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Detailed design has been completed for the preferred Total Flood Warning System for the Lake Conjola, Burrill Lake and Tabourie Lake catchments based on community and agency feedback.
Council has requested grant funding from the NSW Government Floodplain Management Program to implement the proposed Total Flood Warning System in each catchment.
When eventually implemented, these Total Flood Warning Systems will predict lake levels in a flood event, provide early warning, and assist with flood event response and pre-flood entrance management procedures.
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The Options Report for the Shoalhaven ICOLL Catchments Flash Flood Warning System Scoping Study has been finalised based on community and agency feedback received in late 2023.
The majority of community and agency feedback received supported the development of a Flood Warning System with preference to Option 3 (Predictive flood warning and decision support with priority 2 gauge installation works) for each catchment.
Please refer to the report and summary tables in the Document Library for details of what each Flood Warning Option includes.
This project has now progressed to the detailed development of the preferred Flood Warning System for each catchment and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
Council is seeking funding opportunities to progress with the implementation of each Flood Warning System following the detailed development of the preferred Flood Warning System option for each catchment.
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Public exhibition of the Draft Options Report for the Shoalhaven ICOLL Catchments Flash Flood Warning System Scoping Study is currently underway.
Drop-in sessions were held in Burrill Lake and Lake Conjola on Tuesday 14 November and Wednesday 15 November 2023. Council would like to thank all community members that have currently completed an online survey or attended a community drop-in session for this project.
Following community feedback, Council has decided to extend the public exhibition period until Sunday 3 December 2023 and make it easier for the community to complete the survey for this project. Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey or completing a hard copy survey at the following locations:
- Post office
- Bowling Club
- Mar & Dars Café
- Post Office
- Ice Box Liquor
This survey seeks your input on the different flood warning system options which have been considered before the project progresses with more detailed investigations for the preferred flood warning system in each catchment.
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Council has engaged a contractor, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, to undertake the Shoalhaven ICOLL Catchments Flash Flood Warning System Scoping Study for the catchments of Lake Conjola, Burrill Lake, and Tabourie Lake.
The public exhibition of the Draft Options Report seeks your input on the different flood warning system options considered before the project progresses with more detailed investigations for the preferred flood warning system in each catchment.
A brief survey is also available to capture your feedback on the various flood warning options considered to help us complete the scoping study.
Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey on this webpage by Sunday 26 November 2023.
Summary videos explaining the study and potential flood warning system options for Lake Conjola, Burrill Lake and Tabourie Lake, as well as catchment maps and options summary tables, are included in the document library. Updated FAQs are available on this Get Involved webpage.
You can also complete the survey, in person, at the drop-in session on Tuesday 14 November 2023 between 3:00pm – 6:30pm at the Burrill Lake Community Hall OR Wednesday 15 November 2023 between 3:00pm – 6:30pm at the Lake Conjola Community Centre. Council staff, DPE Flood Risk Specialist, local SES volunteers and our consultants working on this project will be available to discuss the project and draft report.
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Thank you for your input. This survey has now closed.
We value your feedback!
We would greatly value any feedback from our community as we start investigating flash flood warning system options for Burrill Lake, Lake Conjola and Tabourie Lake.
Please complete the short online survey below. It will only take about 10 minutes of your time.
All information provided will be confidential and used only for the purpose of the study.
Please complete the Online Survey by 5 pm, Sunday 18 June 2023.
We look forward to working with you over the course of this project.