New Suburb Boundary
A map showing the indicative new suburb boundary is provided below. Shown outlined in red, the proposed boundary:
- Captures the extent of the new urban area within the URA.
- Extends further south to meet North Nowra, following the geographical boundary of Bomaderry Creek.
The final boundaries of the new suburb will be determined by the GNB. There may be some adjustments to the proposed boundary to account for:
- Hard boundaries, such as existing and future roads.
- Geographical boundaries, such as creek lines, ridgelines, and the like.
- Existing property boundaries.
- Legal and practical access to properties.
- Logical connections to existing suburb boundaries.
As such, there may be a need to refine the precise suburb boundary prior to the gazettal of the new name to reflect the matters noted above, for example, the possibility of extending the boundary to the west to meet Good Dog Creek. It should be noted that any modification or extension of the suburb boundary will not be reflected as an extension of the future urban boundary.
Following Council’s submission of the nominated name to the GNB for consideration, the GNB will run a separate, independently administered exhibition of the selected name. This process will also consider any further community feedback on both the nominated name and final boundary arrangements.
Consultation has concluded