Project Update

Council would like to thank the CMP subscribers and the community for providing input and contributing to the preparation of the Sussex Inlet, St George Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP throughout 2023 and 2024.
Since the consultation held in mid-2023, the Project Team has been busy reviewing and evaluating the management actions proposed for Stage 3 using a robust, decision-making framework in line with the NSW Coastal Management Framework. Council has been discussing the proposed options with State Government Agencies and internal stakeholders to determine the feasibility and viability of the relevant actions for inclusion in the CMP, with consideration given to the amazing community ideas received throughout the CMP process. This process is nearing completion and Council is looking forward to sharing how the feedback received during the Stage 3 consultation has been considered in this process, as well as the Stage 3 Report for the CMP.
Following Stage 3, the project will move to Stage 4 which involves public exhibition of the draft CMP document. Council anticipates the public exhibition to occur in the second half of 2024.
If you have questions about the CMP development process, please contact the Coastal Management Unit at or by calling Council on 1300 293 111.