What is Council doing about maintaining water supply to the area in the event of another bushfire?

    Shoalhaven Water have undertaken (or are in the process of undertaking) the following to improve resilience of our water supply to the Conjola area.

    • Increased water pressure to the properties at higher elevation (primarily Lake Conjola Entrance Rd near the Highway).
    • Installed a deluge system to the critical Conjola water pumping station.
    • Installation of a generator at the critical Conjola water pumping station.
    • Improvements to the Fishermans Paradise telecommunication tower (longer battery back-up, generator installed with large fuel cell).
    • Maintenance of asset protection zones around critical infrastructure.

    It should be noted that Shoalhaven Water cannot guarantee continuous water supply during disaster events as we still rely on access to our infrastructure and power supply to treat and transport water throughout the City.  Residents should be mindful of this when preparing their bushfire risk management plans.

Masterplan Questions

    What are the next steps after consultation?

    Comments and input will be collated and reported to Council for Council to resolve how to proceed. Consultation commenced on 3 August and concluded on 28 September. Council has direct mailed Conjola Park landowners and written to community groups and promoted consultation via social media and Council’s Get Involved webpage. We have received numerous comments and will continue to provide updates on the project.

    What is the anticipated timing?

    Timing will depend on finalising plans that are endorsed by the community and Council, as well as the completion of necessary studies / investigations. Every component of the plans will also have different timeframes with some aspects able to be delivered sooner than others.  Funding is also a critical component affecting the anticipated timing. Steps have already been taken to seek funding for the project.

    Who would be funding the development?

    Council will be investigating funding through budget allocations, as well as seeking funding from a range of grants available for bushfire affected areas and more recently with COVID. The plan is a series of modules and we anticipate some seed funding should be available when the elements have been decided upon and the various studies completed. This should enable work to begin on the first module depending on what the community wants and identifies as its priorities.

    What environmental studies have been completed?

    Some preliminary review of flooding has been undertaken and will continue as the plans are determined. As part of the design process, we will undertake a Review of Environmental Factors and review flora and fauna, bushfire, flood and Aboriginal heritage aspects, as well as any other matters which may need investigating.

    How was the Skate Park location chosen?

    The skate park is identified in 'Module G' (page 18 /19 of the Conjola Connected Community Masterplan) which is Lake Conjola area by the Community Hall. This location was identified as it was an exciting hub of activity, being close to current facilities such as the tennis court and the community hall.

    Could sculptors who live in the community be commissioned to contribute to the memorial?

    Yes, we hope that local community members will be able to contribute in a meaningful way to the project.

    How was consultation with the community, as part of the preparation of both the masterplans, undertaken?

    This plan was commissioned by the Conjola Community Recovery Association. The initial community consultation was coordinated with them, and some consultation has taken place during site walkovers with the architects discussing the project with community members in preliminary stages. This consultation is now continuing through the current Council led consultation where we are consulting with the broader community to ensure that community members who were not involved in the plan’s inception, have the opportunity to provide feedback and have their say.

    Has there been other considerations for a community building location?

    Originally the community building was being considered on the flatter area near the playground, however solar access was limited, and to offer any visual access to the lake would require removal of She-Oaks which was not ideal. The location further south was also was identified with Council and Waterways and Environment staff. The proposed location is an area that requires the most amount of rehabilitation. It is also an accessible meeting point for potential emergency evacuation via the lake. It is also located below a steep hill which is expected to have less impact visually on adjacent residences.

    Was the community building inspired by a similar community building?

    No, although there is a building in Lake Macquarie on the foreshore which provides a similar approach in terms of scale and modesty. The design aims to be of a vernacular nature that fits within the environment.

    Who and how will the site be maintained and kept clean and garbage disposed?

    Council will continue to undertake this responsibility through regular waste disposal.  Council agrees this matter is important in maintaining the reserve and the health of the lake and will take all comments into consideration.

    Has there been a noise assessment regarding increased noise to residents on the foreshore?

    As this is a concept plan for consultation, the assessment of any impacts will take place after the community has been consulted and once there are adopted plans. All impacts will be assessed and reviewed, and all comments received during the consultation period will be taken into consideration.

    Has there been any collaboration with Aboriginal communities? Will there be a recognition of Aboriginal culture through the project?

    Our intention is that further consultation with the local Aboriginal community will be an important part of the process. The consultants have reached out to the Land Council and to other members of the local indigenous community. We may be able to include some Aboriginal artists in creating the memorial or other components of the plans.

    Would additional car parking be required?

    Depending on final plans, parking may be necessary, although it is anticipated much of the development will benefit locals.

    What about an alternate cycle path along the road? This would connect Lake Conjola and Conjola Park and be less intrusive to visitors. It could also connect to Narrawallee Creek Reserve.

    Alternate cycleway and footpath suggestions and options will be considered.  We will review all of the submissions at the close of the consultation period to see if others are identified.  

    Have the impacts of the community building been assessed?

    The proposed community building is intended to be a community shelter with BBQs and some storage facilities. As this is a concept plan for consultation, the assessment of any impacts will take place after the community has been consulted and once there are adopted plans. In designing the building, preliminary consultation has begun with relevant experts. The proposed community building location has moved from further south following on site discussions to reduce potential impact on adjoining residential land. There will be more consultation in relation to this component, and we are open to suggestions and look forward to engaging further with the community.

    Is there a commercial interest in the community building? Will this be operated by Council or a private interest?

    The intention is not to run a commercial operation. The proposal is to provide a community kitchenette for community use. If the community would like something more substantial that would be considered.

    Are BBQ facilities still able to be used with COVID restrictions? And how many BBQ facilities, if any, are planned?

    Council operated BBQs and parks are currently open, all community members and visitors are encouraged to check with NSW Health as to current COVID health restrictions and please observe social distancing. The proposed concept of the community building includes two BBQs.

    Why not create a memorial that is more discreet?

    Community feedback will be taken into consideration before a decision is made in relation to the memorial.

    Have the safety aspects of the Memorial in the water been considered?

    Transport for NSW has been consulted in regards to the proposed location of the memorial to ensure that it avoids channels or navigation areas. Lighting would need to be a component of the design.

    Does anyone know anything about the proposed deep water boat ramp that had been talked about for some time coming off Havilland Street? Does this masterplan take that into account or hinder that?

    Council is delivering this project as a result of grant funding from Transport for NSW Government Boating Now Program and from Council funding. The project is due for completion in July 2021.  This masterplan does not prevent that project from being delivered. More information on this project can be found via the link:


    Would Council be prepared to support a local effort to plan for the needs of Fishermans Paradise given that the current plan rightly focuses on the needs of Conjola Park but will not assist us?

    Council consider community driven plans regularly. Contact can be made with Council’s Community and Recreation Unit on 4429 3111 who will be able to assist.