Ulladulla Skate Park
Consultation has concluded
Shoalhaven City Council plans to develop the existing Ulladulla Skate Park to be a regional facility. Council has resolved to fund a concept and detailed design for a new skate park, and following this, will put together a plan to fund the upgrade.
About the Project
Council has supported a budget allocation of $1,2000 over a two-year budget cycle.
Council will also work towards obtaining grant funding as required.
The project will be partially funded from the Skate Park Funds 2018/19, additional capital works funding in the 2019/20 budget. Council will also work towards obtaining grant funding as required.
CouncilContinue reading
Shoalhaven City Council plans to develop the existing Ulladulla Skate Park to be a regional facility. Council has resolved to fund a concept and detailed design for a new skate park, and following this, will put together a plan to fund the upgrade.
About the Project
Council has supported a budget allocation of $1,2000 over a two-year budget cycle.
Council will also work towards obtaining grant funding as required.
The project will be partially funded from the Skate Park Funds 2018/19, additional capital works funding in the 2019/20 budget. Council will also work towards obtaining grant funding as required.
Council is proposing to initially investigate the condition of the existing skate park at Ulladulla Sports Park, through engagement with external expertise. This will identify the existing condition of the park and any remediation works if required. Once this report is finalised, Council staff will advise on the findings to Council by way of a Councillor Briefing. This will identify the next steps and may include either remediation work to the existing park, providing an extension or a combination of both. Council will engage the broader community at this stage of the project.
If you would like to register your interest in this project so we can keep you informed and ask for your feedback, please subscribe via the 'Stay Informed' function on this page.
Project Paused
Share Project Paused on Facebook Share Project Paused on Twitter Share Project Paused on Linkedin Email Project Paused linkThe Ulladulla Skate Park Redevelopment project has been placed on pause, in accordance with Council Meeting MIN24.187 (08/04/2024), until Council’s financial position improves.
For more information about the work we are doing to improve our financial sustainability, please visit our Financial Sustainability Program webpage.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkCouncil and Convic are working together to complete the design for the Shoalhaven Skateparks Associated Works – Stronger Country Communities Grant deliverables. Funding of over $85,000 has been provided for the following works:
- two shade sails
- four bench seats
- two shade shelters/picnic tables
- BBQ.
The tender process for the demolition of the existing skatepark and the construction of the new skate park will start in October 2023. All three stages of the skatepark will be included in the tender.
The vision for Ulladulla skate park redevelopment will celebrate the unique geographic location and environmental heritage of the region while providing contemporary social interaction opportunities for the whole community.
The skate park vision favoured by the community, was a competition bowl, a vert wall, or a similar iconic feature, flowing transition, spine, mini ramps and functional street features. The skate park design will consider obstacles for all skill levels, beginners and advanced, as well as cater for all user groups.
Skate features include:
- Individual skate zones
- Deep competition bowl
- Bowl platform features
- Street plaza skate features
- Feature vert wall.
Please see the plans for more details about this exciting project.
If you have any enquiries in relation to this project, please do not hesitate to contact the Community Planning and Projects team on 1300 293 111, email council@Shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au, or stay up to date by subscribing to this Get Involved webpage.
Final Online Consultation for Skate Park Design
Share Final Online Consultation for Skate Park Design on Facebook Share Final Online Consultation for Skate Park Design on Twitter Share Final Online Consultation for Skate Park Design on Linkedin Email Final Online Consultation for Skate Park Design linkShoalhaven City Council has teamed up with Convic to create a questionnaire and flythrough of the two designs created by Convic.
The first design is the ‘wish list’ design that had many extras included and totalled at $2.9 million.
The second design identified all the pieces that Community deemed important for the Skate Park designed – this adhered to the pre-determined budget of $1.4 million.
Over $80,000 has been granted by the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund to provide:
- Seating
- Shelter
- Bubbler.
To have your say on the designs click on the survey link.
The survey closes on 4 September 2020.
Have Your Say on the Draft Design for the Skate Park
Share Have Your Say on the Draft Design for the Skate Park on Facebook Share Have Your Say on the Draft Design for the Skate Park on Twitter Share Have Your Say on the Draft Design for the Skate Park on Linkedin Email Have Your Say on the Draft Design for the Skate Park link12 September 2019
We want to get your thoughts on the draft design for the Ulladulla Skate Park redevelopment! Come along and share your ideas on the design so far.Two workshops will be held at Ulladulla Civic Centre on Monday 23 September 2019:- Youth Design Workshop from 3:30 - 5:30pm
- Design Workshop from 6:00 - 8:00pm
There will be food and drink for all in attendance. Please RSVP for catering purposes to Liliana Hutchinson, on tel: 4429 3111.
Have Your Say on the Ulladulla Skate Park
Share Have Your Say on the Ulladulla Skate Park on Facebook Share Have Your Say on the Ulladulla Skate Park on Twitter Share Have Your Say on the Ulladulla Skate Park on Linkedin Email Have Your Say on the Ulladulla Skate Park linkJuly 2019
We need your help to design the new Ulladulla Skate Park!
A Pre-Design Workshop will be held at Ulladulla Civic Centre on Monday, 29 July 2019.
Come along to one of the following drop in sessions to let us know your thoughts:
- 3:30 to 5:30pm - Youth design workshop
- 6:00 to 8:00pm - Community drop in session
There will be food and drink for all in attendance. Please RSVP for catering purposes to Liliana Hutchinson, on tel: 4429 3111. -
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkShoalhaven City Council is pleased to announce that multi-award-winning skatepark company, Convic, has been secured to undertake the concept and detail design for the new Ulladulla Skate Park.
The Ulladulla Skate Park upgrade is a very exciting project for the community as the park has been a much-loved piece of local infrastructure for 20 years.
The community have been actively working together to formulate a vision and will be invited to share their ideas at a Pre-Design Workshop to be held on 29 July 2019. Designing with the community creates the best outcomes for current and future generations, and Council is pleased to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with community on this project.
The design process will ensure that a strong set of plans for a new skatepark will be developed by approximately October 2019, making the designs ready to be put forward for grant funding opportunities in early 2020.
Next Steps for the Project
Share Next Steps for the Project on Facebook Share Next Steps for the Project on Twitter Share Next Steps for the Project on Linkedin Email Next Steps for the Project link28 February 2019
Council is releasing a Request for Quote opening on 13 March 2019 for a skatepark design company to design the concept and detail design through community consultation.
This tender will be closed on 4 April 2019. Information will be sent to community leaders prior to the opening.
Once a consultant has been confirmed, Council's project page will be updated with information and a more definite timeline will be introduced.
Project Update - Repairs Completed
Share Project Update - Repairs Completed on Facebook Share Project Update - Repairs Completed on Twitter Share Project Update - Repairs Completed on Linkedin Email Project Update - Repairs Completed link28 February 2019
Emergency repairs were completed by Skatecon on 22 February 2019. There are a few more pieces of work that need to be complete but the skatepark is in much better condition. The works were taken from Council direction to repair hazardous areas of the park.Concept design and detail design will be conducted by an external professional that will work with Council and the community. Once the concept design has been completed, the design will go before Council for approval. Once this design is approved, the detail design will commence. Council has not allocated funding for a new skatepark, only for the ‘shovel ready’ design.Once the detail design is complete, Council staff, along with the community can begin researching grant opportunities for funding a new skatepark.
Request for Quote Open
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage13 March 2019 - 4 August 2019
Council will release a Request for Quote (tender process) for a skatepark design company to design the concept and detail design through community consultation -
Successful Tenderer Announced
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage29 April 2019
Community Consultation - Pre-Design Workshop at Ulladulla Civic Centre
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage29 July 2019
3:30 to 5:30pm - Youth design workshop
6:00 to 8:00pm - Community drop in
Please RSVP to Liliana Hutchinson, tel: 4429 3111 (for catering purposes) -
Community Consultation - Draft Design Workshop
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage23 September 2019 at Ulladulla Civic Centre
3:30 to 5:30pm - Youth Workshop
6:00 to 8:00pm - Drop-in Session
Light refreshments will be served.This consultation will focus on the designs that have been created from the first community consultation held on 29 July 2019 will incorporate any changes made by Council.Once agreement has been reached on the design, Convic will collate the information into a Consultation Summary Report for Council approval.
Grant Application Due for Stronger Country Communities Fund
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage27 September 2019
Council to request $100,000 in grant funding for Ulladulla Skatepark associated works
Concept Design, Approval & Consultation
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageOctober 2019
Draft Concept Design
Convic will design a concept based on information provided by the community and site visits.
Skate Park Repairs
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageMid-October 2019
Skatecon will be undertaking work at the Skate Park for 2 weeks, starting mid-October. They will be replacing the coping in preparation for a busy summer season. -
Stormwater Drainage Review
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageFebruary 2020
Final Concept Design Report to Council
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage8 September 2020
As per the resolution of Council (see minutes of the Strategy and Assets Committee Meeting, 16 October 2018), Council approval of the Concept Design is required prior to proceeding to Construction Ready Designs.
Ulladulla Skate Park Revised Plan Consultation
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage25 August to 4 September 2020
Structural Engineering Design and Certification
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stage2 November 2020
Stronger Countries Communities Funding Deliverables
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageJune 2021
Structural Engineer Design Completion
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageJuly 2021
Grant Funding Application Commences
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageAugust 2021
Final Designs Completed
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageSeptember 2022
Tender for demolition and all three stages of works
Ulladulla Skate Park has finished this stageAdvertised March 2023
Project Paused
Ulladulla Skate Park is currently at this stageMarch 2024 in accordance with MIN24.141 (25/03/2024)
Important Links
Who's listening
Shoalhaven City Council
Phone 1300 293 111 Email council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au