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Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters

The Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) is designed to make participation in planning clearer for communities. It does this by setting out how and when communities can participate in Land use planning and development matters throughout the various stages of proposals to Council.

The CPP also outlines community participation objectives which are used to guide approaches to community engagement. It provides transparency and clarity for the community to clearly understand its role in the development assessment and planning process.

The Draft Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters can be found here or through the document library on the right-hand side of this page.

Please provide your feedback on the plan by completing the survey below.  The survey will close at 5.00pm on Friday 14 March 2025.


Overall, how satisfied are you with the draft Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP)?

* required

Do you think that the draft Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) is easy to read and understand?

* required

Do you think that the draft Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) demonstrates the community engagement principles set out in the Draft Community Engagement Strategy 2025-2029?

* required