Project Update

Council considered its land use planning priorities and associated work program at its 28 August 2023 Ordinary Meeting. Council resolved to prepare a new land use planning scheme for Shoalhaven. The new scheme will focus on:
- Managing the contribution development makes to local or neighbourhood character
- Improving the supply of affordable rental or community housing and the affordability of housing
- Managing short-term rental accommodation
- Updating the local infrastructure contributions framework.
The scheme also contains a series of new City-wide land use planning strategies. The first of which will address the community's housing needs.
A copy of the Report to Council (PDF 5.4MB) and the Meeting Minutes (PDF 373KB) are available on Council's website.
Opportunities to incorporate existing work into the new scheme were identified, including the current work on managing growth in Milton, Ulladulla, and surrounds. The exhibited documents and the community feedback will be used to inform the preparation of a City-wide Housing Strategy. A benefit of this approach is the consideration of potential growth options across the City instead of focusing on Milton, Ulladulla, and surrounds. This was a key theme from the feedback received on the exhibited Preliminary Growth Scenario and Key Sites.
A report presenting a summary of the feedback received on the exhibited Preliminary Growth Scenario and Key Sites will be published in the coming weeks.
A new webpage will be published to provide updates on the preparation of the City-wide Housing Strategy. An update and link to the new webpage and information on how to subscribe to receive updates will be provided on the Managing Growth in Milton, Ulladulla, and surrounds web page.