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Image of Clyde River, NSW

2025 Survey - Clyde River Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

This survey is designed for you to provide feedback on the Draft Clyde River Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan developed over the last 18 months.

We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey and thank you for contributing to the development of the Clyde River Floodplain Risk Management Plan.

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Which of the following best describes your connection with the Clyde River catchment area?

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Which category below best describes your property?

Please rate your support for the following flood risk mitigation measures:

The assessment has identified the following options as feasible flood risk mitigation measures in the Clyde River catchment and has recommended their inclusion in the Floodplain Risk Management Plan (FRMP).

  • EM1 - Data Handover to the SES
  • EM2 - Update of emergency response documentation
  • EM3 - Installation of additional rainfall and stream gauges
  • EM4 - Flood education
  • EM5 - Campground education campaign
  • EM6 - Flood depth markers
  • EM8 - Online warning of road closures
  • EM14 - Improve flood immunity of crossings
  • FP1 - Planning and development controls
  • FP4 - Voluntary house purchase
  • FP5 - Voluntary house relocation
  • FP6 - Post flood data collection

To view all these flood risk mitigation measures in detail in the FRMP please click HERE


EM1 Data handover to the SES (Table in the FRMP)

The flood data developed as part of the Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study (FRMS) will assist the SES during a flood event.

Please rate your support of EM1.


EM2 - Update emergency response documentation (Table in the FRMP)

This option will improve flood response from emergency responders.

Please rate your support for EM2.


EM3 - Installation of additional rainfall and stream gauges (Table in the FRMP)

The installation of these gauges would provide improved flood warning for the catchment.

Please rate your support for EM3.


EM4 - Flood education (Table in the FRMP)

This option will improve awareness of flood risk by the community and visitors to help people make safe decisions during flood events.

Please rate your support for EM4.


EM5 - Campground education campaign (Table in the FRMP)

This option would help campground operators and visitors better understand the flood risk and how to respond during a flood event.

Please rate your support for EM5.


EM6 - Flood depth markers (Table in the FRMP)

Flood depth markers at key river crossings would help to deter drivers from entering floodwaters.

Please rate your support for EM6.


EM8 - Online warning of road closures (Table in the FRMP)

This option would allow the depth of the floodwater over key river crossings to be viewed online at any time of the day. This would help to avoid driving to a crossing to find that it is inundated.

Please rate your support for EM8.


EM14 - Improve flood immunity of crossings (Table in the FRMP)

Existing crossings over the Clyde River have a low flood immunity and are quickly inundated in a flood event. Raising these crossings would provide benefits to flood immunity, but these crossings will always be low-lying, and flood affected. 

Please rate your support for EM14.


FP1 - Planning and development controls (Table in the FRMP)

Update Council's planning controls for any future development to ensure that flood risk is appropriately considered.

Please rate your support for FP1.


FP4 - Voluntary house purchase (Table In the FRMP)

The removal of existing houses from the high flood hazard areas would result in a significant reduction in risk to life during large flood events. This option would further investigate the viability of voluntary house purchase in the Clyde River catchment. Note that this option is entirely voluntary for eligible property owners to pursue.

Please rate your support for FP4.


FP5 - Voluntary house relocation (Table in the FRMP)

The relocation of existing houses from high flood hazard areas would result in a significant reduction in risk to life during large flood events. This option would further investigate the viability of voluntary house relocation in the Clyde River catchment. Note that this option is entirely voluntary for eligible property owners to pursue.

Please rate your support for FP5.


FP6 - Post flood data collection (Table in the FRMP)

This option helps to capture data, such as maximum flood levels, from real flood events in the Clyde River. This assists the SES to manage flood events.

Please rate your support for FP6.