Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake & Berrara Creek CMP

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This page provides information for the St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMPs). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program Get Involved page for information regarding Council’s broader CMP program.

With 165kms of breathtaking coastline in the Shoalhaven LGA, Council understands the immense environmental, social, cultural, and economic value that this coastline provides for our community.
Shoalhaven City Council is currently developing Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) across the Shoalhaven to plan for the future of our coastline and estuaries, in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016). It considers historic events, current

This page provides information for the St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Programs (CMPs). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program Get Involved page for information regarding Council’s broader CMP program.

With 165kms of breathtaking coastline in the Shoalhaven LGA, Council understands the immense environmental, social, cultural, and economic value that this coastline provides for our community.
Shoalhaven City Council is currently developing Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) across the Shoalhaven to plan for the future of our coastline and estuaries, in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016). It considers historic events, current conditions, and future trends including population growth, environmental conditions, and climate change. CMP’s identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address these issues in a strategic and integrated way. It will also detail how and when those actions are to be implemented, their costs, and funding mechanisms.

There are five stages to developing a CMP, which are outlined in the Coastal Management Manual.

Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Berrara and Swan Lake Background

Council’s adopted Citywide CMP Scoping Study (August 2020) (Stage 1) recommended that St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek required CMPs. Council has applied for and successfully received a grant from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW, formerly DPE) to develop these CMPs.

Council has progressed through Stage 2 of the CMP process, where St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek underwent detailed assessment studies to identify, analyse, and evaluate the risks for the estuaries.

Council is currently in Stage 3 of the CMP process. Stage 3 involves the confirmation of strategic direction, identification and evaluation of potential management actions. Stage 3 involves the confirmation of strategic direction, identification, and evaluation of potential management actions, community and stakeholder engagement and the development of a draft business plan.

Community Engagement

Council will be working closely with Coastal Management Advisory Committees, State Agency representatives, local Aboriginal Communities and Custodians, youth, and the St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake, and Berrara Creek communities as the project progresses.

Community members will have several opportunities to provide input into the development of the CMP and to provide feedback on the draft document.

Stay Informed

To receive updates and follow the progress of this project, we encourage you to subscribe via the 'Stay Informed' function on this page.

  • Workshops Expressions of Interest

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    Thank you for your feedback. please register for one of the workshops being held on 15 and 16 March 2022 through the online registration form published on this web page.

    Stage 2 Community Workshops for the Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek CMP are being held in March 2022.

    Please register your Expression of Interest (EOI) to attend the workshop by completing the Online Workshop EOI Form by 23 February 2022.

  • New Interactive Map Feature

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    As part of Stage 2, Council would like to hear from the community about key issues and concerns impacting these areas and to obtain ideas on how best to manage them.

    One of the ways that you can provide your insight is to visit the Interactive Map and use the categorised marker pins provided to make a comment about:

    • issues, problems or concerns that you are aware of in the St. Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Coastal area
    • ideas you have that could address the issue.

    Your input will help shape and inform the development of possible management options that you will be invited to review and comment on in the coming stages.

  • Watch Short Video to Learn About the Program

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    Take a look at our short video explaining what you need to know about the Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek Coastal Management Program (CMP).

    The video outlines:

    • what the CMP aims to achieve
    • how it will be developed, and
    • how and when you can Get Involved in its preparation.

  • Stage 2 Boating Survey

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    Council is thankful for the vast input from the community for the Stage 2 Boating survey that is currently active.

    If you haven’t already provided your feedback, please complete the Online Survey to have your say.

    The survey closes on Friday, 4 February 2022.

    The opportunity for further engagement to gain insight into other key issues and risks impacting our estuaries, and how best to manage them, will be available in the coming weeks.

  • Boating Study Survey and Drop-in Sessions

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    A study focusing on boating facilities within Sussex Inlet, St Georges Basin, Swan Lake and Berrara Creek is required to be undertaken as part of Stage 2 of the Coastal Management Program (CMP) for the area.

    The study will assess a variety of issues, including:

    • whether there is sufficient capacity for vessels
    • a need to improve existing facilities
    • an ability to reduce conflict between water users, or
    • opportunities to reduce the impact of boating on the surrounding environment.

    Survey and Drop-in Sessions

    As part of this study, Shoalhaven City Council is seeking input from the community through a survey and community drop-in sessions.

    You are invited to complete the Online Survey by 4 February 2022.

    Alternatively, to complete the survey in person, our consultants Advisian, will be hosting a session for the community where you can drop by, meet the team, find out more about the study and fill out the survey.

    Two community drop-in sessions will be held on Saturday 27 November at:

    • 9.00 - 11.00am, Saturday 27 November at Lions Park Boat Ramp
    • 1.00 - 3.00pm, Saturday 27 November at St Georges Basin Boat Ramp

    If you have any questions or would like to request a hardcopy of the survey, please contact Council's Coastal Management Program Coordinator, Nigel Smith - email or phone 0437 761 473.

  • Stages 2 - 4 Delivery – Consultants Engaged

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    In September 2021, Council commissioned the consultancy team of Advisian Pty Ltd to undertake Stages 2 to 4 of this Coastal Management Program (CMP).

    It is anticipated that it will take approximately 15 months to progress through Stages 2 to 4. The development of the program will include extensive engagement with the local community, business owners, community groups, indigenous groups, and relevant government agencies.

    What happens in Stage 2?

    The project is now commencing Stage 2. The purpose of this stage is to understand the issues that affect the environmental, social, cultural, and economic values of St. Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Berrara Creek, and Swan Lake. Stage 2 will consider historical events, current conditions, and future trends (including population growth, and climate change).

    Stage 2 will define the coastal hazards within the area, modelling and mapping of the region and create a risk assessment based on the hazard mapping models. This will help 'complete the picture' of the various kinds of hazards that affect our coastline.

    This stage will take place across late 2021 through to early 2022. The next stage, Stage 3, will then develop potential management actions that can address key risks, and preserve what we love about St. Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Berrara Creek, and Swan Lake.

    How can I be involved?

    We’d like anybody who is interested in, values, or lives near the coast to have a say in its management.

    Council has developed this Get Involved page for the project, which will provide relevant information on the CMP, regular progress updates, and provide a number of ways for the community to have their say. Please forward any questions you have on this project through the 'Questions' tab on this Get Involved web page.

    Council is excited to work alongside a highly experienced and professional team at Advisian to develop this CMP. Council will be working closely with the Central Coastal Management Program Advisory Committee and wider community as the project progresses.

  • Coastal Management Programs - Development Process

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    Shoalhaven City Council is preparing Coastal Management Programs that aim to protect and preserve the future of the Shoalhaven’s coastline and estuaries.

    Take a look at the Coastal Management Program Brochure (CMP) published in the ‘Document Library’ outlining the process of developing a CMP.

  • Tender Advertised for Stages 2-4 of CMP

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    Council is seeking a suitably qualified consultant to carry out Stages 2-4 of the Coastal Management Program development for St Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Berrara Creek and Swan Lake.

    The tender for this work has been advertised on Tenderlink and on Council's website and will close on 3 August 2021.

    To receive regular updates about this project subscribe through the 'Stay Informed' function on this web page.

  • Project Update Coming Soon!

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    Project updates will be provided in the News Feed as the project progresses.

    Subscribe for updates via the Stay Informed function on the project page to be notified each time there is a project update.

Page last updated: 11 Mar 2025, 10:16 AM