Project Update
Shoalhaven City Council is pleased to announce that multi-award-winning skatepark company, Convic, has been secured to undertake the concept and detail design for the new Ulladulla Skate Park.
The Ulladulla Skate Park upgrade is a very exciting project for the community as the park has been a much-loved piece of local infrastructure for 20 years.
The community have been actively working together to formulate a vision and will be invited to share their ideas at a Pre-Design Workshop to be held on 29 July 2019. Designing with the community creates the best outcomes for current and future generations, and Council is pleased to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with community on this project.
The design process will ensure that a strong set of plans for a new skatepark will be developed by approximately October 2019, making the designs ready to be put forward for grant funding opportunities in early 2020.