Warrah Road, Bangalee – Planning Proposal PP005
Consultation has concluded
Shoalhaven City Council sought community feedback on a proponent-initiated Planning Proposal (PP005) to resolve the long-term development potential of land at Warrah Road, Bangalee.
The land comprises part of the ‘Crams Road Urban Investigation Area’ (CRIA) identified in the Nowra-Bomaderry Structure Plan. The land was ‘deferred’ from Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 and is currently zoned Rural 1(d) (General) under Shoalhaven LEP 1985. It is proposed to rezone the land to a mix of zones C2 - Environmental Conservation, RU2 - Rural Landscape, R5 – Large Lot Residential, and R2 - Low-Density Residential.
Council is also exhibitied, on behalfContinue reading
Shoalhaven City Council sought community feedback on a proponent-initiated Planning Proposal (PP005) to resolve the long-term development potential of land at Warrah Road, Bangalee.
The land comprises part of the ‘Crams Road Urban Investigation Area’ (CRIA) identified in the Nowra-Bomaderry Structure Plan. The land was ‘deferred’ from Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 and is currently zoned Rural 1(d) (General) under Shoalhaven LEP 1985. It is proposed to rezone the land to a mix of zones C2 - Environmental Conservation, RU2 - Rural Landscape, R5 – Large Lot Residential, and R2 - Low-Density Residential.
Council is also exhibitied, on behalf of the proponent, an application for Biodiversity Certification and associated Biodiversity Assessment Report (BCAR). Biodiversity certification allows the biodiversity impacts of a proposal to be more strategically considered. Land that is certified under this process can be developed without further assessment/s at the development application stage, subject to securing any required offset measures.
The Planning Proposal applies to Lots 21 to 24 DP 714096 Warrah Road, Bangalee and approximately 6,000 m2 (300 linear metres) of Council road. The subject land has an area of approximately 80 ha. See Map Below.
The Planning Proposal seeks to resolve the planning status of the ‘deferred’ land by:
- protecting High Conservation Value (HCV) land by applying an appropriate environmental zone
- securing the future tenure and management of the environmental land
- protecting the corridor and alignment of the future A1/M1 (Western Bypass) by rezoning the affected land to RU2 - Rural Landscape and amending the Local Clauses (CLS) map to apply Cl 7.21 of Shoalhaven LEP 2014.
- ultimately enabling residential development to occur on the non-HCV land (subject to satisfaction of Part 6 of Shoalhaven LEP 2014).
It is proposed to amend the following map overlays:
- Land use
- Minimum lot size
- Height of Buildings
- Urban Release Area
- Local Clauses
- Acid Sulfate Soils
- Land Application Map.
Where can I find more information?
For information about the Planning Proposal and the Public Exhibition please see:
Exhibition Notice
Explanatory Documentation
Frequently Asked Questions
Planning Proposal
For further information refer to the Document Library on this webpage.
Map Amendment Notified
Share Map Amendment Notified on Facebook Share Map Amendment Notified on Twitter Share Map Amendment Notified on Linkedin Email Map Amendment Notified linkMap Amendment No. 7 to Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 was notified on Friday, 10 February 2023. The Amendment is available on the NSW legislation website at www.legislation.nsw.gov.au for viewing.
The Planning Proposal documentation is available on the NSW Planning Portal at PP005 - Warrah Road, Bangalee.
The online mapping is available for viewing at Council’s website. Please be aware, the mapping on the NSW Planning Portal may take additional time to update.
Certification Application (BCA)
The updated BCA and Biodiversity Conservation Assessment Report (BCAR) were exhibited concurrently with the PP in accordance with ‘best practice’ and no submissions were received. The Application will be determined by the NSW Minister for Environment and Heritage.
Next Steps
Part 6 (Urban Release Areas) of the LEP applies to the Warrah Road URA layer (illustrated in the attached plan) and requires that a DCP and infrastructure planning arrangements are in place before the land can be released/subdivided. In this regard, Council also resolved (MIN19.289) that the release of the land under Part 6 of the LEP should not occur “until after BOTH the duplication of the Princes Highway/Shoalhaven River Bridge and the Far North Collector Road are complete”. Council’s position on timing will be reconsidered after the bridge duplication and Far North Collector Road projects have been completed and reviewed.
At the appropriate time, staff will seek Council support to formally commence preparation of the DCP and to involve the local community in that process.
Council Adopts Planning Proposal (rezoning) for Finalisation
Share Council Adopts Planning Proposal (rezoning) for Finalisation on Facebook Share Council Adopts Planning Proposal (rezoning) for Finalisation on Twitter Share Council Adopts Planning Proposal (rezoning) for Finalisation on Linkedin Email Council Adopts Planning Proposal (rezoning) for Finalisation linkCouncil has considered the post-exhibition Report (CL22.394) (Exhibition Outcomes and Finalisation – Planning Proposal (PP005) – ‘Deferred’ Land at Warrah Road, Bangalee and at the Ordinary Meeting (MIN22.582) on 12 September 2022 resolved to:
- Adopt and finalise the revised Planning Proposal (PP005) as exhibited between 15 June and 18 July 2022.
- Forward PP005 to the Office of the NSW Parliamentary Counsel (PCO) with a request to draft the amendment to Shoalhaven LEP 2014.
- Make the resulting amendment to Shoalhaven LEP 2014 (SLEP) using Council’s delegation.
- Issue a final invoice for the balance of fees outstanding, to be paid by the proponent prior to making the LEP amendment.
- Recognises the importance of communication and community engagement during the Planning Proposal process and posts a ‘Newsfeed” update to the ‘Get Involved’ project page and advise all subscribers and the proponent of this resolution.
- Advise submitters of Council’s decision once the LEP amendment has been notified.
Next Steps: Accordingly, staff will undertake the necessary actions to amend the Shoalhaven LEP 2014 mapping. When the LEP Amendment has been made, all submitters will be advised in writing in accordance with Council’s decision. This process will rezone the land and identify the future Urban Release Area.
However, the land cannot be released for development until the provisions of Part 6 of the LEP have been satisfied. This includes, but is not limited to, completion of the Shoalhaven River Bridge duplication, the Far North Collector Road and adoption of a Development Control Plan (DCP) for the site. Council will engage with the community again when work on the draft DCP is scheduled to commence.
Re-exhibition outcomes to be considered by Council
Share Re-exhibition outcomes to be considered by Council on Facebook Share Re-exhibition outcomes to be considered by Council on Twitter Share Re-exhibition outcomes to be considered by Council on Linkedin Email Re-exhibition outcomes to be considered by Council linkA report on the outcomes from the re-exhibition of the Planning Proposal (PP005) for Deferred land at Warrah Road, Bangalee, and the associated Biodiversity Certification Application, is expected to be considered at Council’s Ordinary meeting on Monday 12 September 2022.
You can access the report on Council’s Agendas and Minutes webpage from the afternoon of Thursday, 8 September 2022.
The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30 pm and will be held in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Building, Nowra. Members of the public are welcome to attend or can watch live streamed on Council's website.
If you would like to deputation regarding this matter, please read the Deputation FAQs on Council’s website and submit an online application form or contact Council’s Governance Team on 1300 293 111. Prior to making a request, please review the report as you will need to advise whether you are making a deputation for or against the report recommendations.
Revised Proposal and Biodiversity Certification Application on Public Exhibition
Share Revised Proposal and Biodiversity Certification Application on Public Exhibition on Facebook Share Revised Proposal and Biodiversity Certification Application on Public Exhibition on Twitter Share Revised Proposal and Biodiversity Certification Application on Public Exhibition on Linkedin Email Revised Proposal and Biodiversity Certification Application on Public Exhibition linkCouncil is seeking feedback on a revised Planning Proposal (PP005) and Biodiversity Certification Application (BCA) for Lots 21-24 DP 714096 Warrah Road, Bangalee. The revised PP also includes approximately 6,000 m2 of unmade Council road situated between the proposed residential area on Lot 24 DP 714096 west of Warrah Road and the existing residential land to the north.
The PP and BCA are public exhibition until Monday, 18 July 2022.
A previous version of this PP was exhibited in May-June 2021. The PP has been substantially reshaped in response to community and Government agency feedback, and achieves better environmental, bushfire protection and planning outcomes than the previously exhibited version.
Viewing the exhibition documents
The exhibition documents can be accessed on Council’s Documents on Exhibition web page and in the Document Library on this web page.
Make a Submission
Feedback on the PP can be made online through the “Feedback PP005” tab on this web page.
Feedback on the proponent’s BCA can be made online through the “Feedback BCA” on this web page.
Or by:
Email: council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au
Post: Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 42, Nowra, NSW 2541.If not using the feedback form, please quote Council’s reference 49462E/6 in your correspondence
Submissions should be received by 5 pm on Monday, 18 July 2022.
To receive updates on this project, subscribe through the 'Stay Informed' tool on this web page.
Council Supports Revised Proposal for Exhibition
Share Council Supports Revised Proposal for Exhibition on Facebook Share Council Supports Revised Proposal for Exhibition on Twitter Share Council Supports Revised Proposal for Exhibition on Linkedin Email Council Supports Revised Proposal for Exhibition linkAt the Ordinary Meeting on 14 March 2022, Council considered a report (CL22.119) Exhibition Outcomes – Planning Proposal (PP005) – Revision and Proposed Exhibition – ‘ Deferred’ Land, Warrah Road, Bangalee and RESOLVED (MIN22.170) to:
1. Endorse the revised proposal and modified Local Environmental Plan (LEP) maps contained in this Report and prepare an updated Planning Proposal (PP) that also includes: a. Information about the proposed biodiversity certification of the development land and proposed conservation arrangements for the environmental land as outlined in recommendation 2 below; b. A revised subdivision concept plan 2022; c. Current agency comments.
2. Endorse, in principle, the transfer/dedication of the proposed C2 Environmental Conservation zoned land (part of Lot 24 DP 714096) to Council at the appropriate point in the future with a single, fully costed and funded Biodiversity Stewardship Agreement (BSA), registered on Title.
3. Forward an updated PP to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) with a request for a further Gateway extension to permit re-exhibition and finalisation of the PP.
4. Publicly exhibit the updated PP in accordance with legislative requirements and consult relevant agencies (provided Gateway extension is issued), with costs accrued to date to be invoiced and paid by the Proponent prior to exhibition commencing.
5. Concurrently exhibit the Biodiversity Certification Application (BCA) and updated BCAR with the PP for 30 days in accordance with s8.6 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
6. Receive a future report on the outcomes of the re-exhibition and proposed finalisation process.
7. Advise the proponent and previous submitters of this resolution.
8. Prepare any future DCP Chapter for the area in accordance with Part 6 of the LEP including requirements for appropriate tree retention within the subdivision area.
FOR: Clr Findley, Clr Kotlash, Clr Norris, Clr Butler, Clr D'Ath, Clr Copley, Clr Ell, Clr Christen, Clr White, Clr Watson, Clr Kitchener and Clr Gray AGAINST: Nil
The Council Report, Minutes and the relevant attachments (Page 59 onwards), can be accessed from these links or from the 'Document Library' on this web page. Please note that links to other relevant documents are available on the last page of the Council report (p.97 ) and also within Attachment 2.
Next Steps: An updated Planning Proposal (PP) document is being prepared. The revised PP will be forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning & Environment to request a Gateway extension for additional time to re-exhibit and finalise the PP. Provided a Gateway extension is granted, this webpage will be updated, documents for exhibition will be prepared and the revised PP will be re-exhibited as soon as practical. The Biodiversity Certification Application (BCA) and updated BCAR will also be re-exhibited concurrently with the PP. To encourage and assist with community engagement, this webpage will be maintained throughout the re-exhibition process and beyond to provide an electronic platform for the making of submissions and future project updates.
Council to Consider Report on Public Exhibition Outcomes
Share Council to Consider Report on Public Exhibition Outcomes on Facebook Share Council to Consider Report on Public Exhibition Outcomes on Twitter Share Council to Consider Report on Public Exhibition Outcomes on Linkedin Email Council to Consider Report on Public Exhibition Outcomes linkA report on the outcomes from public exhibition of the Planning Proposal for Deferred land at Warrah Road, Bangalee (PP005) and the results of government agency consultation, is expected to be considered at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Monday, 14 March 2022.
You can confirm this by checking the agenda which will be available on Council's Agendas and Minutes webpage from the afternoon of Wednesday, 9 March 2022.
The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Building. Members of the public are welcome to attend or can watch the meeting via live stream.
Should you wish to make a deputation regarding this matter, please submit an application via the online application form on Council’s website or contact Council’s Governance Team on 1300 293 111. Prior to making a request, you should review the report and the recommendations in the agenda as you will need to advise whether you are making a deputation for or against the report recommendations.
Environment Zone Renamed Conservation Zone
Share Environment Zone Renamed Conservation Zone on Facebook Share Environment Zone Renamed Conservation Zone on Twitter Share Environment Zone Renamed Conservation Zone on Linkedin Email Environment Zone Renamed Conservation Zone linkAs of 1 December 2021, a reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 in a document should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4.
For further information please see Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment (Land Use Zones) Order 2021 (nsw.gov.au).
Project Update - Additional Studies
Share Project Update - Additional Studies on Facebook Share Project Update - Additional Studies on Twitter Share Project Update - Additional Studies on Linkedin Email Project Update - Additional Studies linkFollowing the discussions with the RFS, the Planning Delivery Unit (PDU) and Biodiversity Conservation Branch (BCD) of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE), the proponent and Council, the proponent has now been requested to provide:
- an updated Bushfire Assessment Report that considers the relevant bushfire protection measures of Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019
- an updated Biodiversity Conservation Assessment Report (BCAR) using the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) 2020
- a water-cycle management study to support the Planning Proposal.
It is anticipated that the Planning Proposal, including the exhibition outcomes and key issues raised in response to the exhibited PP (12 May – 25 June 2021), will be reported to Council in early 2022, dependent upon timely receipt of the updated reports and the water-cycle management study.
Rural Fire Service – Further discussions
Share Rural Fire Service – Further discussions on Facebook Share Rural Fire Service – Further discussions on Twitter Share Rural Fire Service – Further discussions on Linkedin Email Rural Fire Service – Further discussions linkComments (below) received from the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) dated 15 July 2021 stated, in part, that PP005, as exhibited:
“…has not adequately addressed the strategic bush fire planning principles and bush fire study requirements detailed in section 4 of Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019 (PBP) … and that “the NSW RFS [RFS] is not satisfied that the proposal is consistent with the [Ministerial] directions.”.
As a result, discussions have been held involving the RFS, the Planning Delivery Unit (PDU) and Biodiversity Conservation Branch (BCD) of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE), the proponent and Council. Arising from those discussions, the key areas of concern to the RFS have been identified as:
- the extent of interface with adjoining bushland
- perimeter roads are required around the full development footprint
- alternate access essential
- APZs.
It is expected that the outcomes from these discussions and how they can be addressed will be included in a report to Council in early 2022.
Note: The NSW Council Elections are scheduled for 4 December 2021. As the caretaker period commences on 4 November 2021, the project lifecycle has been updated accordingly.
NSW Rural Fire Service Comments Received
Share NSW Rural Fire Service Comments Received on Facebook Share NSW Rural Fire Service Comments Received on Twitter Share NSW Rural Fire Service Comments Received on Linkedin Email NSW Rural Fire Service Comments Received linkComments, dated 15 July 2021, have been received from the NSW Rural Fire Service.
To view the comments, please click on the link above or go to the “Agency Comments” folder in the Document Library on this web page.
Please see ‘Important Links’ for a copy of Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019.
Community Consultation
Warrah Road, Bangalee – Planning Proposal PP005 has finished this stage12 May 2021 to 25 June 2021
Report to Council on Exhibition Outcomes
Warrah Road, Bangalee – Planning Proposal PP005 has finished this stage14 March 2022
Community Consultation
Warrah Road, Bangalee – Planning Proposal PP005 has finished this stage15 June to 18 July 2022
Feedback consideration and Agency Responses
Warrah Road, Bangalee – Planning Proposal PP005 has finished this stageAugust 2022
Report to Council on Exhibition Outcomes
Warrah Road, Bangalee – Planning Proposal PP005 has finished this stageSeptember 2022
Finalisation and Notification of Plan
Warrah Road, Bangalee – Planning Proposal PP005 is currently at this stageOctober 2022
PP005 - Planning Proposal - Final
PP005 - Exhibition Notice
PP005 - Explanatory Document
PP005 - Frequently Asked Questions
PP005 - Council Report and Minute
PP005 - Gateway Determination
PP005 - Bushfire Assessment (Updated)
PP005 - Biodiversity Certification Application Form
Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (Updated)
Council Reports and Resolutions
Important Links
Related projects
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Who's Listening
Phone 02 4429 3485 Email maggie.chapman@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au