SCaRP - Bomaderry Basketball Stadium Refurbishment

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Consultation has concluded

SCaRP project image updated February 2021 - design aerial

Shoalhaven Community and Recreation Precinct (SCaRP) Vision

To deliver the Shoalhaven an integrated community and recreational precinct to meet the needs of the region, operating on a commercially viable and sustainable basis seven days a week.

Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre (SISC) Extension

The Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre (SISC), within SCaRP, extension design is based on Community consultation conducted through both survey and in-person consultation throughout August 2021.

Input for the concept design came from all areas of the Community and through thorough discussions with a diverse range of stakeholders. It is Shoalhaven City Council's goal to provide the Community with a multiuse facility that will cater to a range of sports well into the future.

Stay Informed

Subscribe for updates on this project through the Stay Informed function on the Shoalhaven Community and Recreational Precinct (SCaRP) Get Involved web page.

Shoalhaven Community and Recreation Precinct (SCaRP) Vision

To deliver the Shoalhaven an integrated community and recreational precinct to meet the needs of the region, operating on a commercially viable and sustainable basis seven days a week.

Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre (SISC) Extension

The Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre (SISC), within SCaRP, extension design is based on Community consultation conducted through both survey and in-person consultation throughout August 2021.

Input for the concept design came from all areas of the Community and through thorough discussions with a diverse range of stakeholders. It is Shoalhaven City Council's goal to provide the Community with a multiuse facility that will cater to a range of sports well into the future.

Stay Informed

Subscribe for updates on this project through the Stay Informed function on the Shoalhaven Community and Recreational Precinct (SCaRP) Get Involved web page.

Consultation has concluded
  • Project Paused

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    The Bomaderry Basketball Stadium project has been placed on pause, in accordance with Council Meeting MIN24.143 (25/03/2024), until Council’s financial position improves.

    For more information about the work we are doing to improve our financial sustainability, please visit our Financial Sustainability Program webpage.

  • Project Update

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    Development consent for the refurbishment of the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium was received on 19 May 2023.

    Receipt of construction certificate approval is anticipated by December 2023.

  • Application and Plans on Public Exhibition

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    The design architects will deliver detail design documentation. Council will exhibit the designs for public comment through the Development Application (DA) approval process.

    The application and plans are on exhibition to 5 December 2022 The application and associated documents can be accessed on Councils website or may be inspected on the public access computers at the libraries and Council Administrative Offices, Bridge Road, Nowra and Deering Street, Ulladulla.

    Two exciting 3D images of the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium are viewed below:

  • Concept Design Council Resolution

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    At Council's Ordinary Meeting on 26 April it was resolved:

    That Council:

    1. Receive this report for information on the consultation that has occurred for the refurbishment of the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium and integration with the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre and the design options that have been developed.

    2. Endorse Design Option 3 (sawcut roof with a building footprint extension) as the preferred way forward for the refurbishment of the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium.

    3. Proceed to the Detailed Design stage, lodging of a Development Application and issuing of a Construction Certificate to advance the Bomaderry Basketball Stadium and integration with the Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre to become construction ready / ‘shovel ready’.

    4. Staff continue to advocate and seek grant opportunities to secure funding towards the project as it progresses to construction ready status.

    The full minutes can be viewed on Council's Agenda and Minutes web page.

  • Concept Design Exhibition

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    Thank you for your feedback. This survey is now closed.

    Have your say on the Concept Design – Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre Extension. This design is based on Community consultation conducted by both survey and consultation throughout August 2021. Information for the concept design has come from all areas of Community and a thorough discussion with a diverse range of stakeholders. It is the goal of Shoalhaven City Council to provide Community with a multiuse facility that will cater to a range of sports well into the future.

    The Concept Design is on exhibition from 20 October to 20 November 2021.

  • Redesign of the Original Bomaderry Basketball Stadium

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    Council is working with design architects, Conybeare International Pty Ltd (CM+) and community to redesign the original Bomaderry Basketball Stadium located on Cambewarra Road.

    The redesign will be based on previous investigations created in 2019 by Edmiston Jones and take into consideration community feedback gathered through a community survey open from today, and from the project Working Group.

    The stadium will be designed in line with the neighbouring Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre (SISC) which forms part of the greater Shoalhaven Community and Recreation Precinct (SCaRP).

    The design architects will deliver detail design documentation, and once finalised, Council will exhibit the designs for public comment through the Development Application (DA) approval process.