Project Update

Council would like to thank the CMP subscribers and the community for providing inputs and contributing to the preparation of our CMPs throughout 2022.
The Project Team is still busy reviewing and finalising the Stage 2 studies for the Sussex Inlet, St George Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP, and Council is optimistic to have them all completed by early 2023. Council held a successful workshop with state agencies to consult and discuss potential management actions for Stage 3 of the CMP, which are now refined by the Project Team. Once this process is completed, an online platform will be used to present and consult the proposed management actions from February 2023 with the community.
The CMP Project Team is wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Council looks forward to continue working with the community on the Sussex Inlet, St George Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP in 2023.