Have Your Say – Clyde River Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Plan
The Draft Clyde River Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMSP) is now on public exhibition until 24 February 2025.
The study area is a 50km reach of the Clyde River from upstream of the Yadboro River confluence through the localities of Yadboro, Mogood, Morton, Brooman and Currowan to the southern boundary of the Shoalhaven local government area at the confluence with the Currowan River.
The aim of the upcoming public exhibition and community consultation phase is for Council to seek feedback from the community via an online survey regarding the Draft Clyde River Flood Study and FRMSP so that these comments can be considered prior to finalisation of the study. Importantly, community feedback will be considered when finalising the Clyde River Floodplain Risk Management Plan which will outline adopted flood risk management strategies into the future.
The following documents can be viewed in the Document Library on this webpage:
- A video presentation that discusses the study development and key outcomes.
- A short summary report that outlines the study development and key outcomes.
- Draft Clyde River Flood Study, Floodplain Risk Management Study, Floodplain Risk Management Plan, and Map Compendium.
- NSW State Emergency Service (SES) Rural Properties FloodSafe brochure which provides useful information on what to do when flooding is likely, how to stay informed during a flood event, flood evacuation information and contact details for emergency services.
A community drop-in session will be held from 3pm to 6:30pm on Wednesday 12 February at the Ulladulla Civic Centre where the community can meet Council staff, local SES volunteers and consultants working on this project. There are no scheduled presentations, so the community can simply call in at a time that suits them to ask questions and provide feedback.
Alternatively, should you have any questions on the draft study, or would like to provide further feedback via email, please contact the Floodplain Management Unit floodplain.management@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au, or call Council on 1300 293 111
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