Finalisation – Planning Proposal to Amend Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan – Clause 6.5
Amendment No. 28 to Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 was notified on the NSW Legislation website on Thursday 9 April 2020.
The LEP amendment clarifies the operation of Clause 6.5 for lots within an Urban Release Area that also have split zoning, i.e. a residential zone (such as R1 General Residential) and either a rural or environmental protection zone (RU1 Primary Production, RU2 Rural Landscape, E2 Environmental Conservation or E3 Environmental Management).
The amendment enables the subdivision of one or more residue lots (zoned either RU1, RU2, E2 or E3) below the minimum lot size applying to that land. It also removes the former Subclause 2 relating to the erection of dwelling houses on residual lots, and maps a reduced minimum lot size for the non-urban zoned portion of three lots within the Moss Vale Road North URA to facilitate a dwelling entitlement under Clause 4.2D of Shoalhaven LEP 2014.
Other residue lots need to satisfy the provisions of LEP Clause 4.2D, for the erection of dual occupancies (attached) and dwelling houses on residual lots zoned RU1, RU2, E2 and E3. The amended clause and lot size map can be found in the Shoalhaven LEP 2014 on the NSW Legislation website.