Lower Shoalhaven River - Coastal Management Program

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This page provides information for the Lower Shoalhaven River Coastal Management Programs (CMPs). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program Get Involved page for information regarding Council’s broader CMP program.

With 165kms of breathtaking coastline in the Shoalhaven LGA, Council understands the immense environmental, social, cultural, and economic value that this coastline provides for our community.

Shoalhaven City Council is currently developing Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) across the Shoalhaven to plan for the future of our coastline and estuaries, in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016). It considers historic events, current conditions, and future trends including population growth, environmental conditions, and climate change. CMP’s identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address these issues in a strategic and integrated way. It will also detail how and when those actions are to be implemented, their costs, and funding mechanisms.

There are five stages to developing a CMP, which are outlined in the Coastal Management Manual.

Lower Shoalhaven River Background

Council’s adopted Citywide CMP Scoping Study (August 2020) (Stage 1) recommended that the Lower Shoalhaven River required a CMP. Council has applied for and successfully received a grant from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) to develop this CMPs.

Council is now progressing to Stage 3 of the CMP process, where the Lower Shoalhaven River Estuary will undergo detailed assessment studies that will identify, analyse, and evaluate the risks for the estuaries. Throughout Stage 3 of the CMP process, concerns and issues will be considered for the Lower Shoalhaven River Estuary local area. Stage 3 includes the confirmation of strategic direction, identifying and evaluating potential management actions, further community and stakeholder engagement and the development of a draft business plan.

Community Engagement

Council will be working closely with its Coastal Management Advisory Committees, State Agency representatives, our local Aboriginal Communities and Custodians, youth, and the overall Lower Shoalhaven River Estuary community as the project progresses.

Community members will have several opportunities to provide input into the development of the CMP and to provide feedback on the draft document.

Stay Informed

To receive updates and follow the progress of this project, we encourage you to subscribe via the 'Stay Informed' function on this web page.

This page provides information for the Lower Shoalhaven River Coastal Management Programs (CMPs). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program Get Involved page for information regarding Council’s broader CMP program.

With 165kms of breathtaking coastline in the Shoalhaven LGA, Council understands the immense environmental, social, cultural, and economic value that this coastline provides for our community.

Shoalhaven City Council is currently developing Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) across the Shoalhaven to plan for the future of our coastline and estuaries, in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016). It considers historic events, current conditions, and future trends including population growth, environmental conditions, and climate change. CMP’s identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address these issues in a strategic and integrated way. It will also detail how and when those actions are to be implemented, their costs, and funding mechanisms.

There are five stages to developing a CMP, which are outlined in the Coastal Management Manual.

Lower Shoalhaven River Background

Council’s adopted Citywide CMP Scoping Study (August 2020) (Stage 1) recommended that the Lower Shoalhaven River required a CMP. Council has applied for and successfully received a grant from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) to develop this CMPs.

Council is now progressing to Stage 3 of the CMP process, where the Lower Shoalhaven River Estuary will undergo detailed assessment studies that will identify, analyse, and evaluate the risks for the estuaries. Throughout Stage 3 of the CMP process, concerns and issues will be considered for the Lower Shoalhaven River Estuary local area. Stage 3 includes the confirmation of strategic direction, identifying and evaluating potential management actions, further community and stakeholder engagement and the development of a draft business plan.

Community Engagement

Council will be working closely with its Coastal Management Advisory Committees, State Agency representatives, our local Aboriginal Communities and Custodians, youth, and the overall Lower Shoalhaven River Estuary community as the project progresses.

Community members will have several opportunities to provide input into the development of the CMP and to provide feedback on the draft document.

Stay Informed

To receive updates and follow the progress of this project, we encourage you to subscribe via the 'Stay Informed' function on this web page.

  • Open Tender

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    To carry out Stages 2 – 4 of the Coastal Management Program for the Lower Shoalhaven River, Council is seeking a suitably qualified consultant. Public request for tender has been advertised on Tenderlink and on Council's Current Tenders website.

    The tender process closes at 10am, 9 September 2021.

  • Project Updates Coming Soon!

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    Project updates will be provided in the News Feed as the project progresses.

    Subscribe for updates via the Stay Informed function on the project page to be notified each time there is a project update.

Page last updated: 19 Feb 2025, 12:48 PM