of Potential Management Actions has been developed for consideration. We are asking the community to provide feedback and suggestions on the proposed management actions. These potential management actions have been developed following consultation with both community and government stakeholders and based on technical studies undertaken during Stage 2 of the CMP process.
If you provided feedback during Stage 2, you can see how your comments were considered in developing the management actions in Stage 2 - Closing the Loop, also in the 'Document Library' on this web page.
Feedback from the community will be used to inform the management actions adopted. The Draft CMP (Stage 4) will be publicly exhibited for further community input before it is finalised in early 2024.
Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey, reviewing and providing input on the Potential Management Actions developed for all estuaries, as well as the potential management actions for specific locations using the Online Map.
Having trouble using the online map?
You can also provide your feedback via email to the Coastal Management Team – or by calling Council on 1300 293 111.
Take a look at the proposed management actions based on the following themes:
- Cultural and social management actions
- Foreshore erosion
- Ecological environment
- Inundation and sea-level rise
- Boating and navigation
- Water quality
Please provide your feedback by 5pm, Friday 21 July 2023.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkCouncil would like to thank the CMP subscribers and the community for providing inputs and contributing to the preparation of our CMPs throughout 2022.
The Project Team is still busy reviewing and finalising the Stage 2 studies for the Sussex Inlet, St George Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP, and Council is optimistic to have them all completed by early 2023. Council held a successful workshop with state agencies to consult and discuss potential management actions for Stage 3 of the CMP, which are now refined by the Project Team. Once this process is completed, an online platform will be used to present and consult the proposed management actions from February 2023 with the community.
The CMP Project Team is wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Council looks forward to continue working with the community on the Sussex Inlet, St George Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP in 2023.
Stage 2 Update
Share Stage 2 Update on Facebook Share Stage 2 Update on Twitter Share Stage 2 Update on Linkedin Email Stage 2 Update linkYou may have noticed Council's environmental experts on the water, at Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek, undertaking consultation and assessing the conditions of the foreshore.
The Coastal Management Program (CMP) Stage 2 studies that are nearing completion involved several investigations, including:
- bank erosion survey and analysis
- coastal and tidal Inundation modelling for various future climate scenarios
- boating and navigation study to determine the main concerns, issues and threats for our community and its visitors
- water quality and estuary health analysis
- community consultation and surveys to further understands any gaps in the categories above that may have missed previously
Using this information, as well as your valuable input, Council's environmental experts, and environmental consultants, are undertaking the final review stages to start preparing a summary report for Stage 2 of the CMP. The report will provide new knowledge on risks for the Sussex Inlet, St.Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek area resulting from not only coastal and tidal inundation, sea level rise, bank erosion, entrance management and water quality studies but also integrated with the communities knowledge and concerns.
The Stage 2 summary report will be used for Stage 3 to inform and develop management actions to mitigate risks and prepare our coastal use areas along the Sussex Inlet, St.Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek area.
What to expect next...
Once the range of management actions have been prepared, the opportunity for community feedback on Stage 3 will be provided to share your thoughts on the range of drafted management actions for your local area.
Successful Community Workshops
Share Successful Community Workshops on Facebook Share Successful Community Workshops on Twitter Share Successful Community Workshops on Linkedin Email Successful Community Workshops linkThank you to the community members for their attendance and participation in the workshops for the Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs on the 15 and 16 March 2022.
Our community raised important issues and concerns for the local area as well as put forward several ideas for possible solutions and management actions, creating a very positive, constructive and inclusive workshop.
The information captured will help inform and shape the development of these Coastal Management Programs which will provide a strategic frameworks for the next 10 years.
If you were unable to attend a session, you can still have your say through our Interactive Map.
Input through the mapping tool closes on Tuesday, 5 April 2022.
Workshop Registrations
Share Workshop Registrations on Facebook Share Workshop Registrations on Twitter Share Workshop Registrations on Linkedin Email Workshop Registrations linkWorkshop registrations have now closed.
If you would still like to attend please contact Nigel Smith via email or call 02 4429 5501.
Stage 2 Community Workshops and Information Drop-in sessions for the Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) will be held on Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 March 2022.
Registration will close on 7 March 2022 - Register now as places are limited! Please note if workshops reach capacity, you may be asked to attend an additional workshop which will be scheduled if required.
Information Drop-in sessions will be run immediately following the workshops where community members can discuss the CMP with Council - all are welcome, no registration is required.
Date: Tuesday 15 March 2022
Where: Erowal Bay Public Hall, 19 King George St, Erowal Bay
Time: Workshop 4:30-6:00pm (registration essential), Information Drop-In Session 6:30-7:30pm (no registration required - all welcome)Date: Wednesday 16 March 202
Where: Sussex Inlet Community Centre, 21 Thomson Street, Sussex Inlet
Time: Workshop 4:30-6:00pm (registration essential), Information Drop-In Session 6:30-7:30pm (no registration required - all welcome)Please complete the Registration Form to secure your place.
Follow Project
Stage 1 - Identify Scope of CMP
Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP has finished this stageAugust 2020
Stage 3 Community Consultation
Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP has finished this stage15 June to 31 July 2023
Stage 3 - Identify and evaluate options
Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP has finished this stageMid - Late 2024
Stage 4 - Prepare, exhibit and finalise CMP
Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP is currently at this stageEarly 2025 - late 2025 - Stage 4 duration
- February - March 2025 - Public exhibition
Stage 5 - Implement, monitor, evaluate and report
this is an upcoming stage for Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMPFrom Late 2025
Document Library
Stage 4 Reports
Draft Stage 4 St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP (high resolution)
Draft Stage 4 St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP (low resolution)
Draft Stage 4 St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP (Main Report only)
Draft Stage 4 St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP - Brochure
Appendix A1 Coastal Management Areas
Appendix A2 Coastal and Tidal Inundation Hazard Maps
Appendix A3 Potential migration of estuarine macrophytes with sea level rise
Appendix A4 Local Area Management Actions
Appendix B General Erosion Management Techniques
Appendix C Coastal Zone Emergency Action Subplan
Appendix D Alignment of CMP with Objects of CM Act and RH SEPP
Stage 3 Reports
Stage 2 Reports
Stage 2 - Closing the Loop
Detailed Risk Assessment Report
Stage 2 Synthesis Report
Tidal and Coastal Inundation Study Report
Tidal and Coastal Inundation Study Report - Appendix A
Foreshore Erosion Assessment
Water Quality and Estuary Health Study - Swan Lake
Water Quality and Estuary Health Study - St Georges Basin & Sussex Inlet
Water Quality and Estuary Health Study - Berrara Creek
Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Entrance Management Review
Boating Study Report
Coastal Management Program Development Process Brochure
- What is a Coastal Management Program?
- Why is Council preparing Coastal Management Programs?
- What are the stages of developing a CMP?
- What is a Scoping Study?
- What is a coastal vulnerability area and how is it identified?
- What is the vision of the CMPs?
- What are the issues being considered by the CMPs?
- How many CMPs is Council preparing?
- Who is involved in the development of a CMP?
- How is our Indigenous community being involved in the CMP development process?
- How will the CMP actions be funded?
- How can I receive updates and ask a question?
- How does Council manage the entrances of rivers, lakes and estuaries?
Who's Listening
Phone 1300 293 111 Email