Project Update - February 2022

At Shoalhaven City Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 21 February 2022, Council resolved to accept the tender from Cleary Bros (Bombo) Pty Ltd to construct stages 2 and 3 of the Far North Collector Road project.
Stage 1 was completed in March 2021 and delivered a new roundabout at the intersection of Illaroo Road and West Cambewarra Road.
Stage 2 is the intersection between the new Far North Collector Road and Moss Vale Road.
Stage 3 is the 1.7km link that connects Illaroo Road and Moss Vale Road with a connection to Taylors Lane.
Stage 4 is the upgrade of Taylors Lane (preferred alignment still under review).
Planning and preparatory works will commence straight away, with the main construction works, for Stage 2 and 3, planned to commence from late-March.
Residents can expect increased truck movements in the area, as machines, equipment and supplies are brought to site. Further details regarding the site operations will be provided to nearby local residents over the coming weeks.
The project remains on schedule to be completed by the second half of 2023.
The $32.8M Far North Collector Road project is 100 percent funded by the Australian Government.