Concept Design Council Resolution

At Council's Ordinary Meeting on 26 April it was resolved:

That Council:

1. Receive this report for information on the consultation that has occurred for the refurbishment of the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium and integration with the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre and the design options that have been developed.

2. Endorse Design Option 3 (sawcut roof with a building footprint extension) as the preferred way forward for the refurbishment of the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium.

3. Proceed to the Detailed Design stage, lodging of a Development Application and issuing of a Construction Certificate to advance the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium and integration with the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre to become construction ready / ‘shovel ready’.

4. Staff continue to advocate and seek grant opportunities to secure funding towards the project as it progresses to construction ready status.

The full minutes can be viewed on Council's Agenda and Minutes web page.

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