What is the Community Engagement Strategy and Framework?

    The Community Engagement Strategy and Framework helps guide how Council consults with the community about all projects and initiatives happening across the Shoalhaven. It also identifies stakeholder roles and responsibilities and determines when, how and with whom we engage.  

    What is the purpose of the Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP)?

    The CPP outlines how Council will engage with the community on matters relating specifically to land use planning and developmentincluding plan-making and strategic planning, and development applications  

    The CPP also explains how we report and inform our communities about land use planning and development decisions.  

    When does the Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) apply?

    The CPP applies to the Shoalhaven Local Government Area and planning functions under the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act 1979. It applies specifically to: 

    • Plan-making and strategic planning, including the preparation of Local Strategic Planning Statements, amendments to the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan, Contributions Plans for local infrastructure and other technical studies, strategies, and policies.  

    • Development applications. 

    When doesn’t the Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) apply?

    The CPP does not apply to functions of Council that are not related to land use planning and development mattersEngagement on other activities, initiatives and projects undertaken by Council are addressed by the Community Engagement Strategy and Framework within Council’s Community Engagement Strategy 2025-2029.   

    This CPP also does not apply to planning and development matters where Council is not the determining authority (for example, State Significant Development). In this instance, the relevant authority’s CPP applies.  

    What does the Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) mean for me?

    The CPP provides certainty about how and when Council will engage with community and stakeholders about land use planning and development.  

    The CPP consolidates Council’s legal obligations and commitments about planning and development matters into a single document, making it easier for the community and developers to see how and when Council will engage in relation to strategic planning matters and development applications (DAs).  

    The CPP also clarifies when community engagement is not required. This provides certainty for landowners and applicants seeking to undertake minor development works that meet prescribed criteria (for example, carports, internal alterations, and the like).

    How does the Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) relate to Council’s broader Community Engagement Strategy and Framework?

    The CPP applies the principles and approach of Council’s broader Community Engagement Strategy (CES) and Framework, which was publicly exhibited during November-December 2024 and January 2025.  

    Once finalised, the CPP will form part of, and be included within, Council’s broader CES and Framework, which is expected to be finalised early 2025.  

    Why is the Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP) being exhibited separately to the broader Community Engagement Strategy?

    The legal requirements for Councils to prepare both a CPP and Community Engagement Strategy (CES) sit within two different pieces of legislation, being the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act 1979 (Click here to view this documentand the Local Government Act 1993 (Click here to view this document), respectively.  

    In accordance with NSW Government Guidelines (Click here to view this document), the CES is required to be reviewed within three months of the local government electionswhich occurred in September 2024. However, there is no mandated review period for the CPP, and it was not possible to align the exhibition of both documents within the mandated timeframe for the review of the CES.  

    Why has Council prepared an updated Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP)?

    In addition to preparing CPPs, the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act also requires Councils to review and amend their CPPperiodically to ensure compliance with contemporary legislation. On finalisation, the draft CPP will replace Council’s existing CPP (Click here to view this document), which was adopted by Council in 2019. 

    The current review provides the opportunity to incorporate the CPP into Council’s broader Community Engagement Strategy (CES) and Framework, rather than having it sit as a standalone document. This will reinforce Council’s community engagement principlesreduce duplication across documentsand provide greater clarity for the community on Council’s commitments to community engagement.  

    The draft CPP will also simplify Council’s related policy framework by incorporating the relevant requirements from Council’s existing Community Consultation Policy for Development Applications (including Subdivision) (Click here to view this document). This policy is intended to be rescinded on finalisation of the CPP.  

    Are there anticipated changes to the draft Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP)?

    It is anticipated that there will be some minor adjustments to the final CPP to respond to issues raised in the community submissions, and to provide clarification on minor matters raised by the elected Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 21 January 2025 (Click here to view the livestream of the Council meeting.) to assist with the interpretation of the document.  

    Council has resolved to include in the final document some clarification around the notification and exhibition requirements for Regional Development Applications (DAs(currently on page 24)Specifically, the final document will include an example of how or when the status of a Regional DA may change during the assessment process. In this regard: 

    • Regional DAs are developments that are larger in investment value, scale, and/or complexity. They are assessed by Council but determined by a Regional Planning Panel (RPP). 

    • There are a number of thresholds that determine whether a development will be determined by Council or the RPP (Click here to view this document). 

    • If, during the assessment of a Regional DAthe application is amended to such an extent that it falls below the “threshold,” it will then be determined by Council rather than the RPP.  

    Can Council extend the timeframes for notification and exhibition outlined in the Community Participation Plan for Planning and Development Matters (CPP)?

    Yes. Council does have the ability to extend the notification and exhibition timeframes outlined in the CPPHowever, it should be noted that Council also has legislated timeframes that it is required to meet for assessment and determination of planning and development matters, which may be impacted if notification and exhibition timeframes are extended.