Conjola Improvements
The Conjola area was heavily impacted by the 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires.
Immediately after the fires, the Conjola Community Recovery Association (CCRA) began working to support the community’s recovery.
The CCRA engaged TAKT Studio for Architecture to develop a series of draft master plans for the area. These draft plans are known as the:
Community consultation was undertaken, and the draft plans were presented to Shoalhaven City Council for endorsement. Councillors chose not to adopt the plans in full. However, some components of the plans did receive broad community support.
The Conjola area was heavily impacted by the 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires.
Immediately after the fires, the Conjola Community Recovery Association (CCRA) began working to support the community’s recovery.
The CCRA engaged TAKT Studio for Architecture to develop a series of draft master plans for the area. These draft plans are known as the:
Community consultation was undertaken, and the draft plans were presented to Shoalhaven City Council for endorsement. Councillors chose not to adopt the plans in full. However, some components of the plans did receive broad community support.
So far, improvements have been made to Hoylake Grove Reserve (majority grant funded).
These include:
- playground upgrades
- new pathways
- new picnic shelter with BBQ
- landscaping.
A new boat launching facility has been developed on the shores of Lake Conjola, accessed from Havilland Street in Conjola Park (grant funded).
Check out the News Feed below to find out more about these projects and others.
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Council’s Position on the Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan
Share Council’s Position on the Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan on Facebook Share Council’s Position on the Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan on Twitter Share Council’s Position on the Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan on Linkedin Email Council’s Position on the Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan linkShoalhaven City Council would like to take this opportunity to confirm that Council has not endorsed or adopted the Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan.
Further, Council would like to clarify that TAKT Studio for Architecture are not Council’s architects and were not engaged by Council. The engagement of TAKT Studio for Architecture who Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan was wholly the responsibility of the Conjola Community Recovery Association who also funded these services.
Council’s aim throughout the Community Engagement and Consultation period, which has been run and managed by Council staff, has been to work with the residents of Conjola Park so that we understand what you do or do not want to see in the park and foreshore areas of Yooralla Bay and Hoylake Park, and the Lake Conjola area. This is why the feedback through the consultation period is important to us as it will help inform and guide any future works in your community.
During the consultation period from 3 August and 28 September 2020 (inclusive), Council saw significant engagement from interested community members with:
- 1900 Get Involved page visits.
- Over 140 surveys were received for the Draft Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and the Draft Yooralla Bay Concept Plan.
- Over 40 written submissions were received during the consultation period and after.
- Webinar was attended by 39 participants, with over 50 questions received.
Council will continue to work with the community in bushfire recovery efforts and improving the infrastructure provision in the Conjola Park and Lake Conjola areas, with a recent announcement made by the Federal Government awarding $165,000 towards pathways, BBQ and picnic facilities at Hoylakle Grove Reserve under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
More information on the community consultation will be available soon.
Webinar Recording
Share Webinar Recording on Facebook Share Webinar Recording on Twitter Share Webinar Recording on Linkedin Email Webinar Recording linkThis webinar recording includes Questions and Answers from presenters at the midpoint of the one hour webinar. The panel includes Shoalhaven City Council's Interim Director City Performance, Jane Lewis; Unit Manager Sport & Recreation, Susan Edwards and Senior Strategic Planner Jessica Volkanovski as well as Brent Dunn and Katharina Hendell from TAKT Studio for Architecture.
Free Webinar - Conjola Park
Share Free Webinar - Conjola Park on Facebook Share Free Webinar - Conjola Park on Twitter Share Free Webinar - Conjola Park on Linkedin Email Free Webinar - Conjola Park linkShoalhaven City Council is hosting a webinar for community members to contribute to the Draft Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan.
Both the Masterplan and Concept Plan are available for in the Documents Section.
To join the Conjola Park Masterplan Webinar from a mobile device or tablet, please follow these instructions:
- Download/Install the Microsoft Teams App from the App Store
- Select sign up for free
- Enter your email address and select next
- Select ‘For friends and Family (under how do you want to use teams) and click next
- Select Go to Skype and download/install Skype
- When prompted join as a guest
- Type in your name and sign in as a guest
You are now ready to watch the webinar!
To join the Conjola Park Masterplan Webinar from a computer, please follow these instructions:
- When prompted click on ‘Watch on the web instead’
- Select Join anonymously
You are now ready to watch the webinar!
Please send your questions to prior to the session.
- Wednesday, 23 September 2020 | 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Online via Microsoft Teams
Survey for Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan
Share Survey for Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan on Facebook Share Survey for Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan on Twitter Share Survey for Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan on Linkedin Email Survey for Conjola Connected Communities Masterplan and Yooralla Bay Concept Plan linkFollowing the devastating bushfires that hit Conjola Park over Summer, the community has gathered together to identify a series of improvements at Hoylake Park and Yooralla Bay for the community to enjoy.
TAKT Studio for Architecture were engaged by the Conjola Community Recovery Association to develop plans. A concept plan has been developed to implement the improvements at Hoylake Park and Yooralla Bay. The concept plan for Hoylake Park and Yooralla Bay is part of a larger plan from Fisherman’s Paradise down to Narrawallee – Conjola Connected Community Masterplan.
Both the masterplan and concept plan are available for viewing as part of this consultation.
Project Details
The Conjola Community Recovery Association engaged TAKT Studio for Architecture. Following a series of on-site discussions with various community members and Conjola Community Recovery Association, TAKT Studio for Architecture have developed a concept plan proposing upgrades to Hoylake Park and Yooralla Bay which includes shared paths, playground, adventure play, pump track, community building, jetty, pontoon, basketball half court and more.
To view the Concept Plan Report for Hoylake Park and Yooralla Bay click here.
The Conjola Connected Community Masterplan has also been developed which proposes shared pathway and trails connecting Fisherman’s Paradise through Conjola Park and Lake Conjola down to Narrawallee. Both documents should be read in conjunction with one another.
To view the Masterplan for Conjola Connected Communities click here.
Council have now stepped in to assist with the broader community consultation and exhibition of the proposed concept plan, including undertaking reporting to Council to endorse the masterplan and concept plan, undertake required investigations and facilitate the delivery of the works.
No environmental studies have been completed for the ‘concept’ stage of the proposal as we are seeking community feedback on the concept. The concept plan would be amended to avoid environmentally sensitive areas following community consultation and finalisation of the concept plan.
Community Consultation
The volunteer Conjola Recovery Team have been working with the community and architects Takt to prepare a masterplan for the broader Conjola Park and Lake Conjola area, and a specific concept plan for the Yooralla Bay (Conjola Park foreshore area).
Council are now assisting with the broader community consultation, and have prepared a survey on these draft plans to seek community feedback.
Council are interested to hear your feedback on the draft masterplan and concept plan.
Whether your feedback relates to components of the draft plans or the whole plan, all feedback is welcome and will assist Council to determine how to move forward with improvements in Conjola Park and surrounds.
To view the Concept Plan Report for Hoylake Park and Yooralla Bay click here.
To view the Revised Master Plan for Conjola Connected Communities here.
The surveys are open open until Monday 28 September 2020 and can be completed by using the 'Survey' tab on this page or by clicking here.
Community members may also wish to write into Council via with your feedback.
If you wish to discuss the plans with Council staff, please contact Jessica Volkanovski, Community and Recreation Unit on (02) 4429 3152.
Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground Installation Underway
Share Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground Installation Underway on Facebook Share Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground Installation Underway on Twitter Share Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground Installation Underway on Linkedin Email Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground Installation Underway linkCouncil are progressing with the installation of the playground at Hoylake Grove Reserve following overwhelming support for the concept provided for comment.
The community, in consultation with Council are continuing to develop a Master Plan for Conjola Park, which will consider further enhancements to open spaces in the area.
Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground
Share Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground on Facebook Share Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground on Twitter Share Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground on Linkedin Email Hoylake Grove Reserve Playground linkCouncil’s vision for the Shoalhaven is to emerge from this bushfire and its impacts in a better, stronger and more resilient position than it was prior to the bushfire emergency.
Council understands that playgrounds offer opportunities for kids and parents to collaborate and engage with each other.
Council are seeking the community's feedback on a shovel ready design for Hoylake Grove Reserve playground which was affected by bushfire at Conjola Park earlier this year.
This design is ready to be constructed and will take approximately 12 weeks (weather permitting).
To view the concept visit the Photo Gallery on this page.
Thank you for your input, the survey is now closed.
Construction is guided by the Community Infrastructure Strategic Plan 2017 ‐ 2036 when assessing the requirements of playground provisions.
If you would like to follow this project, please subscribe through 'Stay Informed' on this page.
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Life Cycle
Concept Design Open for Feedback
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage6 to 20 March 2020
Feedback Considered for Detailed Design
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage28 March 2020
Detailed Design Finalised
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage30 March 2020
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageJune 2020
Masterplan Development with Conjola Recovery Group and Council
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageMasterplan for Conjola/ Conjola Park area developed for community feedback
Consultation Open
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage3 August - 28 September 2020
4 pm to 5 pm Wednesday 23 September 2020
Consultation Reopened
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage30 October to 27 November 2020
Master Plan Quick Poll
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage11 to 27 November 2020
Meet with Council Staff
- Hoylake Park, Conjola Park - 11 November 2020, 12 pm to 2 pm
- Lake Conjola Community Hall - 18 November 2020, 12 pm to 2 pm
- Lake Conjola Community Hall - 19 November 2020, 3 pm to 6 pm
Council Resolution
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage9 February 2021
Advocate for Grant Funding
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageOngoing
Improvement Works Underway
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageFrom July 2021
Community Consultation - Recovery Fund Priorities
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage25 February to 26 March 2023
Feedback Under Consideration - Recovery Fund Priorities
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageFrom April 2023
Community Consultation - Jetty Replacement and Kayak Facility – Yooralla Bay
Conjola Improvements has finished this stage17 April to 15 May 2023
Feedback Under Consideration - Jetty Replacement and Kayak Facility – Yooralla Bay
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageFrom May 2023
Stage 1 Complete – Jetty Replacement
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageApril 2024
Shared User Pathway – Concept Design & Cost Estimate
Conjola Improvements has finished this stageApril 2024
Basketball Court – Concept Design & Cost Estimate
Conjola Improvements is currently at this stageMay 2024
Shared User Pathway – Engagement Activity
this is an upcoming stage for Conjola ImprovementsTBC 2024
Stage 1 Concept Plan – Jetty Replacement and Kayak Facility – Yooralla Bay, Conjola Park
Stage 2 Concept Plan – Jetty Replacement and Kayak Facility – Yooralla Bay, Conjola Park
Concept Plan Report - Hoylake Reserve and Yooralla Bay Conjola Park
Revised Masterplan for Conjola Connected Communities
Conjola - Hoylake Grove - Pathway network plan.pdf (372 KB) (pdf)
Questions & Answers
- What is Council doing about maintaining water supply to the area in the event of another bushfire?
Masterplan Questions
- What are the next steps after consultation?
- What is the anticipated timing?
- Who would be funding the development?
- What environmental studies have been completed?
- How was the Skate Park location chosen?
- Could sculptors who live in the community be commissioned to contribute to the memorial?
- How was consultation with the community, as part of the preparation of both the masterplans, undertaken?
- Has there been other considerations for a community building location?
- Was the community building inspired by a similar community building?
- Who and how will the site be maintained and kept clean and garbage disposed?
- Has there been a noise assessment regarding increased noise to residents on the foreshore?
- Has there been any collaboration with Aboriginal communities? Will there be a recognition of Aboriginal culture through the project?
- Would additional car parking be required?
- What about an alternate cycle path along the road? This would connect Lake Conjola and Conjola Park and be less intrusive to visitors. It could also connect to Narrawallee Creek Reserve.
- Have the impacts of the community building been assessed?
- Is there a commercial interest in the community building? Will this be operated by Council or a private interest?
- Are BBQ facilities still able to be used with COVID restrictions? And how many BBQ facilities, if any, are planned?
- Why not create a memorial that is more discreet?
- Have the safety aspects of the Memorial in the water been considered?
- Does anyone know anything about the proposed deep water boat ramp that had been talked about for some time coming off Havilland Street? Does this masterplan take that into account or hinder that?
- Would Council be prepared to support a local effort to plan for the needs of Fishermans Paradise given that the current plan rightly focuses on the needs of Conjola Park but will not assist us?
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