Narrawallee Beach Off-leash Area Resolution
Over the last 12-months, Council trialled Narrawallee Beach's Off-leash Dog Area with extended operating hours during the warmer months and an on-leash access from Surfers Avenue. The report on the outcomes of the trial was presented to Shoalhaven City Council’s Strategy and Assets 9 February meeting. Council resolved at the meeting to;
1. Accept the summary of the community feedback and outcome of the amended Dog Off-leash area 12-month trial on Narrawallee Beach for information.
2. Adopt the trial provisions, with the following amendments:
a. Amend the dates from:
i. 1 October to 30 April to Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time, being 4pm–8am, and
ii. 1 May to 30 September to Australian Eastern Standard Time, being 3pm–10am.
b. Move the southern boundary of the off-leash area to immediately south of the most southern Narrawallee Inlet Reserve entrance and prohibit access to the dog off-leash area on the southern part of Narrawallee Beach, including Victor Avenue stairs.
c. Remove the 10m wide access way from Surfers Avenue.
3. Erect new signs at the various access points at Narrawallee Beach in accordance with the endorsed direction.
4. As part of the Review of the Access Areas for Dogs Policy, subject to community consultation, amend the dates of other Shoalhaven timed off-leash areas to be consistent with Part 2 (a) (i). (Minutes available on the Agendas and Minutes web page)
New signs in relation to the off-leash area will now be prepared in accordance with the resolution, and erected at Narrawallee Beach.