Planning Proposal - 131 St Vincent Street, Ulladulla is now closed
The Planning Proposal (rezoning) for the current Bunnings Warehouse site at 131 St Vincent Street was publicly exhibited from 25 November 2024 to 15 January 2025.
The Planning Proposal (PP076) proposed the following changes to the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LEP) to permit a new mixed-use precinct:
- rezoning the land from E4 General Industrial to MU1 Mixed Use
- increasing the maximum height of buildings from 11 metres (m) to a mix of 15 m, 17 m and 21 m; and
- applying a floor space ratio of 3.5:1 across the site.
In the last 12 months over 3400 people have visited the project pages for the development at 131 St Vincent Street, Ulladulla
During the public exhibition period the community engaged with the planning proposal in the following ways:
- 382 people visited the site to view the planning proposal information
- 327 people viewed at least one page
- 24 people downloaded documents
- 32 people visited multiple project pages.
Submissions received will be carefully considered, and a report will be prepared for consideration by the Council.
All recent Council development decisions can be viewed here