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The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion project has been placed on pause, in accordance with MIN24.142 (25/03/2024), until Council’s financial position improves.
For more information about the work we are doing to improve our financial sustainability, please visit our Financial Sustainability Program webpage.
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The architect engaged on this project is developing the final design. Once the detailed design has been completed tenders will be requested for the construction of the building.
Construction of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion, at Francis Ryan Reserve, is expected to be completed in mid-2024.
The design is for a new single-story blockwork amenities facility and the scope of works for the proposed building includes:
- Demolition of existing amenities/sports pavilion
- Construction of new pavilion including food kiosk, outdoor covered area, two separate change rooms, fitness/conditioning space, storage rooms, referee facilities and public amenities
- An electronic scoreboard
- Space for a mural (future design).
The following facilities will be included in the amenities building:
- Four player change and bathroom areas
- Public toilets
- Kiosk
- Umpires
- Storage
- Unisex access toilets
- Gym.
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The architect engaged on this project is developing the final design. Once the detailed design has been completed tenders will be requested for the construction of the building in February 2023.
Construction of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion, at Francis Ryan Reserve, is expected to be completed in March 2024.

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At the Ordinary meeting on 26 October, Council resolved the following in relation to the concept design of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion (MIN21.782):
That Council;
1. Receive this report as a summary of the public exhibition for the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion, Sanctuary Point.
2. Endorse the design of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion, in accordance with the publicly exhibited concept design (Design Iteration 3 with amendment to the gym space increase to 5.7m).
3. Proceed to construction ready detailed designs for the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion and subsequent request for tender for the construction of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion.
4. Re-prioritise capital projects identified in the 2022/2023 DPOP and 10-Year Delivery Plan to address the budget shortfall to construct the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion if the funding application under the NSW State Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 4 is unsuccessful.
5. A further report be brought to Council at the conclusion of the public request for tender process for the construction and delivery of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion.
Council staff will now amend the size of the gym space, and progress to detailed design and construction of the Bob Proudfoot Pavilion at Francis Ryan Reserve, Sanctuary Point.
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Thankyou for your input. The feedback period has now closed.
The Concept design of The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion is currently on public exhibition until Wednesday 8 September 2021. The public exhibition provides the community an opportunity to comment on the concept design of the building located at Francis Ryan Reserve, Sanctuary Point.
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At the 29 June 2021 Ordinary Meeting Council also resolved to:
1. Name the amenities/change facilities at Francis Ryan reserve, when renovated and extended, ‘The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion’.
2. Select a place within the soon to be constructed Sanctuary Point Library (foyer, reading room/meeting space) ‘Bob’s Place’.
3. Place an appropriate plaque or sign at both locations acknowledging Bob Proudfoot’s contribution to the vision, location, design and delivery of the pavilion and library in Sanctuary Point.
The building will now be referred to as ‘The Bob Proudfoot Pavilion’ to recognise the contribution Councillor Proudfoot has made to the location, design and delivery of the Pavilion.
The minutes for the 29 June 2021 Ordinary Meeting can be viewed on Council's Agendas and Minutes web page.
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At the 29 June 2021 Ordinary Meeting Council resolved to:
1. Proceed to public exhibition with Concept Design Iteration 3 of the Francis Ryan Amenities Building; and
a. If no significant feedback is received as part of the exhibition, the concept design of the Francis Ryan Amenities Building be finalised and deemed adopted; or
b. If significant adverse feedback is received, update the concept design of the Francis Ryan Amenities building and report the outcomes of the public exhibition period to Council prior to adoption.
2. At the completion of Part 1 (above) proceed to construction ready detailed designs for the Francis Ryan Amenities Building, as per Design Iteration 3.
3. Advocate for additional funding to deliver the Francis Ryan Amenities Building, as per Design Iteration 3 through actively seeking funding through grant programs.
4. Receive a further report on the appointment of the building contractor once the Request for Tender process has been undertaken.
Council staff will now prepare to exhibit the amenities draft design for public comment. It is expected that it will be placed on exhibition in August 2021. The design will be on exhibition for 28 days.
The minutes for the 29 June 2021 Ordinary Meeting can be viewed on Council's Agendas and Minutes web page.