Council Supports Revised Proposal for Exhibition

At the Ordinary Meeting on 14 March 2022, Council considered a report (CL22.119) Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal (PP005) – Revision and Proposed Exhibition – ‘ Deferred’ Land, Warrah Road, Bangalee and RESOLVED (MIN22.170) to:

1. Endorse the revised proposal and modified Local Environmental Plan (LEP) maps contained in this Report and prepare an updated Planning Proposal (PP) that also includes: a. Information about the proposed biodiversity certification of the development land and proposed conservation arrangements for the environmental land as outlined in recommendation 2 below; b. A revised subdivision concept plan 2022; c. Current agency comments.

2. Endorse, in principle, the transfer/dedication of the proposed C2 Environmental Conservation zoned land (part of Lot 24 DP 714096) to Council at the appropriate point in the future with a single, fully costed and funded Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement (BSA), registered on Title.

3. Forward an updated PP to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) with a request for a further Gateway extension to permit re-exhibition and finalisation of the PP.

4. Publicly exhibit the updated PP in accordance with legislative requirements and consult relevant agencies (provided Gateway extension is issued), with costs accrued to date to be invoiced and paid by the Proponent prior to exhibition commencing.

5. Concurrently exhibit the Biodiversity Certification Application (BCA) and updated BCAR with the PP for 30 days in accordance with s8.6 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

6. Receive a future report on the outcomes of the re-exhibition and proposed finalisation process.

7. Advise the proponent and previous submitters of this resolution.

8. Prepare any future DCP Chapter for the area in accordance with Part 6 of the LEP including requirements for appropriate tree retention within the subdivision area.

FOR: Clr Findley, Clr Kotlash, Clr Norris, Clr Butler, Clr D'Ath, Clr Copley, Clr Ell, Clr Christen, Clr White, Clr Watson, Clr Kitchener and Clr Gray AGAINST: Nil


The Council Report, Minutes and the relevant attachments (Page 59 onwards), can be accessed from these links or from the 'Document Library' on this web page. Please note that links to other relevant documents are available on the last page of the Council report (p.97 ) and also within Attachment 2.

Next Steps: An updated Planning Proposal (PP) document is being prepared. The revised PP will be forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning & Environment to request a Gateway extension for additional time to re-exhibit and finalise the PP. Provided a Gateway extension is granted, this webpage will be updated, documents for exhibition will be prepared and the revised PP will be re-exhibited as soon as practical. The Biodiversity Certification Application (BCA) and updated BCAR will also be re-exhibited concurrently with the PP. To encourage and assist with community engagement, this webpage will be maintained throughout the re-exhibition process and beyond to provide an electronic platform for the making of submissions and future project updates.

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