Council to consider staff assessment report
A report on the proponent-initiated planning proposal (PP) application is expected to be considered by the elected Council at the Ordinary Meeting on 20 May 2024. You can confirm this by checking the agenda which will be available online from the Wednesday afternoon preceding the meeting. Please also check Council’s website for updates on upcoming meetings and agendas at:
The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Building. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Members of the public are also able to watch these meetings on our live stream.
Should you wish to make a deputation regarding this matter, please submit an application via the on-line application form on Council’s website or contact Council’s Governance Team on 1300 293 111.
Prior to making a request, you should review the report and the recommendations in the agenda as you will need to advise whether you are making a deputation either for or against the report recommendations.