General Questions

    Who is involved in the Halloran Trust Lands Planning Proposal?

    Council is the responsible planning authority for the Halloran Trust Lands PP. We are responsible for managing the planning proposal. Council also has a significant role in the decision making for the proposal subject to state government oversight. 

    Allen Price & Scarratts are a consulting company who represent the owner of the land. They are referred to as the "proponent".

    The NSW Government has an oversight role in the planning proposal. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment has issued a Gateway Determination for the proposal. This document is available in the document library on this page. The determination establishes the requirements on Council for the proposal.

    This proposal has a project control group (PCG) which is made up of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Council. Other government agencies are able to participate on PCG on an as needs basis. The purpose of the PCG is to support the coordination of government stakeholders, provide strategic direction and leadership and to provide guidance on the planning proposal process.

    The community has a role in the proposal. The proposal will be publically exhibited once the required studies, revised planning proposal document and masterplan have been prepared. Anyone will be able to make a submission. These submissions are an important component of the planning proposal process and are considered by Council and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment in any decision that is made.

Separation of the proposal into two proposals

    I am interested in all of the Halloran PP. Will I still be able to comment on all of it?

    Yes. The public exhibition process is open to anyone to make a submission. Anyone will be able to comment on any part of the proposal. It will mean that you will need to make a submission on each proposal (potentially years apart). The benefit will be that each submission will be able to be more focussed on the particular matters that relate to each site

    Should I sign up for this page if I signed up for the Halloran PP page before it was split?

    If you are interested in both parts of the original Halloran Trust Lands PP

    No. Signing up for the original Halloran PP page will ensure you get updates for both PPs. You do not need to also sign up for this page.

    If you are only interested in the Culburra Beach part of the PP

    Yes. If you don't want to get updates about Callala Bay and Kinghorne Point you should unsubscribe from the original Halloran PP page and sign up for this one. 

    Why did Council split the proposal?

    Reduce Delays for Callala Bay and Kinghorne Point

    There is a complex water quality investigation being undertaken for the Culburra Beach site. This investigation is required to ensure that Lake Wollumboola is protected. This investigation will take a little over 2 years to complete. The investigation does not relate to Kinghorne Point and Callala Bay. Separating these sites will allow them to progress without having to wait the two years for this investigation.

    Improve Community Consultation

    The change will mean that there will be separate community consultation for Callala Bay and Culburra Beach. This means that both communities will get an equal voice in their part of the proposal. There is a risk that if the proposal remains consolidated that one community may be overshadowed by the other in the engagement process. There is also the potential for confusion as local communities try to sort through what information is and is not relevant to them. Splitting the proposal will also prevent any perception that one community or village is being disadvantaged to benefit the other.

    Will the splitting of the proposal lose the original intent to masterplan the sites together?

    Master planning is used in the planning proposal process to address any number of issues on a broad scale an early in the process. In the case of the Halloran Trust Lands proposal the master planning issues to be resolved across all 3 sites were:

    • The identification and conservation of environmentally significant land
    • The possible dedication of that land to National Parks and Wildlife
    There were no other issues to be resolved at this highest level because there is no shared infrastructure between the sites and the two villages involved have different landscape characters.

    The identification and conservation of environmentally significant land is to be achieved through a biodiversity certification process. This will involve an application to NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. This application will cover all three sites in the one application. It is not proposed to split this application if the planning proposal is split. This will mean that the environmental conservation outcomes will still be determined at this high level.

    It is anticipated that the negotiations regarding the dedication of the land to National Parks and Wildlife will also occur at across all three sites after both planning proposals are finalized.

    Is Council trying to alter the outcome for the land by splitting the proposal?

    No. The outcomes for the land will be determined based on the relevant planning strategies and the specific constraints and opportunities of each site. Whether or not the proposal is separated into two the final outcome on the site should be exactly the same. The only difference is the timing and the ease with which members of the communities will be able to contribute to the process

    Kinghorne Point is closer to Culburra Beach than Callala Bay. Why is it part of the Callala Bay proposal?

    The proposal being biodiversity certified by the NSW Government. This is the best practice for environmental protection in a planning proposal. The certification system is based on generating credits in areas that will be protected. These credits can then be “retired” or spent to allow development elsewhere. While the entire site will be biodiversity certified at the same time, the credits are only produced when the land for conservation is actually rezoned. The Callala Bay site uses the credits from Kinghorne Point. The Kinghorne Point site needs to be rezoned at the same time as Callala Bay otherwise the credits won’t be generated in time to allow Callala Bay to be developed.

Groundwater Investigation

    Why has the rezoning at Culburra Beach been delayed?

    There is a complex water quality investigation being undertaken for the Culburra Beach site. This investigation is required to ensure that Lake Wollumboola is protected. This investigation will take a little over 2 years to complete. This is a requirement of the NSW Government and reflects the longstanding policy of all levels of government in relation to this important environment.