Revised Planning Proposal to progress
The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) has issued a gateway determination allowing the Planning Proposal (PP) for 131 St Vincent Street to progress.
The PP application was reported to Council on 20 May 2024 for initial consideration. Council resolved to support the PP in principle with a reduced maximum height limit of 21 m (MIN24.273) subject to completing independent reviews of the proponent’s key documents. Note: The original PP application proposed a maximum height limit of 30 m.
DPHI’s gateway determination requires the PP to be publicly exhibited for at least 20 business days, and the PP to be concluded by 10 September 2025. The supporting documentation does not need to be independently reviewed.
The PP will be publicly exhibited for at least 28 days in the coming weeks. This page will be updated when the exhibition commences.