Revised Proposal and Biodiversity Certification Application on Public Exhibition

Council is seeking feedback on a revised Planning Proposal (PP005) and Biodiversity Certification Application (BCA) for Lots 21-24 DP 714096 Warrah Road, Bangalee. The revised PP also includes approximately 6,000 m2 of unmade Council road situated between the proposed residential area on Lot 24 DP 714096 west of Warrah Road and the existing residential land to the north.
The PP and BCA are public exhibition until Monday, 18 July 2022.
A previous version of this PP was exhibited in May-June 2021. The PP has been substantially reshaped in response to community and Government agency feedback, and achieves better environmental, bushfire protection and planning outcomes than the previously exhibited version.
Viewing the exhibition documents
The exhibition documents can be accessed on Council’s Documents on Exhibition web page and in the Document Library on this web page.
Make a Submission
Feedback on the PP can be made online through the “Feedback PP005” tab on this web page.
Feedback on the proponent’s BCA can be made online through the “Feedback BCA” on this web page.
Or by:
Post: Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 42, Nowra, NSW 2541.
If not using the feedback form, please quote Council’s reference 49462E/6 in your correspondence
Submissions should be received by 5 pm on Monday, 18 July 2022.
To receive updates on this project, subscribe through the 'Stay Informed' tool on this web page.
Consultation has concluded