Additional Council Resolution - Amenities Re-named

At the 29 June 2021 Ordinary Meeting Council also resolved to:
1. Name the amenities/change facilities at Francis Ryan reserve, when renovated and extended, ‘The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion’.
2. Select a place within the soon to be constructed Sanctuary Point Library (foyer, reading room/meeting space) ‘Bob’s Place’.
3. Place an appropriate plaque or sign at both locations acknowledging Bob Proudfoot’s contribution to the vision, location, design and delivery of the pavilion and library in Sanctuary Point.
The building will now be referred to as ‘The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion’ to recognise the contribution Councillor Proudfoot has made to the location, design and delivery of the Pavilion.
The minutes for the 29 June 2021 Ordinary Meeting can be viewed on Council's Agendas and Minutes web page.