Nowra Riverfront Precinct Integrated Transport Plan
The Nowra Riverfront Integrated Transport Plan, prepared by consultant Crossley Transport Planning, provides guidance and recommendations on the future transport requirements to support the vision for the Precinct. It analyses the Precinct using the Transport for NSW Movement and Place Framework to identify issues/challenges and opportunities to improve access to the Precinct for the local community and visitors. The Integrated Trasport Plan focuses on opportunities to support active and public transport, sustainable development, better connections within the Precinct (in particular, east-west across the Princes Highway) and better connections across the River and to the Nowra CBD.
The Integrated Transport Plan provides the framework for the development of a detailed traffic and transport plan which will follow shortly. It has not been formally adopted by Council but will be considered by the Council at the appropriate point as part of a package of studies/investigations supporting future updates to the Nowra Riverfront Precinct masterplan and land use planning controls.
The Nowra Riverfront Integrated Transport Plan is published in the ‘Document Library’ on this webpage.