Project Update

At Shoalhaven City Council's November Ordinary meeting, it was resolved to not accept any of the tenders received for the Far North Collector Road project and proceed to re-tender the contract for the construction of the important link road.
Council accepted the recommendation to decline the tenders as the submissions did not meet all of the requirements of Council’s funding agreement with the Australian Government.
Council had previously extended the tender period by a month due to COVID impacts that included strict movement restrictions which prevented most contractors from being able to visit the site.
The roadworks will be retendered in November to accept tenders before the end of the year with a recommendation to be presented to the new Council for consideration in February 2022.
The project is still forecast to be completed in the second half of 2023, with Council continuing to make progress on site via preparatory earthworks being undertaken by Menai Civil Contractors. Construction of the wastewater infrastructure works will also continue so that the infrastructure is ready to connect the first stages of the Moss Vale Road Urban Release areas.
Based on the interest received during the recent tender process, Council remains confident that the project will be delivered on time and on budget.
The Far North Collector Road project is 100 per cent funded by the Australian Government.