Lake Conjola - Coastal Management Program (CMP)

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This page provides information for the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program (CMP). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program page for information regarding the broader program.

Shoalhaven City Council is required by state legislation to prepare a (CMP) for the estuaries and sections of the Shoalhaven’s 165km coastal zone. Council manages most of the region’s beaches, bays and headlands, and some of the lakes and estuaries, often in partnership with state government agencies.

A CMP is being prepared for Lake Conjola in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016).

A CMP provides the framework and strategy that will be used

This page provides information for the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program (CMP). Please visit the Shoalhaven Coastal Management Program page for information regarding the broader program.

Shoalhaven City Council is required by state legislation to prepare a (CMP) for the estuaries and sections of the Shoalhaven’s 165km coastal zone. Council manages most of the region’s beaches, bays and headlands, and some of the lakes and estuaries, often in partnership with state government agencies.

A CMP is being prepared for Lake Conjola in accordance with the Coastal Management Act (2016).

A CMP provides the framework and strategy that will be used to manage our coastlines and estuaries. It will identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address these issues in a strategic and integrated way. The plan will then detail how and when those actions are to be implemented, the costs, and how they will be funded.

There are five stages to developing a CMP, which are outlined in the Coastal Management Manual. Council is up to Stage 2 – Determine Risks, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities.

Background of Lake Conjola CMP

Council’s adopted Citywide CMP Scoping Study (Stage 1) recommended that Lake Conjola required a CMP. Council has applied for and successfully received a grant from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW, formerly DPE) to develop this CMP.

Council has progressed through Stage 2 of the CMP process, where Lake Conjola underwent detailed assessment studies to identify, analyse, and evaluate the risks for the estuary.

Council is currently in Stage 3 of the CMP process. Stage 3 involves the confirmation of strategic direction, identification and evaluation of potential management actions, community and stakeholder engagement and the development of a draft business plan.

Council will soon progress to Stage 4 of the CMP. Stage 4 involves public exhibition of the draft CMP document, incorporating details from the technical studies and stakeholder feedback received from previous consultations completed throughout Stages 1 to 3. The draft CMP encompasses a detailed program that lists the management actions to be implemented over the next 10 years - including a schedule of when those actions will be planned for implementation, their associated costs, how they will be funded, and who will be responsible for their implementation.

Community Engagement

Council will be working closely with the Coastal Committees, State Agency representatives, our local Aboriginal communities and custodians, youth, and the overall Lake Conjola Community as the project progresses.

Community members will have a number of opportunities to provide input into the development of the CMP and to provide feedback on the draft document.

Stay Informed

This page will host all of the key information for the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program and will inform the community of opportunities to get involved along the way. The page will be regularly updated with project updates and will host information regarding links to relevant documents, policies and plans.

Subscribe for updates on this project via the 'Stay Informed' function on this webpage.

  • Lake Conjola CMP - Workshop Registration Extended

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    Stage 3 Community Workshops and Information Drop-in session for the Lake Conjol Coastal Management Program (CMP) are being held on 5 April (in Ulladulla) and 6 April 2022 (in Lake Conjola).

    Registrations have been extended to close on Monday, 4 April 2022 - Register Now as places are limited!

    Please note: If workshops reach capacity, you may be asked to attend an additional workshop which will be scheduled if required.

    Information Drop-in sessions will be run immediately following the workshops where community members can discuss the CMP with Council - all are welcome, no registration is required.

    Date: Tuesday, 5 April 2022
    Where: Ulladulla Civic Centre, 81B Princes Hwy, Ulladulla
    Time: Workshop 4:30-6:00pm (registration essential), Information Drop-In Session 6:30-7:30pm (no registration required - all welcome)

    Date: Wednesday, 6 April 2022
    Where: Lake Conjola Community Centre, Lake Conjola Entrance Road, Lake Conjola
    Time: Workshop 4:30-6:00pm (registration essential), Information Drop-In Session 6:30-7:30pm (no registration required - all welcome)

    Please complete the Registration Form to secure your place.

  • CMP Workshops and Drop-in Sessions

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    Stage 3 Community Workshops and Information Drop-in session for the Lake Conjol Coastal Management Program (CMP) are being held on 5 April (in Ulladulla) and 6 April 2022 (in Lake Conjola).

    Registrations close on Monday, 4 April 2022 - Register Now as places are limited!

    Please note: If workshops reach capacity, you may be asked to attend an additional workshop which will be scheduled if required.

    Information Drop-in sessions will be run immediately following the workshops where community members can discuss the CMP with Council - all are welcome, no registration is required.

    Date: Tuesday, 5 April 2022
    Where: Ulladulla Civic Centre, 81B Princes Hwy, Ulladulla
    Time: Workshop 4:30-6:00pm (registration essential), Information Drop-In Session 6:30-7:30pm (no registration required - all welcome)

    Date: Wednesday, 6 April 2022
    Where: Lake Conjola Community Centre, Lake Conjola Entrance Road, Lake Conjola
    Time: Workshop 4:30-6:00pm (registration essential), Information Drop-In Session 6:30-7:30pm (no registration required - all welcome)

    Please complete the Registration Form to secure your place.

  • Project Update

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    The Southern Coastal Management Program Advisory Committee, with the support of Council and Royal Haskoning DHV (RHDHV), refined the Vision and Purpose for the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program (CMP).

    It is very important to have a defined Vision and Purpose for the Lake Conjola CMP, as it reinforces the values of the community and establishes the direction for management of Lake Conjola and its surroundings into the future.

    The refined Vision, Purpose and Strategic Objectives for the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program is available for viewing in the 'Document Library' on this web page.

    Stage 2 of the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program (CMP) is near completion by RHDHV.

    RHDHV are undertaking analysis of water quality data and have developed hydrodynamic, water quality and morpho-dynamic model of Lake Conjola that takes into account coastal (storm, tide and sea level rise) and fluvial (rainfall and catchment based) inundation, including potential water quality considerations.

    Council and RHDHV are developing and modelling a range of measures to manage inundation/flooding and other impacts around Lake Conjola, which include options for management of the entrance to Lake Conjola, as well as other land-based actions that seek to reduce potential risks.

    Council and RHDHV presented the initial findings of Stage 2 investigations and modelling to the Southern Coastal Management Program Advisory Committee meeting on 20 October 2021 to assess initial support for appropriate management actions, before progressing further in their investigations, in collaboration with Council and the NSW Government.

    Stage 3 of the Lake Conjola CMP will continue throughout November 2021 and involves identifying and evaluating potential management actions such as entrance management options and catchment improvements, with consideration of economic, cultural, social, environmental and achievability factors. These progressed options will be presented to the Shoalhaven community for consideration and discussion.

  • Coastal Management Programs - Development Process

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    Shoalhaven City Council is preparing Coastal Management Programs that aim to protect and preserve the future of the Shoalhaven’s coastline and estuaries.

    Take a look at the Coastal Management Program Brochure (CMP) published in the ‘Document Library’ outlining the process of developing a CMP.

  • Project Update

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    The Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program, currently in Stage 2, is being undertaken by Royal HaskoningDHV (RHDHV).

    An initial community engagement drop-in session was held at the Lake Conjola Community Centre on 19 April 2021, with representatives from Council, DPIE and RHDHV in attendance. Information, including including copies of the NSW Coastal Management Manual, the Shoalhaven City Council Coastal Fact Sheet on the management of Lake Conjola were available. Historic photos showing the changing formation of the entrance to Lake Conjola at different periods of time including periods of closure and opening to the ocean were also available.

    The event was widely advertised through social media, Council’s website and letter box drops across the local community. Approximately 25 people attended the drop-in session, including members of the Southern Coastal Management Program Advisory Committee. Feedback on the positive and negative aspects of current management of Lake Conjola was provided through written notes attached to suggested themes.

    In addition, RHDHV are progressing with the analysis of water quality data and have been working towards development of a hydrodynamic, water quality and morpho-dynamic model of Lake Conjola to inform the hazard and risk assessment. This will lead to the development of options for management actions.

    Following the water quality analysis, RHDHV will move to the development and modelling of options phase for entrance management for inundation, as well as potential water quality considerations.

  • Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program Drop-in Information Session

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    Do you live, work, or play in Lake Conjola and surrounds?

    If so, Council would like to invite you to a drop-in information session about the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program (CMP) for the catchment area.

    When: Monday, 19 April 2021

    Where: Lake Conjola Community Centre

    Drop-in time: Between 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    For more information, subscribe to follow the project through 'Stay Informed' on this Get Involved Page.

  • Coastal Management Program Update

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    9 March 2021

    Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program
    In the Strategy and Assets Committee meeting on 8 December 2020, Council resolved to accept the Tender from Royal HaskoningDHV for the Lake Conjola Coastal Management Program (CSA20.18). Royal HaskoningDHV was notified of the success of their Tender and contracts were exchanged in February following contract negotiations. The project began in February and Council will be working closely with the Coastal Committees, as well as the Lake Conjola Community as the project progresses.

    Other Coastal Management Programs

    Shoalhaven City Council has applied for grants through the NSW Government Coastal and Estuary Grants Program to prepare CMPs for other coastlines and estuaries in the Shoalhaven LGA. Grants to prepare individual CMPs for the Shoalhaven Coastline and Jervis Bay, and St. Georges Basin, Sussex Inlet, Berrara Creek and Swan Lake have been submitted. In preparation for the funding, Council has begun drafting the project brief for these CMPs based on Council’s Adopted Scoping Study. These will be made available for review by your CMP Advisory Committees once drafted.

    Further consultation will take place with the broader community and stakeholders once a contractor is awarded and the preparation of the CMPs commence.

    Coastal Committee Meetings in March 2021

    The CMP Advisory Committees met in person for the first time in March 2021. The North and Central Area CMP Advisory Committee met on 15 March 2021, and the Southern Area CMP Advisory Committee met on 17 March 2021. The committee meeting minutes are published on Council's Agenda and Minutes webpage.

Page last updated: 26 Nov 2024, 01:24 PM