Shoalhaven City Council and the Conjola Community Association (CCA) would like to thank everyone who participated in the Conjola Improvements survey. The purpose of the survey was for you to tell us how the money donated to the Conjola Community Recovery Association (CCRA) in the aftermath of the Black Summer bushfires should be used.
174 people completed the survey. This is a great result!
The survey was structured in two parts. Firstly, to allow you to tell us if you support the list of 9 Priority Projects and to identify the community’s top priorities from that list. Secondly, the survey included an additional question about an idea to establish a shared pathway connecting Conjola Park and Lake Conjola.
The majority of people who completed the survey were from the Conjola area. 44% were from Conjola Park and 18% were from Lake Conjola.
We asked you to tell us if you support use of the donated funds on the 9 Priority Projects. 59% of respondents support this approach.
We then asked you to tell us which projects should be progressed by selecting from the list of 9 Priority Projects.
The top three results are:
1. Accessible toilet (65%)
2. New pathway from Yooralla Bay Boat Ramp (Valley Drive to Cottee Close, via Hoylake Grove Reserve) (55%)
3. Additional picnic shelter with seating (41%).
The remaining six projects are:
4. Halfcourt basketball court (24%)
5. Additional play equipment (24%)
6. Memorial garden (22%)
7. Water bubbler and interpretive signage (19%)
8. Exercise equipment (13%)
9. Mural to pumping station (4%).
The list was generated based on previous consultation undertaken in relation to the community-led master plan that was developed in 2020/21.
There is majority support for use of the donated funds on the list of 9 Priority Projects. The community’s top priorities are the accessible toilet, a new pathway at Hoylake Grove Reserve, and additional shelter at Hoylake Grove Reserve.
Results also indicate it is clear the community would ALSO like to see the donated funds spent on other initiatives, such as:
- A shared pathway from Fisherman’s Paradise, through Conjola Park, to Lake Conjola (31%) and;
- Alternative bushfire recovery-related initiatives in the Conjola Area (5%).
Additional Question
We asked you to tell us if you support the idea to establish the shared pathway between Conjola Park and Lake Conjola. 88% said they support the idea to establish a shared pathway from Conjola Park to Lake Conjola.
Several people also told us they would like to see this pathway continued to Fishermans Paradise.
Next Steps
Council is working with the Conjola Community Association (CCA) and the Interim Executive of the Conjola Community Recovery Association (CCRA) to develop a final proposal for the use of the donated funds that takes into consideration:
- The original intent of the donors
- The survey results
- Recently completed or planned Council projects.
We will keep you informed by posting further updates to this web page.