River Waterway User Survey Closed
The Lower Shoalhaven River Waterway user survey is now closed - thank you to the 350+ respondents!
This survey was open throughout February 2022 as part of engagement with recreational and commercial waterway users, boating clubs and businesses to provide us with an understanding of current and future utilisation at the Lower Shoalhaven River and any constraints to its utilisation. The results from the survey will inform the development of the Lower Shoalhaven River Estuary Coastal Management Program (CMP).
Opportunities for Further Input
Council will be seeking further input from the community in Stage 3 of the CMP later in 2022 to discuss options to improve waterway usage and address some of the issues identified in Stage 2.
The community will also be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the recommendations in the draft CMP during a public exhibition period in Stage 4 of the CMP (early 2023).
If you have any questions or comments for the project team, please contact Council via our “Questions” tab, or by contacting Council’s Coastal Coordinator:
Nigel Smith
Phone: 0437 761 473
Email: nigel.smith@sholhaven.nsw.gov.au