Far North Collector Road Network

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The Far North Collector Road will link Illaroo Road (near the western end of West Cambewarra Road, Bangalee) to Moss Vale Road (at Bells Lane) in Cambewarra. The project commenced with preliminary stages investigating initial land acquisitions, project development, survey and design.


The Far North Collector Road Network project is an integral component of the strategic overarching “Preferred Road Network” adopted with the Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan. This plan provides a planning framework for the growth of Nowra-Bomaderry.

The plan’s concept was developed in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. It’s was adopted by

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The Far North Collector Road will link Illaroo Road (near the western end of West Cambewarra Road, Bangalee) to Moss Vale Road (at Bells Lane) in Cambewarra. The project commenced with preliminary stages investigating initial land acquisitions, project development, survey and design.


The Far North Collector Road Network project is an integral component of the strategic overarching “Preferred Road Network” adopted with the Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan. This plan provides a planning framework for the growth of Nowra-Bomaderry.

The plan’s concept was developed in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. It’s was adopted by Shoalhaven City Council on 24 October 2006 and ultimately endorsed by the NSW Government on the 25 February 2008.

For further information on the Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan, you can view the Map 2008 (PDF 2MB), Strategic Direction (PDF 18MB) and Background Document (PDF 17MB).

The Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan strategy identified a suite of new roads and road upgrades required to accommodate the growth envisaged under the plan to a reasonable level of service. These and other roads are outlined in the Nowra Key Roads Document Strategic Overview (PDF 2.1MB).

Project Objectives

As an integral component of the adopted Nowra Bomaderry Structure Plan, the Far North Collector Road Network project will:

  • Assist to reduce traffic volumes on Illaroo Road (currently the only access into/out of North Nowra) and alleviate traffic congestion near the Shoalhaven River Bridge crossing
  • Allow new growth from the Moss Vale Road (South) Urban Release Area to access North Nowra directly (mitigating the impacts of the Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area’s on the State Road network) i.e. without the Far North Collector Road Network the full impacts of the Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area’s would be absorbed by the State Road network (Moss Vale Road and the Princes Highway)
  • Alleviate local access problems during construction of the Moss Vale Road (South) Urban Release Area.

Further information on the Moss Vale Road Urban Release Areas can be found on the Planning for Growth Nowra-Bomaderry project page.

Given the issues Council has faced to date preventing the construction of the North Nowra-Bomaderry Link Road (NNLR), the Far North Collector Road Network provides an important first stage solution for North Nowra traffic whilst the other key links are still being explored.

The Far North Collector Road Network offers Council and the community a first step solution to the traffic congestion on Illaroo Road ahead of the North Nowra-Bomaderry link road (albeit with marginal relief compared to what was proposed to be achieved with the link road). Also importantly, the Far North Collector Road Network will facilitate urban release development approvals in the Moss Vale Road development precinct.

Expected Benefits

In addition to addressing the above project objectives, the Far North Collector Road Network is expected to:

  • Improved local road capacity
  • Minimise vehicle kilometres travelled and vehicle minutes travelled on the broader road network, providing travel time and vehicle operating cost savings and reduced emissions pollution (minimising environmental impacts)
  • Benefit emergency response times with improved traffic conditions and second access to North Nowra
  • Provide social benefits via improved traffic conditions and second access to North Nowra
  • Reduce crashes along Illaroo Road by reducing traffic volumes (a proportion of traffic, approximately 15-20%, will shift from Illaroo Road to the Far North Collector Road Network)
  • Reduce traffic noise and improve amenity along Illaroo Road by reducing traffic volumes
  • Facilitate access to the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area resolving local land/housing pressure and creating jobs
  • Alleviate local access problems associated with construction of the Moss Vale Road South Urban Release Area (minimising the impact of the sub-division development on existing residents by the construction of an upgraded access via Taylors Lane) in turn improving conditions on the State Road network (Moss Vale Road and the Princes Highway)
  • Increase employment opportunities - as over the life of the Far North Collector Road Network project as it is estimated that the design/construction of the Network is likely to generate an estimated 50 jobs.

The Far North Collector Road Network is expected to be complete by mid-2023, however, Council is endeavouring to complete the works earlier if possible.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Tell us your suggested name for Far North Collector Road and the reason for your submission below.  

    When choosing a name please consider a relationship to the local area e.g. flora and fauna, Aboriginal, historical significance is desired but not obligatory.

    Please also, read Council's Road and Place Names Guidelines if you want your suggestion to count.   

    A shortlist of five entries will be created with the winning name determined by the Mayor and the Councillors.

    The final submission will be sent to the Geographical Names Board; the final determining body for the naming of roads.

    Please send your entry through by 5pm Sunday, 16 October 2022.

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Page last updated: 11 Sep 2023, 03:39 PM