Have Your Say - Draft Flood Warning Options Report

Council has engaged a contractor, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, to undertake the Shoalhaven ICOLL Catchments Flash Flood Warning System Scoping Study for the catchments of Lake Conjola, Burrill Lake, and Tabourie Lake.
The public exhibition of the Draft Options Report seeks your input on the different flood warning system options considered before the project progresses with more detailed investigations for the preferred flood warning system in each catchment.
A brief survey is also available to capture your feedback on the various flood warning options considered to help us complete the scoping study.
Please provide your feedback by completing the Online Survey on this webpage by Sunday 26 November 2023.
Summary videos explaining the study and potential flood warning system options for Lake Conjola, Burrill Lake and Tabourie Lake, as well as catchment maps and options summary tables, are included in the document library. Updated FAQs are available on this Get Involved webpage.
You can also complete the survey, in person, at the drop-in session on Tuesday 14 November 2023 between 3:00pm – 6:30pm at the Burrill Lake Community Hall OR Wednesday 15 November 2023 between 3:00pm – 6:30pm at the Lake Conjola Community Centre. Council staff, DPE Flood Risk Specialist, local SES volunteers and our consultants working on this project will be available to discuss the project and draft report.