CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback Form
The proposed trial changes to the 45 Degree Rule Exemption for Tree Removal include the refinement of terminology and some additional criteria, including:
- The tree must pose a demonstrable (actual) risk to the building.
- The tree must be located on the same lot that the building is located on.
- The tree must not include a hollow and/or nests (for example, stick bird nests), or be on an upward slope greater than 18 degrees from the building.
- The tree must be removed by an AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) Level 3 arborist in accordance with relevant Australian Standards. Tree removal is a highly specialised procedure requiring the skills and expertise of trained professionals to protect life and property.
- The landowner is to notify all adjoining and adjacent landowners/occupants and Council of the proposed tree removal works in writing, at least 5 business days before the tree removal is due to commence. The notification to Council must also be signed by the arborist removing the tree/s.
Please provide your feedback by completing the form below by 5pm Friday 31 March 2023.